вторник, 1 сентября 2020 г.

RSSMix.com Mix ID 11530258

RSSMix.com Mix ID 11530258

texture - Collocations dictionary


noun ADJECTIVE ▫ dense, firm, thick ▫ delicate, fine, light, soft ▫ Sponge cakes have a light texture.

mkusanyiko - Swahili-english dictionary


[Swahili Word] mkusanyiko [Swahili Plural] mikusanyiko [English Word] accumulation [English Plural] accumulations [Part of Speech] noun [Class] 3/4 [Derived ...

Suggestion for inspiration for a CSA unit model, the US Coastal Artillery.


Vertical of power


While the notion of a "vertical of power" (vertikal' vlasti) within the Russian state dates to 1993, when Boris Yeltsin used it to describe an attempt to streamline ...

mkusanyiko - Swahili-english dictionary


[Swahili Word] mkusanyiko [Swahili Plural] mikusanyiko [English Word] accumulation [English Plural] accumulations [Part of Speech] noun [Class] 3/4 [Derived ...

abundant - Collocations dictionary


adj. Abundant is used with these nouns: ↑crop, ↑evidence, ↑harvest, ↑mineral, ↑rainfall, ↑remains, ↑resource, ↑supply, ↑wildlife.

dream vision - Encyclopedia of medieval literature


(dream allegory) The dream vision was a favorite genre of medieval narrative poetry, in which a narrator falls asleep and dreams what becomes the main body ...

Suggestion for inspiration for a CSA unit model, the US Coastal Artillery.


UZT - Abbreviations dictionary


Look at other dictionaries: uzt — interj. J kartojant nusakomas nevikrus svyruojantis ėjimas … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language. ūžt — interj. DŽ, NdŽ, FrnW ...

Suggestion for inspiration for a CSA unit model, the US Coastal Artillery.


Rafe - Surnames reference


Recorded in many forms including Ralph, Ralphs, Ralfe, Rafe, Raff, Ralls, Rave, Rawle, and Rawles (English), Raoul, Raoult, Rault, and Raoux (French), ...

quadrantal points - Aviation dictionary


The directions northeast (045°), southeast (135°), northwest (225°), and southwest (315°). Also called intercardinal points.

mkusanyiko - Swahili-english dictionary


[Swahili Word] mkusanyiko [Swahili Plural] mikusanyiko [English Word] accumulation [English Plural] accumulations [Part of Speech] noun [Class] 3/4 [Derived ...

shellacked - English contemporary dictionary


shel·lac || ʃə læk n. lac that has been purified and processed into thin sheets or flakes; varnish made from processed lac dissolved in alcohol (also ...

compressor pressure ratio - Aviation dictionary


The ratio of the compressor discharged pressure to the compressor inlet pressure. Also called a compression ratio.

mkusanyiko - Swahili-english dictionary


[Swahili Word] mkusanyiko [Swahili Plural] mikusanyiko [English Word] accumulation [English Plural] accumulations [Part of Speech] noun [Class] 3/4 [Derived ...

mumble - Dictionary of contemporary English


mum|ble [ˈmʌmbəl] v [I and T] [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: From the sound] to say something too quietly or not clearly enough, so that other people cannot ...

kyat - English World dictionary


[kyät] n. [< Burmese] the basic monetary unit of Myanmar: see the table of monetary units in the Reference Supplement.

mumble - New thesaurus


[v] say low and inarticulately grumble, maunder, murmur, mutter, ramble, rumble, say to oneself, speak, stammer, stutter, swallow, talk, utter, verbalize, vocalize, ...

elimu - Swahili-english dictionary


[Swahili Word] elimu [Swahili Plural] elimu [English Word] education [English Plural] educations [Part of Speech] noun [Class] 9/10 [Derived Language] Arabic ...

https://medieval_literature.enacademic.com › dream_vision


(dream allegory) The dream vision was a favorite genre of medieval narrative poetry, in which a narrator falls asleep and dreams what becomes the main body​ ...

dream vision - Encyclopedia of medieval literature


(dream allegory) The dream vision was a favorite genre of medieval narrative poetry, in which a narrator falls asleep and dreams what becomes the main body ...

shellacked - English contemporary dictionary


shel·lac || ʃə læk n. lac that has been purified and processed into thin sheets or flakes; varnish made from processed lac dissolved in alcohol (also ...

compressor pressure ratio - Aviation dictionary


The ratio of the compressor discharged pressure to the compressor inlet pressure. Also called a compression ratio.

mkusanyiko - Swahili-english dictionary


[Swahili Word] mkusanyiko [Swahili Plural] mikusanyiko [English Word] accumulation [English Plural] accumulations [Part of Speech] noun [Class] 3/4 [Derived ...

Rafe - Surnames reference


Recorded in many forms including Ralph, Ralphs, Ralfe, Rafe, Raff, Ralls, Rave, Rawle, and Rawles (English), Raoul, Raoult, Rault, and Raoux (French), ...

Erskine Ferry


texture - Collocations dictionary


noun ADJECTIVE ▫ dense, firm, thick ▫ delicate, fine, light, soft ▫ Sponge cakes have a light texture.

TIL There is a hallucination called "macrosomatognosia" which is the perception that ones own body parts feel bigger than they actually are. Likewise "microsomatognosia"is feeling that ones own body parts feel smaller than they actually are.


https://medieval_literature.enacademic.com › dream_vision


(dream allegory) The dream vision was a favorite genre of medieval narrative poetry, in which a narrator falls asleep and dreams what becomes the main body​ ...

intensity - Collocations dictionary


noun ADJECTIVE ▫ high, low ▫ a band of light with high intensity ▫ maximum ▫ fierce, great.

mkusanyiko - Swahili-english dictionary


[Swahili Word] mkusanyiko [Swahili Plural] mikusanyiko [English Word] accumulation [English Plural] accumulations [Part of Speech] noun [Class] 3/4 [Derived ...

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