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Sep 1st 2020, 19:02

amotio retinae - Diccionario de oftalmología - Esacademic https://ift.tt/2ORk8nJ Mira otros diccionarios: amotio retinae — desprendimiento de retina [ICD 10: H33.2] Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010 … via Academic summary

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Sep 1st 2020, 19:02

primer (abreviatura)
Al igual que primero se abrevia 1º y primera 1ª, primer debe abreviarse con la expresión 1er (si la tecnología de edición, impresión o transmisión nos lo permite, los caracteres alfabéticos deberían mostrarse en volada o superíndice, como en los…

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Sep 1st 2020, 19:02

Plasmólisis - Enciclopedia Universal - EsAcademic.com
En los vegetales, la semipermeabilidad de la membrana citoplasmática y la permeabilidad de la pared celular originan, entre otros, el fenómeno de plasmólisis.

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Sep 1st 2020, 19:02

adjetivo 1 OFICIOS Y PROFESIONES De la profesión: realiza una actividad profesional muy gratificante. adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino femenino 2 OFICIOS Y PROFESIONES Que ejerce una profesión: es un profesional de la enseñanza. 3 OFICIOS Y

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Sep 1st 2020, 19:02

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Sep 1st 2020, 19:02

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{LM P29624}}{{〓}} {{[}}peineta{{]}} ‹pei·ne·ta› {{《}}· s.f.{{》}} Especie de peine curvado que se utiliza como adorno o para sujetar el peinado.

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Sep 1st 2020, 19:02

Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La baguala es un género musical originario en el noroeste de la Argentina. Se difundió principalmente entre la población indígena de esa región, pero se cree que deriva de algunas tonadas españolas.

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Sep 1st 2020, 18:51

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психу/ю, психу/ешь; психо/ванный; нсв.; разг. см. тж. психануть Терять психическое равновесие; нервничать, вести себя слишком возбуждённо.

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Enacademic (https://ift.tt/2DoXYr6)
Sep 1st 2020, 18:49
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elkaar op leven en dood...
Sep 1st 2020, 18:49

elkaar op leven en dood bestrijden
enacademic.com. EN. RU · DE · FR · ES. Remember this site. All languages, Abkhaz, Adyghe, Afrikaans, Ainu, Akan, Albanian, Alsatian, Altaic, Arabic ...

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elkaar op leven en dood bestrijden{{/term}} be at one another s throats elkaar op leven en dood bestrijden{{/term}} wage a life and death struggle

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XFree86 https://ift.tt/2EV5Alf übliche Schreibweise für XF386, dem X/11 Window Server für PC...
Sep 1st 2020, 18:49

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übliche Schreibweise für XF386, dem X/11 Window Server für PC Rechnerarchitekturen, siehe http://www.XFree86.org/

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Godthaab - Dictionary of contemporary...
Sep 1st 2020, 18:49

Godthaab - Dictionary of contemporary English
Godt|haab a former name for Nuuk.Media

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Godthaab - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Godt|haab a former name for Nuuk

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Sep 1st 2020, 18:49

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Aus|kul|tạnt 〈m. 16; Rechtsw.〉 1. 〈veraltet; eigtl.〉 Zuhörer 2. 〈dann〉 Beisitzer ohne Stimmrecht * * * Aus|kul|tạnt, der; en, en [lat. auscultans (Gen.

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Universal-Lexikon - Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias

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άπειμι - Dictionary of...
Sep 1st 2020, 18:49

άπειμι - Dictionary of Greek
Look at other dictionaries: ἄπειμι — 1 sum pres ind act 1st sg ἄπειμι 2 ibo pres ind act 1st sg … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες).Media

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άπειμι - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
(I) ἄπειμι (AM) [ειμί] 1. βρίσκομαι μακριά από κάπου 2. δεν παρευρίσκομαι κάπου, είμαι απών 3. λείπω ή δεν συνυπολογίζομαι 4. (η ευκτ.) ἀπείη ὃ μὴ γένοιτο 5. η μετοχή ενεστ. (απών, απούσα, απόν αρχ. μσν., ἀπών, ἀποῡσα, ἀπόν) αυτός που απουσιάζει

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Jital - Historical dictionary of Medieval India https://medieval_india.enacademic.com/240/Jital A...
Sep 1st 2020, 18:49

Jital - Historical dictionary of Medieval India
A billon coin introduced by Iltutmish in the Delhi sultanate. It contained 3.6 grains of silver. A jital carried a lower level of silver content than that of the dihliwal ...

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Jital - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
   A billon coin introduced by Iltutmish in the Delhi sultanate. It contained 3.6 grains of silver. A jital carried a lower level of silver content than that of the dihliwal that it replaced. Forty eight jitals were equal to 1 silver tanka

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Strait of Magellan - English contemporary...
Sep 1st 2020, 18:49

Strait of Magellan - English contemporary dictionary
Look at other dictionaries: Strait of Magellan — Strait of Ma|gel|lan the Strait of Magellan a narrow area of sea between Tierra del Fuego and the ↑mainland of ...

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Strait of Magellan - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
channel of water between the South American coast and the islands south of it

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Rat cunning - Dictionary of Australian...
Sep 1st 2020, 18:49

Rat cunning - Dictionary of Australian slang
cunning — /ˈkʌnɪŋ / (say kuning) noun 1. ability; skill; expertness. 2. skill employed in a crafty manner; skilfulness in deceiving; craftiness; guile. –adjective 3.

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Rat cunning - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
shrewdness; slyness

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Sep 1st 2020, 18:49

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Sep 1st 2020, 18:47

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Sep 1st 2020, 18:47

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Sep 1st 2020, 18:47

Русский: Статья: deacademic.com немецкий Рейхстаг в 1900 году-старый купол (forma-odezhda.ru)

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Sep 1st 2020, 18:47

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Sep 1st 2020, 18:46

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