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Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:34 AM PDT

Telegram – a new era of messaging - Telegram (https://telegram.org/) Fast. Secure....

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:37 AM PDT

Telegram – a new era of messaging - Telegram (https://telegram.org/)
Fast. Secure. Powerful.

Telegram – a new era of messaging - Telegram (https://telegram.org/)
Fast. Secure. Powerful.


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

28.03.2021 — Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. . tossilhar. tussilhar, toussiha, tussiha toussoter. Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. 2015. tossida · tossiment. Mark and share ...

Article: Don (Analogindex.com)

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

Article: Don (Analogindex.com)


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

03.03.2021 — Regardez d'autres dictionnaires: soupe — soupe … Dictionnaire des rimes. soupe — [ sup ] n. f. • sope XIIe; bas lat. d o. germ. suppa 1 ♢ Vx Tranche de pain ...

 full digest (RSS) @academic2ru posted a photo Don't have...

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:37 AM PDT

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Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:37 AM PDT

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Don't have Telegram...

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desarrollo biológico

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

Химтрейлы превратились в дожди из чумных коров и крыс

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:57 AM PDT

С появлением в сети сервисов типа YouTube и, как следствие, возможности быстрого обмена информацией между людьми, разного рода НЛО в виде "летающих огоньков" никого уже не удивишь – интересные кадры появляются только изредка, время от времени. И 5 апреля 2021 года в Уиллистоне, Северная Дакота, камера наружного наблюдения зафиксировала как раз подобный случай:

Этот непонятный светящийся объект летает на фоне зернохранилища, что видно при дневном свете. Каких–то аномальных маневров он не совершает, двигается медленно, на основании чего можно подумать о каком–то устройстве, сделанном руками людей. Однако, скорее всего это не так.

Как сообщили очевидцы события, после пролета этого аномального объекта на их ферме была найдена пара мертвых коров, словно упавших с неба. Никаких следов от этих коров вокруг обнаружено не было. Никаких повреждений на телах коров так же не было – причина их гибели осталась загадкой. И даже более того.

Ферма, на которой это все было снято, специализируется на зерновых культурах и коров там не разводят. Не разводят коров и на фермах в радиусе 10 миль – их там нет ни одной. А дальше на фермах за кругом, где коровы как бы и есть, все животные на месте – ни одна корова ни у кого не пропала. Таким образом эти погибшие животные каким–то чудом пропутешествовали на десятки, если не на сотни километров, после чего запрыгнули в грязевой круг без следов и скончались.

Единственным объяснением чуда будет предположение, что коров сбросили инопланетяне, прилетевшие на том странном пепелаце. Возможно, коровы им чем–то не понравились, например были больны, возможно на то была другая какая–то причина, однако, американские сенситивы пишут по этому поводу следующее:

В видении в своем сне я увидела небо, заполненное облаками, точнее даже как бы массовыми скоплениями, внутри которых можно было рассмотреть какие–то небольшие материальные объекты. Облака опускались и уплотнялись, когда я услышала мягкие глухие удары от каких–то предметов, падающих на землю. И когда я подошла ближе, то увидела, что с неба падают грызуны!

Там много было разных животных, размером до кроликов. И у многих на телах были или шрамы, или только недавно зашитые надрезы, как будто этих животных обрабатывали в каких–то лабораториях. Всё это происходило посреди парка и потому к животным сразу кинулись дети, пытаясь им как–то помочь, но несколько находившихся рядом взрослых стали их останавливать, крича что эти животные переносят чуму.

А теперь сводим сальдо и бульдо.

а) Многочисленные сообщения, восходящие к темному средневековью о дождях из рыб, лягушек и даже из крыс:

б) Крысы – известные переносчики чумы, что использовалось при осаде крепостей, что очень наглядно показано в отличном французском сериале Инквизиция:

в) Откуда пришел COVID–19 – никто толком не знает, все только говорят про каких–то непонятных летучих мышей. COVID–19 появился в 2019–м году и наплыв видений сенситивов про падающих с неба чумных крыс тоже был в 2019–м году.

г) С неба начали падать мертвые коровы.

Исходя из выше изложенного можно думать, что от распыления химтрейлов "марсиане" перешли к сбросу объектов покрупнее – разного рода животных, начиненных всякой биологической заразой. Очевидно, скоро эта зараза проявится не только короной и нужно ждать появления какой–то настоящей чумы, так что следим за развитием событий

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Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

@academic2ru posted a...

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:40 AM PDT

Telegram – a new era of messaging - Telegram (https://telegram.org/) Fast. Secure....

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:37 AM PDT

Telegram – a new era of messaging - Telegram (https://telegram.org/)
Fast. Secure. Powerful.

Telegram – a new era of messaging - Telegram (https://telegram.org/)
Fast. Secure. Powerful.

Telegram – a new era of messaging - Telegram
Fast. Secure. Powerful.

WW International Slides on Morgan Stanley Downgrade

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

Блюзовая бабочка

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:57 AM PDT


Группа Железная Бабочка — пионеры американского хард–рока. Но в этой двадцатиминутной композиции можно услышать не только блюз и хард, но и психоделику, и прогрессив. Источниками вдохновения этой вещи, судя по тексту, стали Чжуан–цзы и Кастанеда.

I found me a little butterfly
As blue as the sky
With just a touch of gold
I knew I had to hold
My butterfly fly away with me–e–e–e–e–e–e
Every time I reached for her
She managed to slip away
Takin' my breath away from me
How can I make her stay
My butterfly, fly away with me–e–e yeah
My heart was beating faster
She started to come near
Spread her wings around me
And cast out all my fears
My butterfly, fly away with me–e–e–e–e–e–e–e–e–e yeah
Now the bright light of her eyes show
She never was leavin' me
Got in me by my efforts to reach her
Leading me to be free–e–e–e
My butterfly fly away with me
(Yeah, yeah, ooooow)
Butterfly fly away

Написал filidogly на rightmusicvideo.d3.ru / комментировать


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

27.03.2021 — Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. . manjiquejar. voir mangiquejar. Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. 2015. manjatiu · manlèu. Mark and share; Search through all ...


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

 full digest (RSS) @academic2ru posted a photo Don't have...

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:38 AM PDT

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Don't have Telegram...

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Enacademic (https://t.me/enacademic/2222283)

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:37 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

09.03.2021 — embelinamen m. enchantement magie ; fascination. voir atirament, magia, seduccion.


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

23.03.2021 — Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. . ierarquicament. adv. ierarchicament ierarchicamen fr. hiérarchiquement. Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. 2015. ierarquic ...

"Принцесса захлопнула крышку клавесина"

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:57 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:34 AM PDT

Yandex.Translate in Enacademic

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

SHAREHOLDER ACTION ALERT : The Schall Law Firm Reminds Investors Of A Class Action Lawsuit Against Root Inc. And Encourages Investors With Losses In Excess Of $100000 To Contact The Firm

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

SHAREHOLDER ACTION ALERT : The Schall Law Firm Reminds Investors Of A Class Action Lawsuit Against Root, Inc. And Encourages Investors With Losses In Excess Of $100,000 To Contact The Firm

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

Samsung Collaborates With Olympus For Upcoming Smartphone Camera

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:51 AM PDT

Galaxy S20 FE Camera

Samsung is considering teaming up with Olympus to work on its next smartphone camera, reports suggest.

Samsung has a long-lasting reputation for making camera sensors used in smartphones. Moreover, Samsung LSI is currently producing some of the best camera sensors in the world, and it is even closing the gap with Sony with its 29% revenue share in 2020. But collaborating with other brands is always welcomed.

The news about Samsung and Olympus partnership first appeared on Weibo by the famous tipster Ice Universe. Dates back to April, another source on Twitter shared some information about Samsung's imminent partnership with a camera brand, and he stated that it is not Zeiss, Leica, or Hasselblad.

Olympus is one of the best camera brands in the world with a lot of expert knowledge about cameras. We still don't know which company has taken the initiative to offer a partnership suggestion. Some sources claim that it was the Olympus that offered cooperation. The Japanese manufacturer is likely looking for a place in the smartphone camera market.

Suppose the news about Samsung and Olympus partnership comes true. In that case, we will likely witness one of the most powerful cameras ever developed for smartphones. A special edition of Galaxy Z Fold and Samsung S22 Ultra are two possible hosts for Samsung and Olympus joint products.

Samsung's partnership with Olympus can enhance its smartphones camera quality

The smartphone OEMs mostly cooperate with camera brands to use their technology and knowledge to improve their camera quality. Among the first OEMs, Nokia started an extensive partnership with Carl Zeiss to develop sensors for its Lumia smartphones.

Other smartphone manufacturers like OnePlus, Vivo, and Huawei cooperate with camera brands like Carl Zeiss, Leica, and Hasselblad.

However, Samsung has enough expertise in developing cameras for smartphones, and it is even selling sensors to other manufacturers. Now, Xiaomi is using a Samsung-made ISOCELL GN2 sensor in its Mi 11 Ultra. The result of Samsung and Olympus corporation may be visible in color tuning and image processing.

Of course, cooperating with a famous camera brand can't be a valid reason for the inevitable success of a smartphone camera. Moreover, there are failed experiences, and even some smartphone OEMs use the name of well-known camera brands to entice customers.

Anyway, we need to wait for more announcements by Samsung and Olympus about their partnership. We hope it does something with camera quality on Samsung smartphones and lead to a better user experience.

The post Samsung Collaborates With Olympus For Upcoming Smartphone Camera appeared first on Android Headlines.


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

03.11.2020 — denonciacion, denóuncio, denounciacioun, ien f. dénonciation ; délation > « La pòu… maire de la denóuncio emé l ahiranço e la jalousié. » Jean Bernard.


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

27.03.2021 — a, castihan, o adj. et n. castillane.

arcòl et dérivés

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

04.03.2021 — Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. . arcòl et dérivés. voir à alcòl. Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. 2015. archivaire · arconcèu. Mark and share; Search through all ...

WW International Slides on Morgan Stanley Downgrade

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

tren de ondas

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

Yandex.Translate in Enacademic

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

Article: Article Свитер - (БроЗаДОБРО) (Analogindex.com)

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:31 AM PDT

Article: Article Свитер - (БроЗаДОБРО) (Analogindex.com)


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

12.12.2020 — Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. . carnelar. carnela créneler. voir dentelar, merletar. Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. 2015. carnejar · carnelat. Regardez d'autres ...

Century Bancorp Leaps on Deal to Be Bought by Eastern Bankshares

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

11.03.2021 — Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. . rainardejar. reinardeja ruser. Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. 2015. rainard · rainardiera. Mark and share; Search through all ...

Roku: Everything You Need To Know

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:58 AM PDT

roku verge

Roku is one of the biggest streaming TV platforms available right now. Depending on when you're reading this, Fire TV might be #1 or Roku. As the two tend to swap places quite a bit. Nevertheless, it is very popular. And for good reason.

It mostly keeps things very simple. Their interface has not really changed a whole lot in the past decade or more. Even as streaming TV has vastly changed in that time.

But there is a whole lot more to it than just streaming Netflix, YouTube or Sling. And we're here to tell you everything you need to know about the Roku platform.


What is Roku?

Roku makes streaming devices, to allow you to cut the cord from Cable. It was one of the first to really jump into the streaming hardware game, and believe it or not, was founded way back in 2002. Way before any of us thought about streaming Netflix. The beginnings of Roku are pretty interesting, and included being part of Netflix. Reed Hastings, still the current CEO of Netflix, decided to nix the project, as it would hamper their ability to get onto competing products. Which back then, really only included smart TVs and their own operating systems.

Interestingly, Roku is the term used for "six" in Japanese. Which represents the sixth company that Anthony Wood founded.

Unlike some of the competitors in the space, like Apple TV, Android TV and Amazon's Fire TV, Roku has always focused on keeping its hardware super simple. That also allowed Roku to keep its prices pretty low, and sell millions of units. It's what also makes Roku appeal to those that are slightly tech-illiterate. As your grandma could use a Roku with almost no problems.

Fast-forward to 2021, Roku is now a publicly traded company, with a market cap of around $45 billion.

Is Roku a hardware or software?

Technically, Roku is both hardware and software.

Roku sells streaming players like the Roku Premiere, or the Streaming Stick+ at about the price it costs to make them. Where Roku makes its money is actually with the ads that it is able to sell on the apps on its platform. And from The Roku Channel, which we'll talk about a bit more later.


Which means that the Roku OS is actually really important. And as mentioned before, Roku has kept the operating system super simple for years. In fact, it hasn't really changed much since the first streaming player came out in the 2000s. And that's because it didn't really need to.

Roku also licenses out its operating system to partners like Hisense, TCL, Walmart (via its Onn brand) to use in their products. TCL has actually made a name for itself and become the fourth largest TV maker by going all-in with Roku on its TVs.

Is it free?

After you pay for the hardware, Roku is free. But you can pay for different things like HBO MAX, or Showtime through Roku. A bit like Amazon's Prime Video Channels works. But there's no subscription fee for Roku, thankfully. We have seen some scams going around trying to get people to pay for "customer support" from Roku. That is not real, and if you get that scam, make sure to report it and don't fall for it.

Basically, you'll pay for some of the apps and services on Roku, but you aren't paying Roku itself. Roku makes its money from its partners.

How does Roku work?

No matter what Roku device you buy, the experience is mostly the same. Whether that's a TV with Roku built-in, a Soundbar with it, or a set-top box. They all have an Ethernet jack, so you can go wired if your internet is not quite as powerful as you may need for 4K video. But there is also WiFi available with Roku's devices.

The home screen uses a pretty easy to read grid, so you can go left to right, or up and down to find your favorite apps. You can also long-press on the apps to re-arrange them to your liking. For example, if your four most-used services are YouTube, HBO MAX, Netflix and Peacock, you can move those all to the top row. Making them easier to jump into.

On the left side, you'll see different options for getting into the store, finding stuff to watch on The Roku Channel, jumping into settings and so forth. It's all right there, making it super easy to use.

Adding Channels

On Roku, it calls "Apps" as "Channels", likely to make it feel more like a traditional TV. Instead of just a bunch of apps on your TV. It's very simple to add channels to your device too. Just head into the Channel Store.

From there, you can search for your favorite channels. Like any app store, it also has different categories, which you'll find on the left. And that includes games too.

Once you find a channel to add, just click on it, then click "add". It will then be added to your Roku account, and it'll appear on any Roku device you might have in your home. That's particularly useful for those that might have a few Roku's in your home, with each TV.

You can also search the Roku Channel Store on the web and add channels to your device that way.

Finding something to watch

Roku has more channels than all of its competitors, at nearly 3,000 right now. So there's a ton of content to watch on Roku, but it can also be a bit difficult to find something to watch on Roku, because of that.

But, Roku does have a pretty impressive universal search feature, that will search for a title across all of the channels that are on your Roku device. Not only can you search for titles, but also actors/actresses, and even lines from a movie or TV show.

Matches for your search are then sorted by the price, and there will be icons beside the titles that indicate what it is. A channel, movie or TV show. You'll also be able to click on it to learn more about the title.

Unlike Google TV, Roku does not yet have a stream of content available on your home screen with content it thinks you might want to watch, or live content if you have YouTube TV, Sling TV or Fubo TV. The home screen is still limited to just showing your channels.

This is one area where the simplicity of Roku actually counts against it. Because if you're just browsing for something to watch, you need to open different apps to actually find something, instead of just scrolling down the home screen.

Using your voice (via Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa)

While Roku is not a huge tech company like Apple, Amazon or Google, it has done a great job of working with all of their products. Instead of building competitors, Roku wanted to make sure it supports everything. So newer devices support Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Google Cast and Apple AirPlay 2. Siri is not supported since it's not really on third-party devices.

This means that you can use your voice to control your Roku device. Whether that is Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, both will work with the Roku.

You will need to give Roku access to your Google or Amazon account to use either of these voice assistants. Which can be done in the settings on your TV, or within the Roku app. This is needed because then your Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa won't know who you are, or have access to your account. As you can do non-TV things on Roku too. Like asking about the Weather, or turning off the lights, etc.

It's really smart of Roku to support both of the major voice assistants, so that people can use whichever one they want, and still use this set-top box.

Roku Channel Kids Families

Casting and AirPlay 2

As mentioned, Roku does also support Google Cast and Apple AirPlay 2. So depending on whether you are an iPhone user or an Android user, you can still mirror content on your Roku device. This means that you can easily throw a YouTube video from your phone onto the TV.

The only caveat here is that not all apps support this feature. For example, before HBO MAX made its way onto Roku officially, it did not support casting to your Roku device. That has since changed. As HBO MAX is now available on Roku.

There's free content too

Almost all of the TV Everywhere apps are available on Roku. And those for the OTA channels that you'd get in your area too. Which are free. That includes ABC, NBC, The CW, as well as Pluto TV and Crackle. The Roku Channel is also available, which we'll talk more about a bit later. These are all free, and supported by ads. So while you're not paying you will need to sit through some ads.

The Roku Channel

One of the ways that Roku has decided to try and make some money lately, is through The Roku Channel. It houses free content, so you don't need to pay for it, and it's available on all of the Roku devices by default.

This channel will give you free content that is ad-supported. Though, usually the majority of this content is older. We're talking at least a decade old. So you may not find a whole lot of content you want to watch right away on it. But hey, it's free.

And Roku is continuing to add more content to this channel as well. So the content will continue to grow here. There is also 100 free live TV streaming channels available here. From news providers like ABC News Live, NowThis, Reuters, and USA Today.

The Roku app

The app isn't a must-have, in our opinion. But it is still nice to have.

With the Roku app, you are able to find channels to install and add to your Roku device. You can also move your channels around and it'll be reflected on your Roku device.

There is a dedicated tab for the Roku Channel as well. So you can see what's playing, and of course have it start playing on your TV.

Perhaps the best feature of the app is that it can be used as a remote. So if you lost your physical remote, you can use the app to control your TV. It can also make it a whole lot easier to search for something to watch, as you have a touchscreen keyboard, instead of moving the cursor left to right to pick each letter on the TV.

Finally, you can enable private listening by pairing a pair of headphones to the app, and still play it on the TV. Which is pretty neat. And surprisingly, there's no lag there either.

What Roku devices are available to buy?

Roku devices range from around $20 all the way up to $100. Each offering different features. For example, the cheapest ones do not offer up 4K HDR support, while the more expensive ones do. And the most expensive one also has Dolby Atmos support. You can check out the latest sales on Roku devices here.

Roku Express


This is the cheapest option currently available. It supports HD streaming, up to 1080p. Which is fine, since most of the streaming services cap at 1080p and the studios are still filming at 720p and if you're lucky, 1080p. It's very small, but definitely mighty. At just $30, it's worth buying for a secondary TV in your home.

Roku Express - Amazon

Roku Streaming Stick+


At $50 normally (though, it is almost always discounted to $40), you can get the Streaming Stick+. Which offers up to 4K HDR streaming, making it future proof for most people. This plugs into the back of your TV, so it does stay out of the way. But this may not be ideal for those that have their TV mounted on their wall.

Roku Streaming Stick+ - Amazon

Roku Ultra


This is the highest-end Roku available, coming in just a penny shy of $100. The Ultra is able to stream at up to 4K HDR quality, and also supports Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision, and Bluetooth streaming. It also includes a pair of headphones for private listening. Amazing how the remote has a headphone jack, yet your smartphone does not.

Roku Ultra - Amazon

Is it worth it?

Roku is worth it for the sheer amount of channels that it offers. At 3,000 channels, it's more than any of its competitors. And a big reason for this is because of how popular it is, and the fact that it has a lot of international channels. So you can watch foreign films and TV shows on your Roku device right there, without leaving the country.

Where Roku devices cost as little as $20, and sometimes cheaper during the holidays, it's a no-brainer to pick one up. Or even get a TV with Roku built-in.

The post Roku: Everything You Need To Know appeared first on Android Headlines.


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

301 Moved Permanently

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:34 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

Play Like A Champion With Corsair's K70 RGB TKL Gaming Keyboard

Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:50 AM PDT

Corsair K70 RGB TKL Gaming Keyboard 5

Corsair today has announced a trio of new gaming products in its Champions series, including the K70 RGB TKL gaming keyboard. In addition to the K70 RGB TKL, Corsair has also announced the SABRE PRO gaming mouse, and the SABRE PRO RGB. Which is essentially the same but with RGB lighting on it.

Corsair is positioning these new peripherals as perfect for competitive players. And to that end has designed them with AXON Hyper-processing tech as well as an 8,000HZ polling rate. This should make the mice more accurate when gliding across the mouse mat. While the keyboard benefits from it by receiving much faster keystrokes.

Corsair says the keystrokes are up to 8x faster than competing gaming keyboards. And speed is definitely a factor in competitive-level gaming. Want to play like a champion? Then you might want to consider Corsair's new peripherals. Because they may be able to help.

The Corsair K70 RGB TKL is build for portability

Corsair K70 RGB TKL Gaming Keyboard 2

These days, competitive gaming like many things has been adapted to be more remote. But as things get back to normal, those who play at competitions or just at friendly LAN parties will probably need to take their keyboards with them.

The new K70 RGB TKL was built with portability in mind to help make travel and setup as easy as possible. You can detach and reattach the USB-C cable that connects it to the PC. And the frame is built with the same durable aluminum that Corsair uses on all of its keyboards.

It's also got wear-resistant keycaps to help make those keys last through all that activity. Corsair is giving users a choice of switch types, too. You can pick up the keyboard with Cherry MX Reds, or you can opt for the Silent Reds or Speed Silvers.

The keyboard even has a tournament-ready switch on the back that disables macros and locks the RGB lighting to a static color. The K70 RGB TKL retails for $139.99, and is already up for sale on both Amazon and Corsair's own website.

The mice are a perfect pairing


Players that really want to kick things up a notch will want to think about getting one of these new mice, too. Designed to be the perfect pairing, or at least a really good pairing, with the keyboard.

They feature the same fast polling rate for super fast, accurate clicks, and they're pretty lightweight so they're easy to tote around and slide across surfaces during heated gameplay. Both mice also go on sale today through Amazon and Corsair. The SABRE RGB PRO retails for $59.99, and the SABRE PRO retails for $54.99.

K70 RGB TKL Gaming Keyboard

SABRE RGB PRO Gaming Mouse

SABRE PRO Gaming Mouse

The post Play Like A Champion With Corsair's K70 RGB TKL Gaming Keyboard appeared first on Android Headlines.

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