четверг, 22 апреля 2021 г.

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together: “Enacademic” plus 49 more

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Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:43 AM PDT



Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:36 AM PDT

<p>together (RSS)<br>full digest (RSS)<br>籘 Словари и энциклопедии на...<br><br>full digest (RSS)<br>籘 Словари и энциклопедии на Академике<br><br>Запомнить сайт. Все языки Абхазский Адыгейский Азербайджанский Аймара Айнский язык Акан Албанский Алтайский Английский Арабский Арагонский Армянский Арумынский Астурийский...</p>

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Verified Links Replaces The "Open With" Dialog Box In Android 12 DP3

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:55 AM PDT

Android 12 Logo AM AH 5

Google released the third developer preview for Android 12 on Wednesday, which brings a few smaller changes to the newest version of Android. Of course, the biggest changes will come with the first beta, next month. But Google is bringing in Verified Links, which is aiming to replace that "Open With" dialog box that we see quite a bit now.

Verified Links will also make it easier to open the app that the links are associated with. As there's one less step in the process, and should keep from opening the browser and then the app.

Basically, each app will now have a list of verified links that an app is able to open. And you can see these in the app info page. For example, the Amazon app has about 39 different verified links. One for each country-specific Amazon store. Like amazon.jp, amazon.co.uk, etc.

If you do not want the app to open these links by default, you can disable the behavior in the new "open supported links" toggle, which is available app information page. Within the settings.

Why is Google making this change?

Android's VP of Engineering, Dave Burke mentioned in a blog post that "we're making some changes to help users get to their content faster and more seamlessly." And this is one of those changes. Burke and the team is looking to make things a lot easier for users, and make things simpler as well. Instead of just changing things for the sake of changing things.

Fortunately, if Android does not automatically add all of the verified links for a particular app, users are able to manually add them in the app's settings. Just click on the "add link" option. Which is located below the "open supported links" toggle. The option is currently grayed out, but should be available once the stable version of Android 12 comes out in the fall.

android 12 open with verified links

The post Verified Links Replaces The "Open With" Dialog Box In Android 12 DP3 appeared first on Android Headlines.

Любимый город

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:56 AM PDT


Внезапно в исполнении Тилля Линдеманна

Написал Doddy на youtube.d3.ru / комментировать


Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:55 AM PDT

العربية: ملخص النشر (RSS)
U-بدوره 2

08.03.2021-التفسيرات والمرادفات والمتضادات والترجمات " u-turn»

الكشف عن التغيير على https://clck.

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:43 AM PDT

العربية: feedspot (RSS)
الكشف عن التغيير على https://clck.ru/PFmWt


Fracademic.com, تنص على " عائلة نورمان كريبون في الأصل من كالفادوس, يأتي من سلالات إسكندنافية مختلفة تنتمي إلى الدنماركي, نرويجي, والنبلاء السويديين. في الأصل ، جاء roricon de Crepon ، jarl ، المولود حوالي 870 ، من الدنمارك واستقر في دوقية نورماندي ، الذي أصبح رب Crepon الأول. ابنه رينولف دي كريبون ، ولد حوالي 900 ، تزوج الأميرة ...

دعونا منع الإعلانات! (لماذا ؟ )

 full digest (RSS) https://www. Don&#39;t have Telegram yet? Try it...

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:05 AM PDT

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Jubel - Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:51 AM PDT

04.09.2020 — Jubelm Jubel,Trubel,Heiterkeit=ausgelasseneStimmung;fröhlichesFastnachts ,Kirmestreibeno.ä.Erweitertaus»⇨Jubeltrubel«durchdie»Paul Neugebauer ...

Publication digest (RSS) Разворотливость ² 08.03.2021 — Толкования,...

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:55 AM PDT

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Разворотливость ²

08.03.2021 — Толкования, синонимы, антонимы, переводы «Разворотливость»


Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:55 AM PDT

العربية: ملخص النشر (RSS)
U-بدوره 2

08.03.2021-التفسيرات والمرادفات والمتضادات والترجمات " u-turn»


Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:36 AM PDT

<p><a href="https://ift.tt/3avBfXD" target="_blank" rel="noopener" onclick="return confirm('Open this link?\n\n'+this.href);"> </a><b>together (RSS)</b><br><a href="https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/nico-tortorella-houseplants-36906019" target="_blank" rel="noopener" onclick="return confirm('Open this link?\n\n'+this.href);">Nico Tortorella Gave Us a Glimpse Into Their Upstate NY Home — and the 7 Houseplants That They Love</a><br><br>Nico Tortorella Gave Us a Glimpse Into Their Upstate NY Home — and the 7 Houseplants That They Love <a href="https://ift.tt/3avBfXD" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://ift.tt/3avBfXD</a></p><blockquote><b>Apartment Therapy</b><br><b><a href="https://ift.tt/3avBfXD"> Nico Tortorella Gave Us a Glimpse Into Their Upstate NY Home — and the 7 Houseplants That They Love</a></b><br><p>I love seeing celebrities over video because I really get a glimpse into their homes that showcase style and priorities — from Kate Hudson's "beverage window" to Tia Mowry's stunning white and marble kitchen. But the one thing I love to see the most? Plants…</p><img src="https://cdn4.telesco.pe/file/tUmhSq9Jp1gkOTkKgqj4L7lDECHXcRy1lHqf0wYVyzsAyn495xDl6IjM9C43kFlBwVblSvmSAkvIUtmNaQj4PwOf6ZqY1_lr8lHnLEpAvQk38rWoMpQS_EzfVP9c92YdYtWWbEIzJXifOl8PiqnX26wO7mPEwOb_IenXDqPhEC4s4HaSv4GxlVN03NCLRy9xSRet_Nf5B_uRihhwLcJkr1XwrsCo7Z-YtNa8OTVvzrfdJULeu7-jVswBbjyyTt7u04VuCRcrL4aP9Tti-QEnEzzpx715jqjvLkbPuX-GE_vjb-BJw6yxVTCbVxOM5TpPexzjwYen2R1fUHdkP_L_eA.jpg" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></blockquote>

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Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:05 AM PDT

Telegram Widgets - core.telegram.org
Telegram widgets offer a quick way to add a sharing button to your pages, embed posts from public channels or groups. Widgets…

العربية: academic2.

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:36 AM PDT

العربية: academic2.ru المتحدة (RSS)
لا تزال تعمل الترجمة تنهد: من الإنجليزية إلى الفيتنامية ...

04.09.2020-من الإنجليزية إلى: جميع اللغات * الألبانية * الأرمنية * الباسك * المجرية; الفيتنامية; هايتي * اليونانية * الجورجية * الروسية القديمة ...


Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

Хрестоматийный пример

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

Нет невыполнимого ремонта, есть разумная стоимость...


Пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь логистическими службами для оправки вашего заказа на выполнение работ до пункта его получения:

Железнодорожный, Балашиха, СДЕК на Граничной 32 — ZHLD4

Самое лучше, что я могу предложить — это сдать обувь и аксессуары в ремонт, не выходя из дома.

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Вшивать латку или вклеивать? Вечный спор последнего десятилетия.
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Новоявленное — только на клей.

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Как мы поступим в этом случае?

Выкроим латку, сфальцуем кромки и вклеим ее между подкладом и верхом.

Сведем кромки разрыва и пришьем латку по обоим краям.
По–моему мнению, так надежнее и я уверен в том, что место разрыва не разойдется в любом случае.

Зачищаем поверхности и затягиваем под самый край шва, — это затяжная кромка и приклеиваем на дисмакол. Отличный клей, крепкий и эластичный.

Вопросы для всеобщего веселья в этом посте.

Пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь логистическими службами для оправки вашего заказа на выполнение работ до пункта его получения:
Железнодорожный, Балашиха, СДЕК на Граничной 32 — ZHLD4

Частное обращение в почту, Телеграм, WhatsApp.

Узнать стоимость ремонта:

WhatsApp: +7 (926) 816–41–31

Телефон: +7 (977) 103–32–42

Почта: stkachestvo@gmail.com

Телеграм –чат: https://t.me/Talk_and_find_a_solution

Телеграм — канал: https://t.me/All_about_shoe_repair

Сайт: https://www.stkachestvo.ru

Статьи: https://master.d3.ru/

Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/stkachestva/

Инстаграм : https://www.instagram.com/shabanovpetr/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUGnIXZ_0wSCZA_eMluYYVg

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Простая чистка кожаных ботинок, туфель: https://master.d3.ru/prostaia–chistka–obuvi–1700281/

Чистка кожаной обуви с подробностями: https://master.d3.ru/chistka–obuvi–s–podrobnostiami–1702853/

Замшевая обувь, первые уроки:


О растяжке обуви: https://master.d3.ru/rastiazhka–obuvi–1821443/

Не бойтесь мыть свою обувь: https://master.d3.ru/nam–ne–vsio–ravno–1559050/

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ремонт обуви
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Самостоятельная передача вашего заказа, как чрезвычайная мера :

Курский вокзал.

Написал чистейший oxygenh на master.d3.ru / комментировать

Real Luck Group Limited Welcomes IOC&#039;s Esports Move With Olympic Virtual Series Launch

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:01 AM PDT

Global Peptide Therapeutics Market Report 2020-2027 SPPS, LPPS, Hybrid - Emphasis On Automatic Peptide Synthesis Gaining Momentum

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:43 AM PDT

Global Peptide Therapeutics Market Report 2020-2027: SPPS, LPPS, Hybrid - Emphasis On Automatic Peptide Synthesis Gaining Momentum https://ift.tt/2QO0X2u

Arora ATLAS® Fix And ATLAS® Inspect Implemented By Broward County's FLL

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:37 AM PDT

CHADDS FORD, Pa., April 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Broward County's Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) has implemented ATLAS Fix and ATLAS Inspect, two modules from the Arora ATLAS ® suite of mobile products. The airport, which is owned and operated by the Broward County Aviation Department (BCAD), uses this technology to manage maintenance and inspection activities. The technology seamlessly integrates with the airport's Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) System to provide real-time, actionable information. EAM systems combine software, systems and services to maintain and control operational assets and equipment.

"Allows [BCAD] to maximize return on assets by reducing cost, increasing uptime, and enhancing guest experience."

The ATLAS mobile tools integrate with the EAM to allow technicians to perform and record critical maintenance activities and terminal inspections on-the-go. This data helps reduce operational expenses, streamline a single business process across all departments, and improve the experience of technicians and airport guests alike.

The Arora ATLAS ® suite of mobile products is now available for airports seeking to simplify and enhance asset management through the seamless convergence of asset and location data. These mobile integration tools allow stakeholders to track assets, analyze staff coverage, and ensure timely responses to incidents by combining data from previously disconnected systems to create a unified information platform.

Electronic Data, Inc. (EDI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Arora Engineers, Inc., was selected by BCAD to help maximize their Maximo EAM software and address their most pressing needs. EDI worked closely with BCAD to implement IBM's Maximo EAM software and the Fix and Inspect modules of the Arora ATLAS ® mobile solution. 

The ATLAS Fix mobile tool enhances maintenance operations by connecting work management and location services, replete with selectable map layers and building levels, providing maintenance staff with a unified, easy-to-use display to track and record maintenance activities and automate workflows. It also supports real-time alerts which allow airport staff to respond quickly to the needs of airport stakeholders.

ATLAS Inspect enhances the inspection process by enabling location services, allowing technicians to "Drop a Pin" and record findings with voice to text capability, provide photos, and display the location which requires follow-up work.

BCAD sought a mobile EAM product that allowed them to collect data in real-time which allows airport leaders to make informed, synchronized decisions to improve the overall airport guest experience.                                         

"Prior to this implementation, we relied heavily on legacy radio communication and written record keeping," recalls Mark Gale, CEO and Director of Aviation. "This technology enables BCAD team members to create a work order directly in the system with photo evidence in real-time, without the need to keep a hard copy. The technology is also automating our terminal inspections and connects to our Geographic Information System (GIS) to pinpoint the exact location and deploy personnel with the appropriate skills at the right time and for the right job. This allows us to maximize return on assets by reducing cost, increasing uptime, and enhancing guest experience."

Contact EDI today to help your organization consolidate the critical asset data you need all in one easy-to-use mobile interface. EDI's experts will work with your team to determine which Arora ATLAS ® modules are most appropriate for your facility to not only meet the complex needs of your facility today, but for years to come.

Visit https://www.edatai.com/software/ for more information.

About Broward's Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) The Aviation Department is a self-supporting department of the Broward County Board of County Commissioners. It does not rely on local tax dollars for operations and capital improvements. FLL is located in Greater Fort Lauderdale in the heart of Florida's Gold Coast. In 2019, the airport served 36.7M passengers with more than 380 departures a day and offered nonstop service to 84 U.S. cities and global connectivity to more than 66 international destinations in 33 countries. The Aviation Department also operates North Perry, a general aviation airport for private and charter aircraft operators. Call 954-359-6100 for more information. For updates on airport programs and services, follow us on  Twitter , like us on  Facebook , or visit    fll.net .

Contact: Christine Furey Phone: (610) 459-7900 E-mail: cfurey@aroraengineers.com  

View original content to download multimedia: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/arora-atlas-fix-and-atlas-inspect-implemented-by-broward-countys-fll-301275231.html

SOURCE Arora Technology Group, LLC

HSBC Subsidiary Agrees To Pay $1,050,000 For Failing To Deal Fairly With Investors

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

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Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

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academic2.ru united (RSS) Еще работаем sigh Перевод: с английского...

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:36 AM PDT

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Еще работаем sigh Перевод: с английского на вьетнамский ...

04.09.2020 — С английского на: Все языки · Албанский · Армянский · Баскский · Венгерский; Вьетнамский; Гаитянский · Греческий · Грузинский · Древнерусский язык ...

 together (RSS) full digest (RSS) httpsuz.tgstat.comchannel@enacademic2284974 via... full...

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:51 AM PDT

Yandex.Translate in Enacademic

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT


Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:01 AM PDT

أكوا المعادن تعلن عن الجدول الزمني للربع الأول المالي...

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

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أكوا المعادن تعلن عن الجدول الزمني للربع الأول المالي...

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أكوا ميتلز تعلن عن جدول النتائج المالية للربع الأول

أكوا المعادن...

لم يكن لديك برقية حتى الآن ؟ نحاول الآن!



عرض في القناة


together (RSS) Signature Aviation US Holdings Inc. Announces Successful Results Of Its Tender...

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:51 AM PDT

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Signature Aviation US Holdings Inc. Announces Successful
Results Of Its Tender Offer And Consent Solicitation

Обнаруженное изменение включено https://clck.

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:43 AM PDT

Русский: feedspot (RSS)
Обнаруженное изменение включено https://clck.ru/PFmWt


Fracademic.com, говорится: "Нормандская семья Крепон, родом из Кальвадоса, происходит из разных скандинавских родов, которые принадлежат к датской, норвежской и шведской знати. Первоначально некий Рорикон де Крепон, ярл, родившийся около 870 года, прибыл из Дании и поселился в герцогстве Нормандия, который стал 1-м лордом Крепона. Его сын Райнульф де Крепон, родившийся около 900 года, женился на принцессе ...

Давайте заблокируем рекламу! (Почему?)

Cookware Market To Grow By $ 5.30 Bn During 202 : 025 : Industry Analysis, Market Trends, Growth, Opportunities And Forecast 2025 : 17000 Technavio Reports

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:01 AM PDT


Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

Publication digest (RSS) Разворотливость ² 08.03.2021 — Толкования,...

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:55 AM PDT

Publication digest (RSS)
Разворотливость ²

08.03.2021 — Толкования, синонимы, антонимы, переводы «Разворотливость»


Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

Publication digest (RSS) Каркуша ² 10.08.2020 — Карку́ша — персонаж...

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:37 AM PDT

Publication digest (RSS)
Каркуша ²

10.08.2020 — Карку́ша — персонаж телевизионной передачи для детей «Спокойной ночи, малыши», ворона. Впервые появилась в передаче в 1979 году в качестве ...

Про весенний пал травы

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:49 AM PDT

Начну с того, что моя избушка в Кушавере уцелела по счастливой случайности, когда несколько лет назад соседка выжгла других наших соседей, которым не повезло с розой ветров.

Есть миф: сжигание травы прогревает почву, а зола ее обогащает. На самом деле, это кажущийся эффект: сухая трава просто скрывает молодые зеленые побеги, и невыжженные участки кажутся серыми. При палах уничтожаются находящиеся на поверхности почки и семена трав. Палы травы не увеличивают количество минеральных питательных веществ в почве, при выгорании теряются азотные соединения и органическое вещество почвы, состоящее из сухой травы. Перегной обеспечивает пористость и рыхлость почвы, ее влагоемкость. Сокращение его количества – главный фактор снижения почвенного плодородия.

Ежегодно повторяющиеся палы приводят к значительному обеднению природных экосистем, сокращению биологического разнообразия. Особенно опасны весенние палы в местах обитания редких и находящихся под угрозой исчезновения видов птиц, гнездящихся на земле или на низких кустарниках. При сильном травяном пожаре могут погибнуть многие животные – не только сгореть, но и задохнуться в дыму. Многие виды растений также с трудом переживают травяные пожары – особенно те, чьи почки находятся на самой поверхности почвы или чьи семена наиболее чувствительны к нагреванию.

В детстве, чего скрывать, мы баловались такими штуками, но было внутреннее чувство не давать разгуляться огню. Было ощущение опасности от бесконтрольной стихии — поэтому, уходя, мы, не сговариваясь, тщательно затаптывали последний дымок.

За нарушение требований пожарной безопасности законодательством Российской Федерации предусмотрена административная ответственность, а если подобные нарушения совершены в период особого противопожарного режима, то ответственность возрастает.

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 together (RSS)  together (RSS) Detected change on https://clck.ru/PFmC8 This is a change...

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:51 AM PDT

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Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

الكشف عن التغيير على https://clck.

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:43 AM PDT

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الكشف عن التغيير على https://clck.ru/PFmWt


Fracademic.com, تنص على " عائلة نورمان كريبون في الأصل من كالفادوس, يأتي من سلالات إسكندنافية مختلفة تنتمي إلى الدنماركي, نرويجي, والنبلاء السويديين. في الأصل ، جاء roricon de Crepon ، jarl ، المولود حوالي 870 ، من الدنمارك واستقر في دوقية نورماندي ، الذي أصبح رب Crepon الأول. ابنه رينولف دي كريبون ، ولد حوالي 900 ، تزوج الأميرة ...

دعونا منع الإعلانات! (لماذا ؟ )

Squarespace And New York Knicks Announce The Fourth Annual Make It Awards Winners

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:45 AM PDT

The New York Knicks and Squarespace, the leading all-in-one website building and ecommerce platform, today announced the winners of the fourth annual "Make It Awards," a program that provides four tri-state area businesses with the funds, exposure and guidance they need to take their businesses to the next level. Each of the winning businesses will be provided with a $30,000 grant, a one-year subscription to Squarespace, a feature segment on MSG Networks and one-on-one mentorship from a member of the esteemed panel of judges.

The four winning businesses are: It's From The Sole (Brooklyn, NY), First Tech Fund (Brooklyn, NY), IV Comfort Solutions (Fairfield, CT)and Popcorn for the People (Piscataway, NJ).Below are brief descriptions for each winner:

It's From The Soleis a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on providing sneakers to the less fortunate in New York City and other metropolitan areas. The company has distributed more than 30,000 pairs of sneakers over the past 8 years in 14 different countries, all on a 100% volunteer basis.

First Tech Fundis a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to supporting NYC students from low income and underserved backgrounds, to ensure they have access to technology that will empower them and close the rampant digital divide. First Tech Fund provides students with the tools and skills they need to thrive.

IV Comfort Solutions (Medi Teddy)is on a mission to improve the hospital experience and normalize medical care for children who need infusions, transfusions and tube feedings. The IV bag cover, which is designed to look like a teddy bear, reduces anxiety for both patients and parents alike, with 95% of users reporting improved emotional well-being during an infusion and a 46% reduction in pain.

Popcorn for the Peopleis a nonprofit dedicated to creating meaningful and sustainable employment for adults with Autism and other disabilities through the cooking, packaging, and selling of gourmet popcorn. They aim to combat the 80% unemployment rate in the Autistic community by creating the best popcorn, crafted by some of the best people, to create a more neurodiverse and accepting future within the workforce.

The $30,000 grant is inspired by the investment Squarespace Founder and CEO Anthony Casalena received from his parents to launch the company, and the submission process called for applicants to share details on their business and their inspiration, how they support their local community and their plan for how they would use the funds. This year, the program saw a record-breaking number of applications with more than a 100% increase in submissions since the program first launched in 2017.

The judging panel this year consisted of Knicks legend Walt "Clyde" Frazier, Malai Ice Cream owner Pooja Bavishi, Co-Founder of Street Dreams Magazine Steven "Sweatpants" Irby, Financial Gym owner & 2019 Make It Awards winner Shannon McLay, Entrepreneur & Creative Storyteller Bianca Jeanty and Filmmaker and Social Media Personality Nicolas "New York Nico" Heller. Additionally, Squarespace Founder and CEO Anthony Casalena returned as a judge for a fourth year.

About Madison Square Garden Sports Corp.

Madison Square Garden Sports Corp. (MSG Sports) is a leading professional sports company, with a collection of assets that includes: the New York Knicks (NBA) and the New York Rangers (NHL); two development league teams - the Westchester Knicks (NBAGL) and the Hartford Wolf Pack (AHL); and esports teams through Counter Logic Gaming, a leading North American esports organization, and Knicks Gaming, an NBA 2K League franchise. MSG Sports also operates two professional sports team performance centers - the MSG Training Center in Greenburgh, NY and the CLG Performance Center in Los Angeles, CA. More information is available at www.msgsports.com.

About Squarespace

Squarespace is a leading all-in-one website building and ecommerce platform that enables millions to build a brand and transact with their customers in an impactful and beautiful online presence. Our suite of products enables anyone at any stage of their journey to manage their projects and businesses through websites, domains, ecommerce, marketing tools, and scheduling, along with tools for managing a social media presence with Unfold and hospitality business management via Tock. Squarespace democratizes access to best-in-class design, helping our customers in approximately 180 countries maintain consistent branding across all digital touchpoints to stand out online. Our team of more than 1,200 is headquartered in downtown New York City, with offices in Dublin, Ireland, Portland, Oregon, and Los Angeles, California. For more information, visit www.squarespace.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210422005873/en/

Элемент айдентики

Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT


Международный олимпийский комитет разрешил использовать фрагмент из Концерта для фортепиано с оркестром № 1 Петра Чайковского вместо гимна России на Олимпийских играх.

Решение распространяется на летние Игры в Токио, которые пройдут в 2021 году, и зимнюю Олимпиаду в Пекине, запланированную на начало 2022 года.

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/Олимпийский комитет России/

Удивительно, что ОКР не запилол голосовалку на тему музыки, а сразу зашло с Чайковского. А то глядишь — и "Ленинград" бы победил. С почти любой песней.

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