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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

Весенние всполохи

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Россия,Брянск.Конец апреля 2021

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:11 AM PDT

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Рюкзак для ноутбука 17 (25 л) WENGER Pegasus 600639 Описание товара: -Отделение для ноутбука с мягкими стенками c тройной защитой 17\'\': Отделение с мягкими стенками с тройной...

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:03 AM PDT

птнчне сиськи

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:22 AM PDT

решил обзаводиться традициями в литиумной.
по птнц будут сизьге, но особые.

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Рюкзак Wenger 600639 7613329007976 | Академик²

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:04 AM PDT

Рюкзак для ноутбука 17 (25 л) WENGER Pegasus 600639 Описание товара: -Отделение для ноутбука с мягкими стенками c тройной защитой 17\'\': Отделение с мягкими стенками с тройной...

Может все не так плохо в РФ? Или все плохо но не так?

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:17 AM PDT

По статистике, уровень автомобилизации в Петрозаводске очень высокий. Что то около 500 машин на тысячу жителей. 440 в 2017 году было. Город выглядит жутко, даже не то слово, город выглядит пиздец как плохо, но при этом каждый второй катается на личном авто. Если посчитать старух и стариков, детей малых, и тд, то получается что у всех кому надо есть личный автомобиль что в общем то не хило.
У знакомой старушки пенсися 300 евро, на все хватает, живет в своей квартире в хрущевке. Радуется жизни. Понастроили херову тучу нового жилья. Причем люди нередко живут в старых панельках, а второе жилье в новом доме для детей купили, держат на будущее. Загородных домов и дач стало на порядок больше. Со спутника снимки гуглкарт можно посмотреть, все леса вокруг города выгрызли, застроили. То есть у людей тачка, квартира, дачка. Очень жирно по европейским понятиям. Земля то в сытых странах Западной Европы, стоит как золото, и недвижка то же.
По улицам родного города ходишь, страшно, все облезлое, в мусоре, раздолбанное, ржавое, дороги в дырах.Озеро воняет стоками, экология убитая. Людей возят на говновозках–маршрутках. Все серрое, черное, дешевое китайское. Эпидемии, болезни, наркомания, алкоголизм. Народ вымирает ударными темпами нахуй никому не нужный. Но при этом кто то живет, балдеет, и таких не мало. Может половина даже.
Что думаете?

Веб камеры города https://moigorod.sampo.ru/

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* DbOmiBMErh9XfJ3f9F9SdIWS03w4Qk2KqE54OUnOVirk_rZuQtcjPrqD1o6LTBZLq-_zR4gJG8VBLptQduf2PkgGCHx7yarJaYcArDhP8SmLX4xeNtZiKSLhZisbrRcO9vIPTylinmSsBRH4ggewptNxbLwTrmCuGrkklavrJJmnucCbESMS6KEBonHjVFd-nRoSyJQbo_cesuGrbYLfGv21HsCH2nP40m5lWudW0NEtJuhQjqHoCXL9iw9S3QY00gBtOoXOTpefc5uWaT7346Rruv3Y6BRB_p7n0Z1T-0WtHgWu1_ySas30DdstgT0sPph9eOJRY20R3wDw7SCaGA.jpg

* DbOmiBMErh9XfJ3f9F9SdIWS03w4Qk2KqE54OUnOVirk_rZuQtcjPrqD1o6LTBZLq-_zR4gJG8VBLptQduf2PkgGCHx7yarJaYcArDhP8SmLX4xeNtZiKSLhZisbrRcO9vIPTylinmSsBRH4ggewptNxbLwTrmCuGrkklavrJJmnucCbESMS6KEBonHjVFd-nRoSyJQbo_cesuGrbYLfGv21HsCH2nP40m5lWudW0NEtJuhQjqHoCXL9iw9S3QY00gBtOoXOTpefc5uWaT7346Rruv3Y6BRB_p7n0Z1T-0WtHgWu1_ySas30DdstgT0sPph9eOJRY20R3wDw7SCaGA.jpg

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:11 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:10 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:10 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:11 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:11 AM PDT

Global Decorative Coatings Market Outlook 2021-2026 - Construction And Rapid Urbanization / New Technologies / Remodelling And Repaint In Construction / Introduction Of DIY Paint

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:15 AM PDT

DUBLIN, April 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Decorative Coatings Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2021-2026" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

The global decorative coatings market by revenue is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 5% during 2021-2026.The introduction of anti-microbial coatings is expected to boost the global decorative paints market growth. These coatings use chemicals to prevent the growth of disease-causing micro-organisms. They provide lasting and effective protection against harmful bacteria, mold, and fungi.

A growing concern for cleanliness in several surroundings has led to the continued growth of the market. Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the growth of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), the importance of anti-microbial decorative coating has grown significantly. Hospitals, schools, and food production facilities are experiencing the high application of anti-microbial paints as these places are susceptible to bacterial and microbial growth.

However, the global market suffered a downfall during the COVID-19 crisis as major revenue-contributing end-users such as construction, commercial renovation, infrastructure development, and home improvement activities witnessed a halt, especially during Q1 Q2 2020. Global Decorative Coatings Market SegmentationThe global decorative coatings market research report includes a detailed segmentation by resin type, formation, product, end-user, surface type, geography. The demand for water-borne acrylic coatings is likely to augment during the forecast period due to their low volatile organic component (VOC) content, high gloss retention, and promising drying times.

Acrylic decorative coatings are used in residential and non-residential sectors. Increasing government initiatives to construct commercial and industrial infrastructure in emerging countries will offer acrylic coatings manufacturers opportunities. Also, the demand for eco-friendly water-based acrylic coatings is expected to boost the growth during the forecast period.

Europe and North America are the major end-users of these solutions due to the high preference for environment-friendly solutions. Acrylic water-borne coatings have replaced solvent-borne in North America and Western Europe and several developing economies.

INSIGHTS BY GEOGRAPHYBy value, APAC is the largest region in the decorative paints & coatings market. India and China are major contributors to the market, with China accounting for over $6 billion. Low labor costs, inexpensive raw materials, growing population, increased infrastructure investments, rising construction activities, and rapid urbanization are expected to boost the market during the forecast period.

India is expected to dominate the market due to expanding the construction sector with increasing government and private spending on commercial and residential constructions. The Indian government plans to develop 100 new airports by 2035. Therefore, the rise in the construction industry is likely to drive the decorative coatings market.

INSIGHTS BY VENDORSAkzoNobel, PPG Industries, Sherwin- Williams Company, Axalta, RPM International, and Nippon Paint are the major players in the market. Vendors are expanding their businesses via a profitable partnership or acquiring small or medium-sized active vendors, whereas domestic vendors are capitalizing with product portfolios based on the requirement. Large-scale manufacturers have shifted toward environment-friendly coatings with low or no VOC.

The introduction of innovative and proprietary products that cater to customer demands requires companies to devote significant effort and resources. The research and development team needs to continuously analyze market trends to design, develop, and manufacture new product categories and new products with distinctive features and added advantages. Prominent Vendors

  • AkzoNobel
  • PPG industries
  • Sherwin Williams
  • RPM International Inc
  • Axalta Coatings System

Other Prominent Vendors

  • Arkema
  • Asian Paints
  • BASF Chemical Company
  • Berger Paints Company
  • Brillux Gmbh & CO. KG
  • Cabot Corporation Chemical Company
  • Carpoly Chemical Group
  • Clariant AG Chemical Company
  • Cromology SAS Company
  • DAW SE
  • Diamond Vogel Paint Company
  • DSM Corporation
  • Dulux Group Limited
  • Dunn Edwards Paints
  • Eastman Chemical Company
  • Fujikura Kasei Company Ltd.
  • H.B. Fuller
  • Hempel Group
  • Jotun Chemical Company
  • Kansai Paint Company Limited
  • KCC Corporation
  • Masco Manufacturing Company
  • Nippon Paint Holdings Limited
  • NOROO Paint & Coatings Company Ltd.
  • Nuplex Industries Limited
  • Premium Coatings and Chemicals Pvt Ltd.
  • Sacal International Group Limited
  • SK Kaken Company Limited
  • Teknos Group OY
  • Tikkurila OYJ
  • Tnemec Company Inc.
  • Wacker Chemie AG

Key Topics Covered: 1 Research Methodology 2 Research Objectives 3 Research Process 4 Scope & Coverage4.1 Market Definition4.2 Base Year4.3 Scope of The Study4.4 Market Segment 5 Report Assumptions & Caveats5.1 Key Caveats5.2 Currency Conversion5.3 Market Derivation 6 Market at a Glance 7 Introduction7.1 Overview7.2 Impact Of COVID-19 8 Frequently Asked Questions8.1 What are the Major Factors Driving the Growth of Decorative Coatings?8.2 What is the Major Product Type in Decorative Coatings?8.3 Which Resin Type Is Projected to Grow at The Highest Rate?8.4 Which is The Dominant Technology Leading the Market?8.5 Which is The Largest Regional Market for Decorative Coatings?8.6 Which Are the Major Players Specializing In Decorative Coatings?8.7 What Is the Biggest Challenge In The Decorative Coating Market? 9 Industry Experts View on Market 10 Market Opportunities & Trends 10.1 Construction and Rapid Urbanization10.2 Introduction of New Technologies10.3 Remodelling and Repaint In The Construction Sector10.4 Introduction of DIY Paint 11 Market Growth Enablers11.1 Anti-Microbial Coatings11.2 Alternatives to Decorative Paint11.3 High Demand from The Manufacturing Sector In Developing Countries 12 Market Restraints12.1 High Cost of Raw Materials12.2 Low VOC Content Regulations 13 Supply Chain Analysis 14 Market Landscape 14.1 Market Overview14.2 Market Size & Forecast14.3 Five Forces Analysis 15 Resin Type15.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine15.2 Market Overview15.3 Acrylic15.4 ALKYD15.5 Vinyl15.6 Polyurethane15.7 Other 16 Surface Type16.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine16.2 Interior Coating16.3 Exterior Coating 17 Technology Type17.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine17.2 Market Overview17.3 Water-Borne17.4 Solvent-Borne17.5 Powder-Based17.6 UV-Cured 18 Product Type18.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine18.2 Emulsion18.3 Enamel18.4 Primers18.5 Others 19 User Type19.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine19.2 Professional Users19.3 DIY USERS 20 End-User20.1 Market Overview20.2 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine20.3 Residential20.4 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine20.5 Construction of New Houses20.6 Remodeling And Repainting20.7 DIY20.8 Non-Residential20.9 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine20.10 Commercial20.11 Infrastructure20.12 Industrial 21 Geography21.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine21.2 Geographic Overview

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/wxizgh

Media Contact:

Research and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager press@researchandmarkets.com    For E.S.T Office Hours Call +1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call +1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900 U.S. Fax: 646-607-1904 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716

View original content: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-decorative-coatings-market-outlook-2021-2026---construction-and-rapid-urbanization--new-technologies--remodelling-and-repaint-in-construction---introduction-of-diy-paint-301281204.html

SOURCE Research and Markets

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:10 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:19 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

Frontier Communications Sets New Course As Telecommunications Technology Company

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:15 AM PDT

Frontier Communications Parent, Inc. ("Frontier Communications" and, together with its subsidiaries, "Frontier") today announced that the Company has successfully completed its financial restructuring process and emerged from Chapter 11. Through this process, Frontier has reduced its debt by approximately $11 billion and annual interest expense by approximately $1 billion. With a recapitalized balance sheet, Frontier is now well-positioned to accelerate its transformation to become a leading telecommunications technology company in the United States through investment in innovation, fiber infrastructure expansion and operational enhancements.

Frontier's emergence from Chapter 11 follows receipt of all necessary state and federal approvals, as well as previous confirmation of the Company's Plan of Reorganization by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

As previously announced, Frontier's common stock is expected to commence trading on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the ticker symbol FYBR at market open on May 4, 2021.

"Today Frontier takes a critical step forward in its multi-year strategic transformation, emerging as a stronger company poised to lead in its mission of Building Gigabit America," said Nick Jeffery, President and Chief Executive Officer. "With a healthier financial position, we now have the right foundation to reinvent Frontier by accelerating investment in our fiber upgrades and delivering innovative solutions for our customers. Together, our team will accelerate our momentum and unlock Frontier's full potential. I am honored to have the opportunity to lead the Company as we enter this new chapter."

Mr. Jeffery continued, "I would like to express my appreciation to our customers, vendors and business partners for their support throughout our restructuring. I am also deeply grateful to our entire Frontier team for their hard work and constant dedication to keeping our customers connected. Frontier moves forward stronger, and with complete commitment to supporting the success of our stakeholders and delivering an exceptional experience for our customers."

John Stratton, Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, said, "Frontier has made significant progress in its transformation and has outstanding potential in its markets. Frontier now has a stronger balance sheet to invest and thrive through any cycle. The new Board and I look forward to working closely with Nick, who has a proven track record in our industry, and is off to a great start at Frontier. Together, we will capture the significant opportunities ahead for Frontier and drive sustainable, profitable growth, and enhanced value for our shareholders. I also want to express my appreciation to the retiring Board for its work on behalf of Frontier and all its stakeholders."

Operational Review and Initial Fiber Expansion Plan

Frontier has embarked on a full operational review of its business that will consider every aspect of Frontier's operations, including its approach to building its fiber network, customer engagement, digital strategy, costs, and organizational structure and culture. This review, which Frontier expects to complete by August, will build on the company's initial fiber expansion plan that was launched during the financial restructuring.

Mr. Jeffery stated, "Our initial fiber expansion plan is a bold and ambitious undertaking that supports Frontier's customer-centric strategy to become a fiber-rich provider with enhanced competitive positioning in markets with attractive returns. Through this plan, we will continue to deliver on our commitments to achieve improvements to our net promoter score, churn reduction, and wider customer and employee satisfaction. Our entire organization is energized and focused on the successful execution of our plan that will support Frontier's mission well into the future."

As part of the initial fiber expansion plan, Frontier is deploying capital and pursuing an extensive fiber build-out plan that will accelerate the Company's transformation from a legacy provider of copper-based services to a fiber-based provider. This plan builds on Frontier's successful Fiber-to-the-Home pilot program, using the planning, engineering, construction, and marketing knowledge gained from the pilot. Under the first phase of the plan, Frontier intends to invest heavily and pass more than 3 million homes and business locations, enabling a total of over 6 million homes and businesses with Gig-plus speeds.

Frontier is planning to pass approximately 495,000 additional locations in 2021.

As previously announced, in connection with the completion of its financial restructuring, Frontier Communications has formed a new eight-member Board of Directors, which includes six highly qualified, independent and diverse directors. Biographies for the new Board members can be found on the Company's website frontier.com.

About Frontier Communications

Frontier Communications Parent, Inc. offers a variety of services to residential and business customers over its fiber-optic and copper networks in 25 states, including video, high-speed internet, advanced voice, and Frontier Secure® digital protection solutions. Frontier Business™ offers communications solutions to small, medium, and enterprise businesses.

Forward-Looking Statements

This presentation contains "forward-looking statements," related to future events. Forward-looking statements address Frontier's expected future business, financial performance, and financial condition, and contain words such as "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "seek," "see," "may," "will," "would," or "target." Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain. Uncertainties that could cause our actual results to be materially different than those expressed in our forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: our ability to realize the anticipated benefits of the financial restructuring of our existing debt, existing equity interests and certain other obligations pursuant to the Fifth Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization of Frontier Communications Corporation and Its Debtor Affiliates Pursuant to Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code; our ability to comply with the restrictions imposed by covenants in our financing; declines in revenue from our voice services, switched and nonswitched access and video and data services that we cannot stabilize or offset with increases in revenue from other products and services; our ability to successfully implement strategic initiatives, including opportunities to enhance revenue and realize productivity improvements; our ability to effectively manage our operations, operating expenses, capital expenditures, debt service requirement and cash paid for income taxes and liquidity; competition from

cable, wireless and wireline carriers, satellite, and over the top companies, and the risk that we will not respond on a timely or profitable basis; our ability to successfully adjust to changes in the communications industry, including the effects of technological changes and competition on our capital expenditures, products and service offerings; risks related to disruption in our networks, infrastructure and information technology that result in customer loss and/or incurrence of additional expenses; the impact of potential information technology or data security breaches or other cyber-attacks or other disruptions; our ability to retain or attract new customers and to maintain relationships with customers, employees or suppliers; our ability to secure, continue to use or renew intellectual property and other licenses used in our business; changes to our board of directors and management team upon emergence from bankruptcy or in anticipation of emergence, and our ability to hire or retain key personnel; our ability to dispose of certain assets or asset groups on terms that are attractive to us, or at all; the effects of changes in the availability of federal and state universal service funding or other subsidies to us and our competitors and our ability to obtain future subsidies, including participation in the proposed RDOF program; our ability to meet our CAF II obligations and the risk of penalties or obligations to return certain CAF II funds; our ability to defend against litigation and potentially unfavorable results from current pending and future litigation; our ability to comply with applicable federal and state consumer protection requirements; the effects of state regulatory requirements that could limit our ability to transfer cash among our subsidiaries or dividend funds up to the parent company; the effects of governmental legislation and regulation on our business, including costs, disruptions, possible limitations on operating flexibility and changes to the competitive landscape resulting from such legislation or regulation; the impact of regulatory, investigative and legal proceedings and legal compliance risks; government infrastructure projects (such as highway construction) that impact our capital expenditures; continued reductions in switched access revenues as a result of regulation, competition or technology substitutions; our ability to effectively manage service quality in the states in which we operate and meet mandated service quality metrics; the effects of changes in income tax rates, tax laws, regulations or rulings, or federal or state tax assessments, including the risk that such changes may benefit our competitors more than us, as well as potential future decreases in the value of our deferred tax assets; the effects of changes in accounting policies or practices, including potential future impairment charges with respect to our intangible assets or additional losses on assets held for sale; the effects of increased medical expenses and pension and postemployment expenses; our ability to successfully renegotiate union contracts; changes in pension plan assumptions, interest rates, discount rates, regulatory rules and/or the value of our pension plan assets, which could require us to make increased contributions to the pension plan in 2020 and beyond; adverse changes in economic, political and market conditions in the areas that we serve, the U.S. and globally, including but not limited to, changes resulting from epidemics, pandemics and outbreaks of contagious diseases, including the COVID-19 pandemic, or other adverse public health developments; potential adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business and operations, including potential disruptions to the work of our employees arising from health and safety measures such as social distancing and working remotely, our ability to effectively manage increased demand on our network, our ability to maintain relationships with our current or prospective customers and vendors as well as their abilities to perform under current or proposed arrangements with us, and stress on our supply chain; the trading price and volatility of our common stock; and the risks and other factors contained in Frontier's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including our most recent report on Form 10-K. These risks and uncertainties may cause actual future results to be materially different than those expressed in such forward-looking statements. Frontier has no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements and does not undertake to do so.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210430005475/en/

<img class="result__icon__img" width="16" height="16" alt="" src="//external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/search.academic2.ru.ico" name="i15" />

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

Acclaimed Author &amp; Poet Palmer Smith Launches Her Southern Poetry Collection With The Butterfly Bruises

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:12 AM PDT

NEW YORK, April 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Acclaimed author, professional creative writer, teacher, and poet Palmer Smith launches her Southern Poetry Collection of 80 poems and five short stories in "The Butterfly Bruises" ( $18 U.S.) on May 15, 2021. Press Dionysus, a London, England-based independent publishing house, is working with IngramSpark for U.S. distribution.

Growing up in New York City, her mother packed up Palmer and her brother each summer for a road trip journey down the East Coast to visit extended family. Through the years, she experienced the sights, sounds, and smells of that Southern sojourn. She sewed together those memories into a general meditation on animals, the ocean, miscommunication, childhood, a Northeastern vs. Southern American culture, family, nature vs. technology, and the imagination of the introvert. This book may encourage the reader to question what it means to be living and communicating in today's world while giving space to answer these questions themselves.

Palmer's poems have been praised by the CFO of Garden & Gun Magazine and recognized by prominent author David Farley, who reviewed her book (see attachment). The leading photo for the book is by world-renowned photographer Jasper Soloff of Los Angeles, CA. The cover was created by entomology artist Evi Antonio of London, England.

Come meet Palmer at one of the venues onsite, outside, or on a ZOOM on her tour as she transverses the Southern and Midwestern states this summer and the Northeast this fall.  She is available upon request to teach high school/college/university classes on poetry, please inquire. For more information, go to www.TheButterflyBruisesBook.com for a reading/book-signing schedule or to contact her directly by email.

Author Palmer Smith New York City & Charlottesville info@TheButterflyBruisesBook.com 

PR Contact: Joanelle Mulrain 308938@email4pr.com 904 398 3699

View original content to download multimedia: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/acclaimed-author--poet-palmer-smith-launches-her-southern-poetry-collection-with-the-butterfly-bruises-301281349.html

SOURCE Palmer Smith

 full digest (RSS) feedspot (RSS) feedspot (RSS)...

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:11 AM PDT

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Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now!



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full digest (RSS) https://www.hottg.com/enacademiccom/114010 Telegram Q&amp;A Q: How does...

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:10 AM PDT

full digest (RSS)

Telegram Q&A
Q: How does hottg.com work?
Once you've set up a username, you can give people a hottg.com/username link. Opening that link on their phone will automatically fire up their Telegram app and open a chat with you. You can share username links with friends, write them on business cards or put them up on your website.This way people can contact you on Telegram without knowing your phone number.
With Telegram, you can send messages, photos, videos and files of any type (doc, zip, mp3, etc), as well as create groups for up to 200,000 people or channels for broadcasting to unlimited audiences. You can write to your phone contacts and find people by their usernames. As a result, Telegram is like SMS and email combined — and can take care of all your personal or business messaging needs. In addition to this, we support end-to-end encrypted voice calls.
Q: What is Telegram? What do I do here?
Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security, it's super-fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time — your messages sync seamlessly across any number of your phones, tablets or computers.
Q: Who is Telegram for?
Telegram is for everyone who wants fast and reliable messaging and calls. Business users and small teams may like the large groups, usernames, desktop apps and powerful file sharing options. You can appoint admins with advanced tools to help these communities prosper in peace. Public groups can be joined by anyone and are powerful platforms for discussions and collecting feedback.In case you're more into pictures, Telegram has animated gif search, a state of the art photo editor, and an open sticker platform (find some cool stickers here or here). What's more, there is no need to worry about disk space on your device. With Telegram's cloud support and cache management options, Telegram can take up nearly zero space on your phone.
Q: How is Telegram different from WhatsApp?
Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram is a cloud-based messenger with seamless sync. As a result, you can access your messages from several devices at once, including tablets and computers, and share an unlimited number of photos, videos and files (doc, zip, mp3, etc.) of up to 2 GB each. And if you don't want to store all that data on your device, you can always keep it in the cloud.Thanks to our multi-data center infrastructure and encryption, Telegram is faster and way more secure. On top of that, Telegram is free and will stay free — no ads, no subscription fees, forever.
Q: Can I make calls via Telegram?
Yes! Voice calls are currently available to users around the world.
Many modern travelers appear to struggle with managing various aspects of their finances simultaneously while abroad, such as banking, budgeting, investing, trading, and saving. It is important to have apps installed on the device that will help you carry out these necessary tasks.

<img class="result__icon__img" width="16" height="16" alt="" src="//external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/search.academic2.ru.ico" name="i15" />

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

 full digest (RSS) https://uz.tgstat.com/channel/@enacademic/2304572  Telegram pub...

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:11 AM PDT

 full digest (RSS)

 Telegram pub (RSS)Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWyt7This is a change monitoring for https://clck.ru/PWyt7 delivered by deltaFeed Сообщений за сутки: youtube.comcomment : 573274 twitter.com : 271591 twitter.comcomment : 252351 vk.com : 135135 vk.comcomment : 46640 livejournal.com : 10626 mail.ru : 10312 youtube.com : 4555 livejournal.comcomment : 2744 t.me : 2678 ok.ru : 2518 прочее : 2230 mosreg.ru : 1449 instagram.com : 1399 mos.ru : 958 tiktok.com : 743 liveinternet.ru : 353 twitch.tv : 326 swarmapp.com : 131 blogspot.com : 100 spb.ru : 85 tumblr.com : 84 juick.com : 22 rutube.ru : 12 igrajdanin.ru : 8 angrycitizen.ru : 0 medium.com : 0ТОП 30Топовые русскоязычные записи в социальных сетях по числу ссылок, комментариев, комментаторов и просмотров. Система рейтингов и поиска в блогах.-- Delivered by Feed43 service

- ТОП 30
Топовые русскоязычные записи в социальных сетях по числу ссылок, комментариев, комментаторов и просмотров. Система рейтингов и поиска в блогах.

deacademic.com Domain Health

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:18 AM PDT

Free Users are allowed only one (1) Domain Health Check every 24 hours. Upgrade to get unlimited Domain Health checks and a free Domain Health Monitor.

<img class="result__icon__img" width="16" height="16" alt="" src="//external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/search.academic2.ru.ico" name="i15" />

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

 Telegram pub (RSS) Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWzqK This is a change monitoring for...

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:19 AM PDT

 Telegram pub (RSS)
Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWzqK

This is a change monitoring for https://clck.ru/PWzqK delivered by deltaFeed 17ч. назад копия текста

18ч. назад копия текста

18ч. назад копия текста

22ч. назад копия текста

22ч. назад копия текста

28.04.2021 12:06 копия текста

28.04.2021 11:06 копия текста

- ТОП 30
Топовые русскоязычные записи в социальных сетях по числу ссылок, комментариев, комментаторов и просмотров. Система рейтингов и поиска в блогах.

<img class="result__icon__img" width="16" height="16" alt="" src="//external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/search.academic2.ru.ico" name="i15" />

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT


Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:03 AM PDT

 full digest (RSS) Enacademic Don&#39;t have Telegram yet? Try it now&#33; ...

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:11 AM PDT

 full digest (RSS)

Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now!



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<img class="result__icon__img" width="16" height="16" alt="" src="//external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/search.academic2.ru.ico" name="i15" />

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

MKD - acronyms.deacademic.com

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:18 AM PDT

Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach: Mkd — Cette page d'homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}} Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres … Wikipédia en Français. MKD — may be:* ISO 4217 code for Macedonian denar * ISO 3166 1 alpha 3 code and IOC country code for MKD or sometimes ...

Дуэль на водяных пистолетах, 1983, Шри–Ланка

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:17 AM PDT


Джордж Лукас и Стивен Спилберг во время съемок "Индиана Джонс и храм судьбы"

Написал shadows_and_dust на historydocs.d3.ru / комментировать


Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

<img class="result__icon__img" width="16" height="16" alt="" src="//external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/search.academic2.ru.ico" name="i15" />

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:04 AM PDT

v. (wash in general) шлямс; (launder) муськемс; (wash head) пезэмс.

 Telegram pub (RSS) Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWyt7 This is a change monitoring for...

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:19 AM PDT

 Telegram pub (RSS)
Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWyt7

This is a change monitoring for https://clck.ru/PWyt7 delivered by deltaFeed Сообщений за сутки: youtube.comcomment : 573274

twitter.com : 271591

twitter.comcomment : 252351

vk.com : 135135

vk.comcomment : 46640

livejournal.com : 10626

mail.ru : 10312

youtube.com : 4555

livejournal.comcomment : 2744

t.me : 2678

ok.ru : 2518

прочее : 2230

mosreg.ru : 1449

instagram.com : 1399

mos.ru : 958

tiktok.com : 743

liveinternet.ru : 353

twitch.tv : 326

swarmapp.com : 131

blogspot.com : 100

spb.ru : 85

tumblr.com : 84

juick.com : 22

rutube.ru : 12

igrajdanin.ru : 8

angrycitizen.ru : 0

medium.com : 0

- ТОП 30
Топовые русскоязычные записи в социальных сетях по числу ссылок, комментариев, комментаторов и просмотров. Система рейтингов и поиска в блогах.

full digest (RSS) https://www.hottg.com/enacademiccom/114010 Telegram Q&amp;A Q: How does...

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:10 AM PDT

full digest (RSS)

Telegram Q&A
Q: How does hottg.com work?
Once you've set up a username, you can give people a hottg.com/username link. Opening that link on their phone will automatically fire up their Telegram app and open a chat with you. You can share username links with friends, write them on business cards or put them up on your website.This way people can contact you on Telegram without knowing your phone number.
With Telegram, you can send messages, photos, videos and files of any type (doc, zip, mp3, etc), as well as create groups for up to 200,000 people or channels for broadcasting to unlimited audiences. You can write to your phone contacts and find people by their usernames. As a result, Telegram is like SMS and email combined — and can take care of all your personal or business messaging needs. In addition to this, we support end-to-end encrypted voice calls.
Q: What is Telegram? What do I do here?
Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security, it's super-fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time — your messages sync seamlessly across any number of your phones, tablets or computers.
Q: Who is Telegram for?
Telegram is for everyone who wants fast and reliable messaging and calls. Business users and small teams may like the large groups, usernames, desktop apps and powerful file sharing options. You can appoint admins with advanced tools to help these communities prosper in peace. Public groups can be joined by anyone and are powerful platforms for discussions and collecting feedback.In case you're more into pictures, Telegram has animated gif search, a state of the art photo editor, and an open sticker platform (find some cool stickers here or here). What's more, there is no need to worry about disk space on your device. With Telegram's cloud support and cache management options, Telegram can take up nearly zero space on your phone.
Q: How is Telegram different from WhatsApp?
Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram is a cloud-based messenger with seamless sync. As a result, you can access your messages from several devices at once, including tablets and computers, and share an unlimited number of photos, videos and files (doc, zip, mp3, etc.) of up to 2 GB each. And if you don't want to store all that data on your device, you can always keep it in the cloud.Thanks to our multi-data center infrastructure and encryption, Telegram is faster and way more secure. On top of that, Telegram is free and will stay free — no ads, no subscription fees, forever.
Q: Can I make calls via Telegram?
Yes! Voice calls are currently available to users around the world.
Many modern travelers appear to struggle with managing various aspects of their finances simultaneously while abroad, such as banking, budgeting, investing, trading, and saving. It is important to have apps installed on the device that will help you carry out these necessary tasks.

enacademic.com - Hottg

full digest (RSS) Detected change on...

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:10 AM PDT

full digest (RSS)
Detected change on https://tgchannels.org/channel/enacademicgroup?size=90

Enacademic 30 Apr 2021 17:55 Вероятно, золотой и синий щит Enacademic 30 Apr 2021 17:55 Русский: полный дайджест (RSS)tg. У вас еще нет телеграммы? Попробуйте прямо сейчас!

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Top telegram channels online web catalog tgchannels: telegram-channel enacademicgroup Enacademic, all messages about Unsorted

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Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:17 AM PDT

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