четверг, 10 сентября 2020 г.

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Premier largage en conditions opérationnelles pour le ... https://ift.tt/38GDELw Jan 25, 2020 -...
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TIMOTHY OMUNDSON - Timothy Omundson https://ift.tt/3bN6Aof May 19, 2020 - Timothy Omundson....
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Tunisie côté mer - Atelier de tissage traditionnel à Djerba ... https://ift.tt/35klyRl Feb 14,...
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ripetitivo - Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione https://ift.tt/3aARDmJ Oct 18, 2019 - agg....
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Page 27 sur 27 - Vivre avec le diabète - Diabète https://ift.tt/2Sv6aue Dec 20, 2019 - Abbott...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

Page 27 sur 27 - Vivre avec le diabète - Diabète
Dec 20, 2019 - Abbott Diabetes Care Abbott Freestyle Papillon Lecteur Vision.Es fehlt: C3% ‎A8te. DID fracademic.com. 04.06.2012 – « Cette semaine c'est la semaine de ...

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Diabète - Page 27 sur 27 - Vivre avec le diabète - Diabète

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Premier largage en conditions opérationnelles pour le ... https://ift.tt/38GDELw Jan 25, 2020 -...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

Premier largage en conditions opérationnelles pour le ...
Jan 25, 2020 - https://fracademic.com/pictures/frwiki/68/D9R_rpg-armor06a.jpg. Bon, peut être n' est il pas aérotransportable, mais j ai encore en tête le soldat français tué dans ...

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Premier largage en conditions opérationnelles pour le nouveau bulldozer du 17e Régiment du Génie Parachutiste - Zone Militaire
En décembre 2015, la Section d'appui à l'engagement [SAEP] du 17e Régiment du Génie Parachutiste [RGP] recevait un premier exemplaire de son nouveau Tracto-niveleur aérolargable [TNA], livré par l'entreprise UNAC, dans le cadre d'une marché notifié en 2009…

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Hérat et Kandahar - Barulage et promenage https://ift.tt/35lfTKO Sep 17, 2019 -...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

Hérat et Kandahar - Barulage et promenage
Sep 17, 2019 - http://fracademic.com/dic.nsf/frwiki/906226. Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir. Sur la route. Taxi-camionnette. Comme les commerces ancestraux, boutique ...

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Hérat et Kandahar - Barulage et promenage
Sur la route d'Hérat

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RENAULT AGORA L T2C - Lineoz.net :: Transport & mobilité ... https://ift.tt/2R4Yspe Jan 20,...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

RENAULT AGORA L T2C - Lineoz.net :: Transport & mobilité ...
Jan 20, 2020 - Transports en commun de l'agglomération clermontoise. Transports en commun de l'agglomération clermontoise fracademic.com ...

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Douleur au flanc & Inflammation suppurative & signe de ... https://ift.tt/2xPhBFZ Sep 3,...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

Douleur au flanc & Inflammation suppurative & signe de ...
Sep 3, 2020 - [encyclopedie_universelle.fracademic.com]. […] locaux - Douleur spontanee de la fosse lombaire Douleur a la palpation de l'angle costo vertebral Signe de ...

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Douleur au flanc & Inflammation suppurative & signe de giordano: Causes & raisons - Symptoma - Symptoma
Douleur au flanc & Inflammation suppurative & signe de giordano Contrôleur des symptômes : Les causes possibles comprennent Pyélonéphrite chronique. Consultez maintenant la liste complète des causes et des maladies possibles. Parlez à notre Chatbot pour affiner…

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TIMOTHY OMUNDSON - Timothy Omundson https://ift.tt/3bN6Aof May 19, 2020 - Timothy Omundson....
Sep 11th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

TIMOTHY OMUNDSON - Timothy Omundson
May 19, 2020 - Timothy Omundson. Timothy Omundson Fracademic.com. Galavant' Star Timothy Omundson Says He Is 'Praying' For. Galavant' Star Timothy Omundson Says ...

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Forma-odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) - Пост #228841 https://ift.tt/32kXRqe vor 9 Stunden - ......
Sep 11th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

Forma-odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) - Пост #228841
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Forma-odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) - Пост #228841 - tgstat.ru
@formaodezhdaru: Forma-Odezhda.ru@formaodezhdaruencyclopedie_universelle.fracademic.com › triatome https://encyclopedie_universelle.fracademic.com/142416/triatome triatome nom masculin Punaise américaine (réduv... - Публикация на Telegram Analytics

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Rue Mouffetard : promenade insolite sur l'ancienne voie ... https://ift.tt/3bTS1OR Sep 19,...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

Rue Mouffetard : promenade insolite sur l'ancienne voie ...
Sep 19, 2019 - Terrasses et Jardins : http://www.terrasses-jardins.com/tendance/paris/rue-mouffetard-paris-05/. - Fracademic : https://fracademic.com/dic.nsf/frwiki/1461041.

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Rue Mouffetard : promenade insolite sur l'ancienne voie romaine - Brèves d'Histoire
Est-ce que vous connaissez la rue Mouffetard ? Est-ce que vous avez déjà descendu la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève à partir du Panthéon en prenant la rue des Carmes et en arrivant Place de la Contrescarpe ? Si oui, vous avez vu, devant vous, une petite rue étroite…

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Histoires Naturelles – Où, quand, comment, par qui les ... https://ift.tt/2QDOWcw Aug 28, 2020...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

Histoires Naturelles – Où, quand, comment, par qui les ...
Aug 28, 2020 - Jean Nicot. https://thresor_fr.fracademic.com/8454/grillon [ ]; Dictionnaire de l'Académie française,https://thresor_fr.fracademic.com/8454/grillon [ ] ...

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Tunisie côté mer - Atelier de tissage traditionnel à Djerba ... https://ift.tt/35klyRl Feb 14,...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

Tunisie côté mer - Atelier de tissage traditionnel à Djerba ...
Feb 14, 2020 - Atelier · Cabine · Styles De Maison. Tunisie côté mer - Atelier de tissage traditionnel à Djerba - Une grande pièce dont les. Enregistrée depuis fracademic.com ...

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declamaire - Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu - Fracademic.com https://ift.tt/2YPJ2K6 Sep 26, 2019 -...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

declamaire - Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu - Fracademic.com
Sep 26, 2019 - arèla, airitz, declamaire, arello, airis n. déclamateur, trice.

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arèla, airitz, declamaire, arello, airis n. déclamateur, trice

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косуха перевод с русского на английский
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Sep 19, 2019 - См. также в других словарях: косуха — сущ., кол во синонимов: 11 • искажение (35) • косарь (13) • косая (10) • … Словарь синонимов.

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кольцо перевод с русского на казахский
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Oct 9, 2019 - См. также в других словарях: Кольцо — (от древнерусск. «коло» круг) круглый объект с отверстием внутри (пример: тор или полноторие). В Викисловаре ...

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үнемі перевод с казахского на все языки - academic2.ru
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Nov 25, 2019 - См. также в других словарях: әскерді басқару — (Управление войсками) штаб, саяси бөлім және т.б. басқару органдары басшыларының ...

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таволга перевод с русского на немецкий
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Sep 15, 2019 - См. также в других словарях: Таволга — ? Таволга Таволга вя … Википедия. таволга — растение Sрirаеа , приднепровск., донск. (Миртов), сиб. (Даль) ...

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олигурия перевод с русского на все языки
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Dec 20, 2019 - См. также в других словарях: олигурия — и, ж. oligurie f., нем. Oligurie <гр. oligos немногий + uron моча. мед. Уменьшение количества выделямой почками ...

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Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Apr 20, 2020 - 1 Vaduz — Basisdaten Staat: Liechtenstein Wahlkreis … Deutsch Wikipedia. 2 Vaduz — Bandera … Wikipedia Español. 3 Vaduz — Administration Pays …

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омут перевод с русского на казахский
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Oct 15, 2019 - См. также в других словарях: омут — омут, а, мн. ч. ы, ов и а, ов … Русский орфографический словарь. омут — См. бездна попасть в омут с головой.

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ладонь перевод с русского на белорусский
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Sep 17, 2019 - См. также в других словарях: ЛАДОНЬ — жен. по южн. произносят: долонь, длань; внутренняя сторона руки, всей кисти; та же сторона пясти, без ...

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терн перевод с русского на все языки
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Oct 3, 2019 - 1) бот. те́рен, -рну, терн, -у, уменьш.-ласк. терено́к, -нку́, терно́к, -ренку́, терно́чок, -чку, терене́ць, -нцю́; (одна ягода; кустарник) терни́на, уменьш.

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самоизоляция перевод с русского на английский
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Apr 4, 2020 - См. также в других словарях: самоизоляция — самоизоляция … Орфографический словарь-справочник. самоизоляция — самоизолирование Словарь ...

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дюймовочка перевод с русского на все языки
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Dec 9, 2019 - См. также в других словарях: ДЮЙМОВОЧКА — ДЮЙМОВОЧКА, ТОММЕЛИСЕ (дат. Tommelise букв. «Лисе величиной с дюйм») героиня сказки ...

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academic2.ru ² – Telegram
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

5 hours ago - Translate Academic 2 3 months ago translate.academic2.ru-Dictionaries and encyclopedia on Akad...-Translate Academic 2 Save to the collection I like to share ...

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Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Sep 30, 2019 - I [کرم] а. марҳамат, иноят; саховат, ҳиммат, кушодадастӣ, ҷавонмардӣ; лутфу карам меҳрубонӣ ва мурувват II [کرم] бот. сабзавоти хӯрокии намуди ...

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банкомёт ² - Русский орфографический словарь
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Sep 22, 2019 - Смотреть что такое "банкомёт" в других словарях: банкомёт — банкомёт … Русское словесное ударение. банкомет — банкомет … Орфографический ...

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academic2.ru ² - Telegram Messenger
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

1 day ago - Запомнить сайт. Все языки Абхазский Адыгейский Азербайджанский Аймара Айнский язык Акан Албанский Алтайский Английский Арабский Арагонский ...

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Greek primordial deities news | Serendeputy: Newsfeed ...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

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Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

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Запись от 10.09.2020 | Analogindex.ru | ВКонтакте
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

1 day ago - search.academic2.ru/πρᾶσσε καὶ τὰ ἐμὰ καὶ τὰ σὰ ὅπῃ κάλλιστα ἕξει. Analogindex.ru. ЧИТАТЬ · Ссылкаsearch.academic2.ru/πρᾶσσε καὶ τὰ ἐμὰ καὶ τὰ ...

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(Sep 10, 2020 08:31) Desautomatización - Enciclopedia ...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Aug 6, 2020 - Wolfram|Alpha (academic2.ru | hosting location) https://ift.tt/2WAl6K6 Result: Berlin, ... Powered by Feed Informer.

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Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

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Forma-odezhda.ru: &quot;Academic2.ru: Reviews and Comments ...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Aug 14, 2020 - ... Reviews and Comments | www.Academic2.ru …: https://formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/14/academic2-ru-reviews-and-comments-www-academic2-ru/

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shatterpoint перевод с английского на все языки
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Oct 9, 2019 - См. также в других словарях: Shatterpoint — Infobox SW Books name = Shatterpoint title orig = translator = author = Matthew Stover cover artist = editor ...

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Enacademic Analogindex – Telegram - Telegram Channel ...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Jul 4, 2020 - Il y a 2 heures - search.academic2.ru. RU. EN · DE · FR · ES. Запомнить сайт. Все языки, Абхазский, Адыгейский, Азербайджанский, Аймара, Айнский язык, ...

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Товары из (Reply) - analogindex
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

12 hours ago - ... 265 uses; производитель braun - academic2.ru - 1 use; росгвардия - 265 uses; снаряжение - 265 uses; товары из категории фссп купить - интерн - 1 use ...

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Конфуцианские учёные видели в поисках бессмертия пустое
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Aug 22, 2020 - Конфуцианские учёные видели в поисках бессмертия пустое суеверие. Толкование Перевод Книги. 1 Цинь Шихуанди — Не следует путать с Хуан ди.

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academic2.ru ² (@academic2ru) - Post #187820
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Apr 23, 2020 - academic2ru: ¿En qué campo posee gran habilidad... | La respuesta de Trivia | https://ift.tt/30gSYh6 Jun 4, 2020 - ... Magliabecchi, Kim Peek (que inspiró al ...

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Analogindex: &quot;store.academic2.ru › vendor › Алтекс ... - mas.to
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

8 hours ago - store.academic2.ru › vendor › Алтекс: https://store.academic2.ru/vendor/%D0%90%D0%BB%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81.

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Top stories and latest articles about World Trade Center
Sep 11th 2020, 03:43, by Feed Informer

Aug 24, 2020 - Saving page now... https://translate.academic2.ru/how%20the%20web%20was%20born:%20the%20story%20of%2...

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ripetitivo - Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione https://ift.tt/3aARDmJ Oct 18, 2019 - agg....
Sep 11th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

ripetitivo - Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Oct 18, 2019 - agg. ridetto, replicato, rifatto □ (est.) monotono, meccanico (fig.), noioso CONTR. nuovo.

via enacademic.com

ripetitivo - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
agg. ridetto, replicato, rifatto □ (est.) monotono, meccanico (fig.), noioso CONTR. nuovo

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create - Collocations dictionary https://ift.tt/2WnkFRM Feb 4, 2020 - verb Create is used with...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

create - Collocations dictionary
Feb 4, 2020 - verb Create is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑architect, ↑artist, ↑developer, ↑economy, ↑program, ↑programmer, ↑sculptor, ↑treaty Create is used ...

via enacademic.com

create - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
verb Create is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑architect, ↑artist, ↑developer, ↑economy, ↑program, ↑programmer, ↑sculptor, ↑treaty Create is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ballet, ↑account, ↑

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enacademic.com ² – Telegram https://ift.tt/3gkBeqg Jul 25, 2020 - enacademic.com. EN. RU · DE...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

enacademic.com ² – Telegram
Jul 25, 2020 - enacademic.com. EN. RU · DE · FR · ES. Remember this site; Embed dictionaries into your website · Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. All languages ...

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마지노요새, '난공불락 믿음'… 무용지물의 대명사로 -...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

마지노요새, '난공불락 믿음'… 무용지물의 대명사로 - 브런치
Jan 29, 2020 - 사진=enacademic.com. 현재 호크발트 요새만 군사용으로 쓰여 제2차 대전에서 별다른 역할을 못한 마지노선은 보수 작업을 거쳐 1970년 이전까지 핵전쟁을 대비한 ...

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마지노요새, '난공불락 믿음'… 무용지물의 대명사로 - brunch
프랑스의 마지노선 | 프랑스 750㎞ 방어선 구축…국방장관 앙드레 마지노 이름서 유래벙커만 수천개 최강시설이었으나 독일군 전술에 밀려 6주 만에 패배 프랑스는 제2차 세계대전의 전운이 감돌기 전인 1936년 독일과의 전쟁을 대비해 마지노선(Maginot Line)을 구축했다. 총 길이는 750㎞로 스위스부터 룩셈부르크에 이르는 프랑스-독일 국경 지대에 대략 5㎞마다 요새가

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dense - Collocations dictionary - Enacademic https://ift.tt/3h7t449 Oct 18, 2019 - adj. Dense is...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

dense - Collocations dictionary - Enacademic
Oct 18, 2019 - adj. Dense is used with these nouns: ↑bush, ↑canopy, ↑cloud, ↑clump, ↑cluster, ↑core, ↑cover, ↑fog, ↑foliage, ↑forest, ↑jungle, ↑layer, ↑

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dense - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
adj. Dense is used with these nouns: ↑bush, ↑canopy, ↑cloud, ↑clump, ↑cluster, ↑core, ↑cover, ↑fog, ↑foliage, ↑forest, ↑jungle, ↑layer, ↑

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&Tau;&omicron; &pi;&iota;&rho;&omicron;ύ&nu;&iota;...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

Το πιρούνι και πώς γράφεται | Οι λέξεις έχουν τη δική τους ...
Sep 24, 2019 - #98: Αν καταλαβαινω καλα απ' αυτο: http://greek_greek.enacademic.com/83896/%CE%BA%CF%81%CE%B5%CE%AC%CE%B3%CF%81%CE%B1

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Το πιρούνι και πώς γράφεται - Οι λέξεις έχουν τη δική τους ιστορία
Χτες έπιασα μια συζήτηση στο Φέισμπουκ με αφορμή ένα κείμενο που είχε αναδημοσιευτεί από γνωστόν γνωστού, μια παραλλαγή του Λερναίου με τον ποιητικό τίτλο «Τι σημαίνει η ελληνική γλώσσα λίγοι από ε…

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enacademic.com ² – Telegram https://ift.tt/331f8nl Jul 23, 2020 - vor 5 Stunden - Ernst Moritz...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

enacademic.com ² – Telegram
Jul 23, 2020 - vor 5 Stunden - Ernst Moritz Arndt - enacademic.com. Zum 100 Todestag am 29. Hier fanden und finden kleinere Sonderausstellungen und kulturelle ...

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surreptitious - Etymology dictionary https://ift.tt/3hiVrgA Aug 17, 2020 - mid 15c., from L....
Sep 11th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

surreptitious - Etymology dictionary
Aug 17, 2020 - mid 15c., from L. surrepticius stolen, furtive, clandestine, from surreptus, pp. of surripere seize secretly, from sub from under (hence, secretly ) + rapere to snatch ...

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surreptitious - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
mid 15c., from L. surrepticius stolen, furtive, clandestine, from surreptus, pp. of surripere seize secretly, from sub from under (hence, secretly ) + rapere to snatch (see RAPID (Cf. rapid)). Related: Surreptitiously

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pungent - Etymology dictionary https://ift.tt/2KIfUwD Oct 20, 2019 - 1590s, sharp, poignant (of...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

pungent - Etymology dictionary
Oct 20, 2019 - 1590s, sharp, poignant (of pain or grief), from L. pungentem (nom. pungens), prp. of pungere to prick, pierce, sting, related to pugnus fist (see PUGNACIOUS (Cf.

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pungent - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
1590s, sharp, poignant (of pain or grief), from L. pungentem (nom. pungens), prp. of pungere to prick, pierce, sting, related to pugnus fist (see PUGNACIOUS (Cf. pugnacious)). Meaning having powerful odor or taste first recorded 1660s. Literal…

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welcome [collocations.enacademic.com] https://ift.tt/3f8pBTd Oct 8, 2019 - {Roman}}I.{{/Roman}}...
Sep 11th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

welcome [collocations.enacademic.com]
Oct 8, 2019 - {Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE big, enthusiastic, friendly, hearty (esp. AmE), great, rapturous (esp. BrE), rousing, special, tumultuous (esp. BrE)

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welcome - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
{{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, enthusiastic, friendly, hearty (esp. AmE), great, rapturous (esp. BrE), rousing, special, tumultuous (esp. BrE)

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