среда, 9 сентября 2020 г.

6 hourly digest 20:49:50

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Nichtübereinstimmung - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
Караджич ² - academic2.ru
dynamic biochemistry - Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
pasotismo - Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos - EsAcademic.com
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Endomorphie - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic En|do|mor|phie die; (Med
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Sep 30
combusta - Vocabulari Català-Castellà - EsAcademic.com
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Блоги о... | ANALOGINDEX.LIVEJOURNAL.COM(no title)1837......
Disciples of Confucius
ήκω - Dictionary of Greek - Enacademic
luctus - Ballentine's law dictionary - Enacademic
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динамическая биохимия
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RainbowCrack ² - academic2.ru
Sep 9th 2020, 20:27

Тип взлом хешей Разработчик Zhu Shuanglei Операционная система Windows и Linux Последняя версия 1.5 (26 августа 2010) Сайт http://project ...

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Sep 9th 2020, 20:27


  • 1 affect — [ afɛkt ] n. m. • 1908; all. Affekt; a. fr. et XVIe « état, disposition »; du lat. affectus, comme l all. ♦ Psychol. État affectif élémentaire. Les sensations et les affects. ● affect nom masculin (allemand Affekt) Processus de décharge de l… …

    Encyclopédie Universelle

  • 2 affect — simulate, *assume, pretend, feign, counterfeit, sham affect 1 Affect, influence, touch, impress, strike, sway are more or less closely synonymous when they mean to produce or to have an effect upon a person or upon a thing capable of a reaction.… …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 3 Affect — Af*fect , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Affected}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Affecting}.] [L. affectus, p. p. of afficere to affect by active agency; ad + facere to make: cf. F. affectere, L. affectare, freq. of afficere. See {Fact}.] 1. To act upon; to produce an …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 4 affect — affect, effect 1. These two words are often confused. It should be remembered that effect is most common as a noun meaning 'a result or consequence' • (In England, at any rate, education produces no effect whatsoever Oscar Wilde) and that affect… …

    Modern English usage

  • 5 affect — Ⅰ. affect [1] ► VERB 1) make a difference to; have an effect on. 2) touch the feelings of. DERIVATIVES affecting adjective. USAGE Affect and effect are frequently confused …

    English terms dictionary

  • 6 affect — I verb act on, adficere, bear upon, cause to alter, cause to vary, change, commovere, conduce, exert influence, have an effect upon, have influence, impress, induce, influence, introduce a change, make a change, play a direct part, prevail upon,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 7 affect — [v1] influence, affect emotionally act on, alter, change, disturb, impinge, impress, induce, influence, inspire, interest, involve, modify, move, overcome, perturb, prevail, regard, relate, stir, sway, touch, transform, upset; concepts… …

    New thesaurus

  • 8 affect — affect1 [ə fekt′; ] for n. [ 2, af′ekt΄] vt. [ME affecten < L affectare, to strive after < affectus, pp. of afficere, to influence, attack < ad , to + facere, DO1] 1. to have an effect on; influence; produce a change in [bright light… …

    English World dictionary

  • 9 Affect — Af*fect ([a^]f*f[e^]kt ), n. [L. affectus.] 1. Affection; inclination; passion; feeling; disposition. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. (Psychotherapy) The emotional complex associated with an idea or mental state. In hysteria, the affect is… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 10 affect — affect, affective, affectivity An affect is an emotion. In sociology the use of the term generally implies that an action is being or has been carried out for emotional gratification. For example, in their discussion of Class Awareness in the… …

    Dictionary of sociology

  • 11 Affect — (v. lat.), schnell entstehende, lebhafte, ein bemerkliches Streben durch Aufhebung des Gleichgewichts im Gemüth hervorbringende, auf die Functionen des Geistes u. Körpers sichtbaren Einfluß habende Gemüthsbewegung. A. entsteht, wenn eine… …

    Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • 12 Affect — ist eine stärkere Gemüthsbewegung, welche die Seelenzustände stört und von einer Erregung des Nervensystems begleitet ist. Der A. ist vorübergehend, die Leidenschaft beharrlich, die Leidenschaft ist unsittlich, die A. können auch sittlich sein,… …

    Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • 13 affect —    by Felicity J.Colman   Watch me: affection is the intensity of colour in a sunset on a dry and cold autumn evening. Kiss me: affect is that indescribable moment before the registration of the audible, visual, and tactile transformations… …

    The Deleuze dictionary

  • 14 affect —    by Felicity J.Colman   Watch me: affection is the intensity of colour in a sunset on a dry and cold autumn evening. Kiss me: affect is that indescribable moment before the registration of the audible, visual, and tactile transformations… …

    The Deleuze dictionary

  • 15 affect — I af•fect v. [[t]əˈfɛkt[/t]] n. [[t]ˈæf ɛkt[/t]] v. t. 1) to produce an effect or change in: Cold weather affected the crops[/ex] 2) to impress the mind or move the feelings of: The music affected him deeply[/ex] 3) pat (of pain, disease, etc.)… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 16 Affect — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Affect (homonymie). L affect correspond à tout état affectif, pénible ou agréable, vague ou qualifié, qu il se présente sous la forme d une décharge massive ou d un état général. L affect désigne donc un ensemble …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 17 affect — verb (T) 1 to do something that produces an effect or change in someone or something: a disease that affects the central nervous system | emergency relief for the areas affected by the hurricane 2 (usually passive) to make someone feel strong… …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 18 Affect — The term Affect generally suggests an emotion . It is used in various ways in various contexts:* Affect (philosophy). * Affect (psychology), referring to feeling or emotion. * Affect display (psychology) refers to apparent signs of emotion, such… …


  • 19 affect — {{11}}affect (n.) late 14c., mental state, from Latin noun use of affectus furnished, supplied, endowed, figuratively disposed, constituted, inclined, pp. of afficere to do; treat, use, manage, handle; act on; have influence on, do something to,… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 20 affect — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin affectus, from afficere Date: 14th century 1. obsolete feeling, affection 2. the conscious subjective aspect of an emotion considered apart from bodily changes; also a set of… …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

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Sep 9th 2020, 20:27

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Sep 9th 2020, 20:21

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Sep 9th 2020, 20:20

<p><b>Золотой человек | Йокаи Мор</b><br><a href="https://ift.tt/2QP19LQ" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://ift.tt/2QP19LQ</a><br><br><br>via <a href="http://store.academic2.ru/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">store.academic2.ru</a></p><blockquote><b>Академик²

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Sep 9th 2020, 20:20
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Nichtübereinstimmung - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
Sep 9th 2020, 20:19

Uneinigkeit; Zwietracht; Hader; Dissens * * * Nịcht|über|ein|stim|mung 〈f. 20; unz.; in Wendungen wie〉 1. bei Nichtübereinstimmung der Ansichten wenn die A.

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Караджич ² - academic2.ru
Sep 9th 2020, 20:19

Караджич сербская и черногорская фамилия. Известные носители: Караджич, Вук Стефанович (1787 1864) сербский лингвист. Караджич, Дмитрий ...

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dynamic biochemistry - Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Sep 9th 2020, 20:19

dinaminė biochemija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mokslas, tiriantis gyvame organizme vykstančių cheminių procesų visumą. atitikmenys: angl. dynamic ...

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pasotismo - Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos - EsAcademic.com
Sep 9th 2020, 20:19

Mira otros diccionarios: pasotismo — sustantivo masculino 1. (no contable) Uso/registro: coloquial. Pragmática: frecuentemente peyorativo. Actitud y ...

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Telegram: Contact @enacademic
Sep 9th 2020, 20:16

New post in Enacademic Analogindex: chemijoste_lt.enacademic.com ›... https://ift.tt/3hm8Unm chemijoste_lt.enacademic.com › ... http://chemijoste_lt.enacademic.com/41918 piridoksolis statusas T sritis chemija formulė HOC₅HN(CH… https://ift.tt/3haKrRz


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Sep 9th 2020, 20:16

New post in Enacademic Analogindex: https://ift.tt/2F4vgN7 Научно-технический... https://ift.tt/2RcNyhk https://ift.tt/2F4vgN7 Научно-технический энциклопедический словарь ЮНОСТЬ (https://ift.tt/3i4Pzbj ( https: target=)">http… https://ift.tt/3mgP6p4


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Sep 9th 2020, 20:16
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Sep 9th 2020, 20:16
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Блоги о... | DEACADEMIC.COMPlanetRomeoGayRomeo URL...
Sep 9th 2020, 20:16
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Sep 9th 2020, 20:16
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Sep 9th 2020, 20:15

New post in Enacademic Analogindex: https://ift.tt/329L9dD Forma-odezhda.ru https://ift.tt/2FpXtgP Das... https://ift.tt/32e1NJa https://ift.tt/329L9dD Forma-odezhda.ru (https://ift.tt/3bQBXgN) https://ift.tt/2FpXtgP Das ultim… https://ift.tt/2Zm2QoB


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Sep 9th 2020, 20:15

New post in Enacademic Analogindex: Publication digest боруота https://ift.tt/32ea53F


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Sep 9th 2020, 20:15

New post in Enacademic Analogindex: analogindex Контр-адмирал https://ift.tt/2ZkwmLy


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Sep 9th 2020, 20:14

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analogindex: "Символика: https://analogindex…"
Sep 9th 2020, 20:14
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Символика: analogindex.livejournal.com/1167384.html
Sep 9th 2020, 20:14
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Sep 9th 2020, 20:13

New post in Enacademic Analogindex: Enacademic (https://ift.tt/2R5kCIh) https://ift.tt/3bFUuND


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Sep 9th 2020, 20:13

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Sep 9th 2020, 20:13

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Sep 9th 2020, 20:13

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Endomorphie - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic En|do|mor|phie die; (Med
Sep 9th 2020, 20:13

Endomorphie - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic En|do|mor|phie, die; (Med https://ift.tt/2ZnoMj2

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Telegram: Contact @enacademic
Sep 9th 2020, 20:12

New post in Enacademic Analogindex: https://ift.tt/328VDtQ This may cause VK to work slowly or experience errors. For speed and... https://ift.tt/3bOyuQz https://ift.tt/328VDtQ This may cause VK to work slowly or experience er… https://ift.tt/3bFpgWT


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Sep 9th 2020, 20:12

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Sep 30
Sep 9th 2020, 20:12

Sep 30 https://ift.tt/35i0Mlj

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Sep 9th 2020, 20:12

Your Daily digest for academic2.ru full 21:53 09.09.2020 Your Daily digest for academic2.ru full academic2.ru fullacademic2.ru full&nbsp; Contents https://tgchannels.org/channel/enacademic?size=30&lang=ru&first=1124780&start=0 topa ahí - Diccionario de chileno actual - EsAcademic.com régime de traction negative de l'hélice https://gooo.im/r3B519 https://gooo.im/MDN3BuSep 9th 2020, 16:49, by Feed Informer Enacademic https://gooo.im/ROxbqF topa ahí - Diccionario de chileno actual - EsAcademic.comSep 9th 2020, 16:24, by Feed Informer Saving page now... https://chileno.esacademic.com/5962/topa_...

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combusta - Vocabulari Català-Castellà - EsAcademic.com
Sep 9th 2020, 20:12

combusta - Vocabulari Català-Castellà - EsAcademic.com https://ift.tt/3m6Lkyw

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Категория Масла -
Sep 9th 2020, 20:12

Категория Масла -

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Блоги о... | ANALOGINDEX.LIVEJOURNAL.COM(no title)1837......
Sep 9th 2020, 20:12

Блоги о... | ANALOGINDEX.LIVEJOURNAL.COM(no title)1837... (https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3519582778087081&id=211932052185520) Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:46 AM PDT Блоги о... | ANALOGINDEX.LIVEJOURNAL.COM(no title)18:37... https://ift.tt/33hfkPD Товары из (https://analogindex.tumblr.com/post/628801151895289856/%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%8B-%D0%B8%D0%B7#_=_) Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:55 AM PDT ФормаОдежда.ру (https://m.vk.com/wall-95058324_6147) Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:53 AM PDT

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Sep 9th 2020, 20:12

MediaEnacademic via Vk formaodezhda digest https://ift.tt/33jzyIy

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Disciples of Confucius
Sep 9th 2020, 20:11

Sima Qian has Confucius saying: The disciples who received my instructions, and could themselves comprehend them, were seventy-seven individuals. They were all scholars of extraordinary ability. The common saying is, that the disciples of the sage were three thousand, while among them there were seventy-two worthies.

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ήκω - Dictionary of Greek - Enacademic
Sep 9th 2020, 20:11

ἥκω (AM) (ο ενεστ. ήκω με σημ. παρακμ., ο πρτ. ήκον με σημ. υπερσυντ. και ο μέλλ. ήξω με σημ. συντελ. μέλλ.) 1. έχω έλθει, έχω φθάσει, είμαι παρών (α. «οὔπω ...

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Sep 9th 2020, 20:11

η, ο αυτός που δεν έχει στίγματα (κεντημένα ή επικολλημένα): Φορούσε χιτώνα λευκό αδιάστικτο.

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luctus - Ballentine's law dictionary - Enacademic
Sep 9th 2020, 20:11

Look at other dictionaries: LUCTUS — pro Numine. Stat.. Theb. l. 2. v. 287. Sed Luctûs et Irae, Et Dolor et tota pressit Discordia dextrâ Sic aurem hoc Idolum, ...

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enacademic.com ² – Telegram - ZZAP.RUN
Sep 9th 2020, 20:11

vor 1 Stunde - enacademic.com · &sigma;&tau;&iota;&nu; ⚗ from greek. Look at other dictionaries: '&sigma;&tau;&iota;&nu; — ἐ&sigma;&tau;&iota;&nu; , &epsilon;ἰ&mu;ί sum ...

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динамическая биохимия
Sep 9th 2020, 20:11

vor 5 Stunden - dinaminė biochemija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mokslas, tiriantis gyvame organizme vykstančių cheminių procesų visumą. atitikmenys: angl. dynamic ...

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Telegram: Contact @enacademic
Sep 9th 2020, 20:10

New post in Enacademic Analogindex: https://ift.tt/3ieOaiu https://ift.tt/3ieOaiu academic2.ru Иммобилайзер fiat 01336569080 Оригинальный номер (https://ift.tt/2A4NHye) Иммобилайзер fiat 01336569080 Оригинальный номер: 0133656… https://ift.tt/3jVMuuC


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Гейсы вручались не систематизированно...
Sep 9th 2020, 20:10

Гейсы вручались не систематизированно Словари...

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