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Der Lauscher an der Wand hört seine eigene Schand'
Академик Борис Патон с космонавтами Светланой Савицкой и Владимиром Джанибековым, 1984 год, СССР
Найк Борзов — Слышу Тьму
Grab The Sony WH-XB700 Wireless Headphones For $78
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Looks Like The Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G Will Have A Pretty Fast Refresh Rate
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Антитела лам способны блокировать вирус SARS-CoV-2 ... tlg.fyi/deacademiccom/… ift.tt/3ctDlGe 01.05.2020 - Фото: deacademic.com. via...
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surface course formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/sur…
Aug 19th 2020, 21:19, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

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Перевод — 夊 — с китайского … formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/%d0…
Aug 19th 2020, 21:19, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

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Форма одежды и знаки различия милиции 1975-1990 гг. formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/%d1…
Aug 19th 2020, 21:19, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

Форма одежды и знаки различия милиции 1975-1990 гг. formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/%d1…

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Юбка befree 1931427241-50-XXS 4603373952691 formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/%d1…
Aug 19th 2020, 21:19, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

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Серия Новый мировой триллер formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/%d1…
Aug 19th 2020, 21:18, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

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Aug 19th 2020, 21:18, by Forma-Odezhda.ru


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КАНАДА ² – academic2.ru formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/%d0…
Aug 19th 2020, 21:18, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

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Translate.academic2.ru – SEO Checker – Website Review formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/tra…
Aug 19th 2020, 21:18, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

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Что такое рип-стоп, и в чём его преимущества formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/%d1…
Aug 19th 2020, 21:18, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

Что такое рип-стоп, и в чём его преимущества formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/%d1…

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Aug 19th 2020, 21:17, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

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Производитель RuSocks – academic2.ru formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/%d0…
Aug 19th 2020, 21:17, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

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Aug 19th 2020, 21:17, by Forma-Odezhda.ru


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Изгнание из рая | Брендон Джойс formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/%d0…
Aug 19th 2020, 21:17, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

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Aug 19th 2020, 21:11

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Aug 19th 2020, 21:10


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https://jugendsprache.deacademic.com › Boyband
Aug 19th 2020, 21:02

Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach: Boyband — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit Belegen (Literatur, Webseiten oder ...

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Der Lauscher an der Wand hört seine eigene Schand'
Aug 19th 2020, 21:02

Die sprichwörtliche Redensart besagt, dass es unanständig ist, andere zu belauschen. So heißt es beispielsweise in der deutschen Übersetzung des Romans »Der Honigsauger« von Robert Ruark: »Alec Barr war die alte Redensart wohl bekannt, wonach der Lauscher an …

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Академик Борис Патон с космонавтами Светланой Савицкой и Владимиром Джанибековым, 1984 год, СССР
Aug 19th 2020, 21:02, by D3

Сегодня на 102–ом году жизни скончался президент Национальной академии наук Украины Борис Евгеньевич Патон — заслуженный изобретатель СССР №1, человек, всю свою жизнь посвятивший такой казалось бы обычной вещи как сварка, но достигший в этой области космоса (в буквальном смысле).
Защитив диплом Киевского политехнического института 22 июня 1941 года, он, под руководством своего отца, усовершенствовал броню танка Т–34 — за эту разработку в 1943 году молодой ученый получил свой первый орден «Знак почета».
В 1953 году возглавил Киевский Институт электросварки (носящий имя его отца), который вместе с днепропетровским КБ «Южное» разрабатывал ракетные комплексы нового поколения "Рысак" и "Воевода".
Также институтом Патона были разработаны новые методы сварки для трубопроводов (по которым транспортировались нефть и газ), в том числе и подводный. А в 1984 году космонавты Светлана Савицкая и Владимир Джанибеков провели первый в истории эксперимент по сварке, резке и пайке металла в открытом космосе, используя универсальный ручной инструмент УРИ, разработанный в Киевском институте.
Через два года Борис Евгеньевич принимал активное участие в ликвидации последствий аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС, а уже в 1990–е годы разработал метод сварки костных (живых) тканей. Всего же на его счету более 1000 научных публикаций и свыше 400 изобретений –он о последних дней своей жизни продолжал заниматься научной деятельностью.

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Найк Борзов — Слышу Тьму
Aug 19th 2020, 21:00, by D3
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Grab The Sony WH-XB700 Wireless Headphones For $78
Aug 19th 2020, 20:58, by Android Headlines

91LZsxwaOEL AC SL1500

Amazon has the Sony WH-XB700  wireless headphones on sale right now for just $78. That is a really great price for these headphones, and good for $50 off their regular price.

These are some of the most popular sub-$100 headphones on the market right now. That is because they are on-ear headphones and offer some really great sound, as well as great battery life.

Feel the power of extra bass. Giving you some really deep bass for your music. 

Battery life is also pretty impressive here. Up to 30 hours of battery life for long-lasting listening

Listen in comfort with an on-ear design and swiveling ear cups. These make it super easy to wear the Sony WH-XB700 for hours without them becoming uncomfortable. 

Optimize your sound settings with the Sony Headphones | connect app. You can also use the app to install updates, set up your favorite virtual assistant and much more. Alexa Enabled for Voice Access to Music, Information, and More. Activate with a Simple Touch. 

If you need to take calls while you're listening to music, don't worry, you can. Easily take calls wirelessly with the built-in mic

And of course, audio quality here is pretty impressive too. With Sony's Extra Bass, and some really good sounding mids and highs. You also have the ability to use these as wireless or wired headphones. With the 3.5mm cable available in the box.

Additionally, there is NFC available. NFC is really great because it makes tapping to pair so much simpler with the Sony WH-XB700. Though you really only need to do this once. It's much easier then hunting down the headphones in your Bluetooth list.

You can pick up the Sony WH-XB700 from Amazon today by clicking here. These headphones are not going to be available for long, so you'll want to grab them before they are gone.

Sony WH-XB700 Headphones - Amazon - $78

The post Grab The Sony WH-XB700 Wireless Headphones For $78 appeared first on Android Headlines.

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analogindex: "https://academic2.ru › флегмат…"
Aug 19th 2020, 20:55
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Перевод — split senate — с английского — на … formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/19/%d0…: https://t.co/PUIn9hXKys
Aug 19th 2020, 20:55, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

Перевод — split senate — с английского — на … formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/19/%d0…: https://t.co/PUIn9hXKys Forma-Odezhda.ru : Перевод — split senate — с английского — на … formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/19/%d0…

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analogindex: "Категория Радиоэлектроника. Св…"
Aug 19th 2020, 20:55
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12 hourly digest 19:31:45
Aug 19th 2020, 20:54

12 hourly digest 19:31:45 https://ift.tt/2CHKJRX

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Aug 19th 2020, 20:53

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Aug 19th 2020, 20:53

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Aug 19th 2020, 20:53

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Looks Like The Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G Will Have A Pretty Fast Refresh Rate
Aug 19th 2020, 20:53, by Android Headlines

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 6

Samsung's Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G will seemingly come with a pretty high refresh rate according to a new leaked video.

The video comes from user Digital Sight over on TikTok (via Android Police). The short video doesn't just focus on the refresh rate, but rather different aspects of the phone and mostly just the design in what feels like a short hands-on video.

Samsung officially acknowledged the Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G during Unpacked back on August 5, but the refresh rate isn't something that was discussed. In fact the company didn't talk much about the phone at all in regards to its hardware specifications.

Other than the refresh rate you get a quick look at the device both closed and unfolded. And since Samsung didn't show off much of the device at its own event, another look isn't exactly a bad thing for anyone interested in the device.

The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G comes with a 120Hz refresh rate

The leaked video isn't long, and it doesn't show off everything about the phone. It does however briefly showcase the device's refresh rate options.

And in this case it looks like Samsung is utilizing the 120Hz refresh rate again. A number of the brand's devices already have a 120Hz refresh rate. Most recently the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G.

Keeping that in mind this is a variable refresh rate. Which means you can't set the device to stay at 120Hz all of the time. Instead it works to change and adjust based on the content. So when the content calls for a refresh rate of 120Hz, then screen adapts and scales up if it's able.

This is likely the same case with the Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G. As the video shows a minimum of a 60Hz refresh rate and a maximum of the 120Hz. This should make for some smooth scrolling when using this device.

A quick peek at the dialer and other features

In addition to the refresh rate and the open and closed design, the video gives a quick peek at the dialer app and a couple of other features.

All of the text is in Chinese so it's hard to make out what anything says. But you do get a look at the camera app which can take up the whole display when the device is unfolded. You can also see the lock screen.

The most interesting part though is how the camera app works. It doesn't just take up the whole display. It separates the controls like the shutter button and other settings from the viewfinder. Though this may only be when the display is slightly folded like it is in the video.

The post Looks Like The Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G Will Have A Pretty Fast Refresh Rate appeared first on Android Headlines.

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Aug 19th 2020, 20:52

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Aug 19th 2020, 20:52

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RSSMix.com Mix ID 11528279
Aug 19th 2020, 20:52

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Enacademic Analogindex
Aug 19th 2020, 20:52

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Aug 19th 2020, 20:52

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Aug 19th 2020, 20:52

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Aug 19th 2020, 20:52

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Daily digest 19:34:31
Aug 19th 2020, 20:51

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Enacademic Analogindex
Aug 19th 2020, 20:51

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Daily digest 19:33:00
Aug 19th 2020, 20:51

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analogindex: "Антитела лам способны блокиров…"
Aug 19th 2020, 20:50

Антитела лам способны блокировать вирус SARS-CoV-2 ...

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Aug 19th 2020, 20:50
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Антитела лам способны блокировать вирус SARS-CoV-2 ... tlg.fyi/deacademiccom/… ift.tt/3ctDlGe 01.05.2020 - Фото: deacademic.com. via...
Aug 19th 2020, 20:50, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

Антитела лам способны блокировать вирус SARS-CoV-2 ... tlg.fyi/deacademiccom/… ift.tt/3ctDlGe 01.05.2020 - Фото: deacademic.com. via https://t.co/M5CSUh8UjE (deacademic.com)-- Delivered by Feed43 (feed43.com) service

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Aug 19th 2020, 20:50, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

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Aug 19th 2020, 20:50, by Forma-Odezhda.ru

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Aug 19th 2020, 20:50
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Aug 19th 2020, 20:50
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