пятница, 14 августа 2020 г.

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exitus - medicine.enacademic.com
Bottrop from english
юз from russian
inhabit - Etymology dictionary
https://universal_en_ru.enacademic.com › moisten
Trumpet - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
non-interest bearing securities - first_banking_en_de ...
dynamic biochemistry
antagonizirati - hrvatski.enacademic.com
The Exodus: An Epic On Liberty - …
academic2.ru ² – Telegram
cheers перевод с английского на греческий
deacademic.com ² – Telegram
GALILÉE - Encyclopédie Universelle - Fracademic.com
Forma-odezhda.ru – Telegram
academic2.ru ² – Telegram - Telegram Channel Preview Widget
How to Update Samsung Galaxy S4 Active GT-I9295 to Android ...
veranlagungsbezirk ⚗ from german to english
academic2.ru ² – Telegram
International Maritime Law from the Russian Perspective: A ...
deacademic.com ² – Telegram
deacademic.com ² – Telegram
Chooz - DeAcademic
Kritische Erziehungswissenschaft
mojón por el agua - Diccionario de chileno actual
https://swahili_english.enacademic.com › mkusanyiko
https://aviation_dictionary.enacademic.com › glass_cockpit
Playboy Special Edition - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate Co. Ltd. v ...
μαικήνας - Dictionary of Greek
english_dictionary.enacademic.com › ...
John Thomas Sweeney
Campagne - Esacademic
Костюм Магнум Осень (хаки), производитель PROFARMY Купить ...
Товары из категории фсо Купить - Интернет-магазин форменной ...
Liste der weiblichen Pornodarsteller
Glasfaden - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
n BrE ELECTRON of harmonics Oberwellenanalysator m
Pleysier - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
https://universal_lexikon.deacademic.com › ...
notice of credit
Steno - Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache
hand-to-hand fighting ⚗ von englisch auf …
https://umgangssprache_de.deacademic.com › durchsieben
Aug 14th 2020, 17:02

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exitus - medicine.enacademic.com
Aug 14th 2020, 17:00

An exit or outlet; death. [L. fr. ex eo, pp. itus, to go out] * * * ex·i·tus ek sət əs n, pl exitus DEATH esp fatal termination of a disease

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Bottrop from english
Aug 14th 2020, 17:00

enacademic.com. EN. RU · DE · FR · ES. Remember this site. Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. All languages, Abkhaz, Adyghe, Afrikaans, Ainu, Akan ...

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юз from russian
Aug 14th 2020, 17:00

. enacademic.com. EN. RU · DE · FR · ES. Remember this site; Embed dictionaries into your website · Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. All languages ...

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inhabit - Etymology dictionary
Aug 14th 2020, 17:00

(v.) late 14c., from O.Fr. enhabiter dwell in (12c.), from L. inhabitare to dwell in, from in in (see IN (Cf. in ) (2)) + habitare to dwell, frequentative of habere hold, ...

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https://universal_en_ru.enacademic.com › moisten
Aug 14th 2020, 17:00

Смотреть что такое "moisten" в других словарях: Moisten — Mois ten, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Moistened}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Moistening}.] 1. To make damp; to wet in a ...

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Trumpet - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach: Trumpet — Trump et, n. [F. trompette, dim. of trompe. See {Trump} a trumpet.] 1. (Mus.) A wind instrument of ...

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non-interest bearing securities - first_banking_en_de ...
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

non-interest bearing securities: übersetzung. unverzinsliche Werte. First banking dictionary. Winfried Honig. 2014.

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dynamic biochemistry
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

Перевод — dynamic biochemistry — с английского — на русский — 1

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antagonizirati - hrvatski.enacademic.com
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

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The Exodus: An Epic On Liberty - …
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

The Moon of Israel — Die Sklavenkönigin Directed by Michael Curtiz (as Mihaly Kertész) Produced by Sascha Kolowrat Krakowsky Arnold Pressburger Written by Ladislaus Vajda H. Rider Haggard … Wikipedia History of Poland during the Jagiellon dynasty — History of Poland … Wikipedia Culture of the United States — Enthusiastic crowds at the…

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academic2.ru ² – Telegram
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

Словари и энциклопедии на academic2.ru 1611 ² - academic2.ru https://ift.tt/30pcfez См. также в других словарях: 1611 ...

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cheers перевод с английского на греческий
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

См. также в других словарях: Cheers 2 U — Studio album by Playa Released March 24, 1998 … Wikipedia. Cheers — Альбом Оби Трайса Дата выпуска 23 ...

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deacademic.com ² – Telegram
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

deacademic.com ². Promontorium - Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke ...

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GALILÉE - Encyclopédie Universelle - Fracademic.com
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

Région du nord d'Israël, la Galilée est située entre la frontière du Liban et la plaine de Yizréel, et s'étend du Jourdain, à l'est, à la plaine côtière ...

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Forma-odezhda.ru – Telegram
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

флегматизм — а, м. flegmatisme | гр. phlegma слизь, мокрота. Невозмутимое спокойствие, граничащее с ...

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academic2.ru ² – Telegram - Telegram Channel Preview Widget
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

7 days ago - 4 days ago - https://pokhudetkak.ru/love-limited-- ... http://xn-----6kccxuckdcghkikikyl0l9buo.xn--p1ai/?bzd_product=41303&bzd_category=369 ...

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How to Update Samsung Galaxy S4 Active GT-I9295 to Android ...
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

Today, Androidbiits.com will share an awesome news with Samsung Galaxy S4 Active GT-I9295 users. According to mythi, Android 5.0.2 Lollipop SlimLP [UN-OFFICIAL] Custom ROM is available for Samsung Galaxy S4 Active GT-I9295. Well, I have recently discussed about the step-by-step instructions for updating Verizon Motorola DROID X MB810 to KitKat 4.4.4 with the help of LiquidSmooth [v3.2].

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veranlagungsbezirk ⚗ from german to english
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

Translation — veranlagungsbezirk — from german — to english — 1. Wir verwenden Cookies für die beste Präsentation unserer Website. Wenn Sie diese Website weiterhin nutzen, stimmen Sie dem zu.

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academic2.ru ² – Telegram
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

Songs ... https://pokhudetkak.ru/love-limited-- ... http://xn-----6kccxuckdcghkikikyl0l9buo.xn--p1ai/?bzd_product=41303&bzd_category=369 . » exprofesamente .

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Aug 14th 2020, 16:52


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International Maritime Law from the Russian Perspective: A ...
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

On 19 May 2005, the Rules for Preventing Air Pollution from Ships (MARPOL ... 7In Russian: http://pfo.infocourt.ru/car_novorossisk-leninsky-krd_krasnodar_yufo/ ...Vasiliy Gutsulyak - 2018 - ‎Law

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deacademic.com ² – Telegram
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

24.07.2020 - ... of the Brazilian population. 1 view 20:34 · Translate. July 23. deacademic.com ². Wenn du zum Weibe gehst, vergiss die Peitsche …

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deacademic.com ² – Telegram
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

deacademic.com · Hani Haider: About 3,500 workers Working 24/7 To sterilize Masjid al-Haram https://t.co/nsAUcDG96l #Hajj #Hajj2020 #InPeaceAndSecurity

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Chooz - DeAcademic
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

deacademic.com. DE. RU · EN · FR · ES. Sich die Webseite zu merken. Alle Sprachen, Abchasisch, Adyghe, Afrikaans, Ainu, Akan, Albanisch, Alsacien ...

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Kritische Erziehungswissenschaft
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

Erziehung im Kontext der Kritischen Theorie. Nach dem Anspruch der Kritischen Erziehungswissenschaft soll Erziehung so erfolgen, dass mündige und kritische Subjekte gebildet würden, die auch die Gesellschaft nach emanzipatorischen Gesichtspunkten umgestalten können. Individuelle „Mündigkeit" richtet sich somit auf die Gesellschaft als ganze. In den 1970er Jahren vollzog die Kritische ...

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mojón por el agua - Diccionario de chileno actual
Aug 14th 2020, 16:52

10.10.2019 - por fin se va ese indeseable; terminó; se usa para marcar la partida de alguien o algo indeseado; cf. adiós mojón por el agua, se va mojón por el agua, mojón; ...

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https://swahili_english.enacademic.com › mkusanyiko
Aug 14th 2020, 16:45

[Swahili Word] mkusanyiko [Swahili Plural] mikusanyiko [English Word] accumulation [English Plural] accumulations [Part of Speech] noun [Class] 3/4 [​Derived ...

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https://aviation_dictionary.enacademic.com › glass_cockpit
Aug 14th 2020, 16:45

An aircraft cockpit that has a number of multicolored displays instead of conventional instruments. A typical glass cockpit of a wide bodied aircraft.

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Playboy Special Edition - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Aug 14th 2020, 16:45

Playboy Special Editions (formerly known as flats, then Newsstand Specials [2]) are a spin-off series of Playboy magazine devoted entirely to softcore nude photographs of the Playboy models that are found sporadically scattered in the monthly Playboy magazine.

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Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate Co. Ltd. v ...
Aug 14th 2020, 16:33

"Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate Co. Ltd. v. Cunninghame", [1906] 2 Ch. 34 (C.A.) is a landmark English decision in corporate law.The Court of Appeal affirmed the directors control over a corporation and held that the directors were not agents of the shareholders and so were not bound to implement shareholder resolutions.. Background. Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate Co. was ...

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μαικήνας - Dictionary of Greek
Aug 14th 2020, 16:32

Gaius Maecenas, 69; – 8 π.Χ.). Ρωμαίος συγγραφέας και πολιτικός. Από οικογένεια ευγενών ετρουσκικής καταγωγής, υπήρξε φίλος και σύμβουλος του ...

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english_dictionary.enacademic.com › ...
Aug 14th 2020, 16:32

UK [ˈtiːkə] / US [ˈtɪkə] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms tikka : singular tikka plural tikkas an Indian meal that consists of pieces of meat or vegetables ...

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John Thomas Sweeney
Aug 14th 2020, 16:32

Look at other dictionaries: John E. Sweeney — John Sweeney Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York s 20th district In office January 3, 1999 – January 3, 2007 Prece … Wikipedia. Sweeney (name) — Sweeney is a surname that is in most cases, of Irish origin, derived from the Gaelic Mac Suibhne meaning son of Suibhne . The Gaelic name, Suibhne , was a byname …

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Campagne - Esacademic
Aug 14th 2020, 16:30

Mira otros diccionarios: campagne — [ kɑ̃paɲ ] n. f. • 1671; campaigne 1535; forme normanno picarde de champagne, bas lat. campania « plaine » I ♢ 1 ♢ Vx ...

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Aug 14th 2020, 16:30

@esacademiccom: https://ift.tt/2Y76fb7 › la_pensión_Soto_casa_comida_y_poto https://ift.tt/2TRo0so la casa de la novia cuando el novio es tratado bien; se dice de la casa de la pareja, especialmente la casa de... - Публикация на Telegram Analytics

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Aug 14th 2020, 16:30

„deren" oder „derer"?„deren" (vorangestelltes Genitivattribut): mit …

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Aug 14th 2020, 16:30

Substantiv, feminin – 1a. eine von mehreren ebenen Flächen, … 1b. linke oder rechte, vordere oder … 1c. rechter oder linker flächiger Teil …

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Костюм Магнум Осень (хаки), производитель PROFARMY Купить ...
Aug 14th 2020, 16:20

Костюм Магнум Осень ТМ PRIDE of the hunter Разработан на основе знаменитого военного костюма Горка . В этом костюме гармонично сочетается проверенный временем анатомический крой и современные ветро-влагозащитные материалы ...

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Товары из категории фсо Купить - Интернет-магазин форменной ...
Aug 14th 2020, 16:20

Галстук состоит из основной детали, узла и шейки. Широкий конец основной детали заканчивается углом, боковые стороны наклонные, шейка галстука из тесьмы эластичной и металлической фурнитуры.

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Liste der weiblichen Pornodarsteller
Aug 14th 2020, 16:02

Diese Liste der Pornodarstellerinnen enthält die Künstlernamen, gebürtige Namen, Geburtsjahr, Nationalität und weitere berufliche oder künstlerische Tätigkeiten einiger sehr bekannten Pornodarstellerinnen. A Sunrise Adams, (* 1982), US…

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Glasfaden - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
Aug 14th 2020, 16:02

Glas|fa|den 〈m. 4u〉 Faden aus Glas * * * Glas|fa|den, der: aus einem Gemisch verschiedener Glassorten hergestellter stabiler Faden.

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n BrE ELECTRON of harmonics Oberwellenanalysator m
Aug 14th 2020, 15:23

n BrE ELECTRON of harmonics Oberwellenanalysator m...

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Pleysier - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
Aug 14th 2020, 15:23

[ plɛ̯iziːr], Leo Jozef Theresia, flämischer Schriftsteller, * Rijkevorsel (Provinz Antwerpen) 28. 5. 1945; bekannt wurde Pleysier v. a. durch die ...

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https://universal_lexikon.deacademic.com › ...
Aug 14th 2020, 15:23

1 26 Dachformen f und Dachteile n 1 das Satteldach 2 der First (Dachfirst) 3 der Ortgang 4 die Traufe (der Dachfuß) 5 der Giebel 6 die Dachgaube (Dachgaupe)​ ...

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notice of credit
Aug 14th 2020, 15:23

Kündigung des Kredits. First banking dictionary. Winfried Honig. 2014.. notice of cancellation

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Steno - Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache
Aug 14th 2020, 15:23

Stenof Kurzschrift.Aus»Stenographie«verkürzt.1920ff.

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hand-to-hand fighting ⚗ von englisch auf …
Aug 14th 2020, 15:23

Übersetzungen — hand-to-hand fighting — von englisch — auf franzosisch — 1

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Aug 14th 2020, 15:23

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https://umgangssprache_de.deacademic.com › durchsieben
Aug 14th 2020, 15:23

durchsiebentr 1.jdsWesensartundVorlebengenauprüfen.​ImSiebwirddasGrobevomFeinengesondert.1910ff. 2.​aufjneineFeuersalveabgeben.

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