вторник, 18 августа 2020 г.

Daily digest 23:27:43

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stool pigeon
adj [team] de vedettes ; all star cast Cin brillante distribution f
stool pigeon
Aug 18th 2020, 23:27

  • Stool pigeon — Stool Stool, n. [AS. st[=o]l a seat; akin to OFries. & OS. st[=o]l, D. stoel, G. stuhl, OHG. stuol, Icel. st[=o]ll, Sw. & Dan. stol, Goth. st[=o]ls, Lith. stalas a table, Russ. stol ; from the root of E. stand. [root]163. See {Stand}, and cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stool pigeon — (USA) A stool pigeon is a police informer …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • stool pigeon — ► NOUN 1) a police informer. 2) a person acting as a decoy. ORIGIN so named from the original use of a pigeon fixed to a stool as a decoy …   English terms dictionary

  • stool pigeon — police informer, 1868, American English; earlier one who betrays the unwary (or is used to betray them), 1821, originally a decoy bird (1812); said to be from decoys being fastened to stools to lure other pigeons. But perhaps related to stall… …   Etymology dictionary

  • stool pigeon — [sto͞o′lē] n. ☆ n. 1. a pigeon or other bird used as a decoy 2. a person serving as a decoy 3. Informal a spy or informer, esp. for the police: also stoolie [sto͞o′lē] n …   English World dictionary

  • stool pigeon — index informant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • stool pigeon — stool ,pigeon noun count INFORMAL someone who gives information to the police about criminals …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • stool pigeon — [n] informer betrayer, blabbermouth*, canary*, decoy, deep throat*, doublecrosser, fink*, informant, narc*, nark*, rat*, sneak, snitch, snitcher, source, squealer*, stoolie*, tattler, tattletale, tipster*, turncoat, weasel*, whistle blower;… …   New thesaurus

  • stool pigeon — noun 1. someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police • Syn: ↑fink, ↑snitch, ↑snitcher, ↑stoolpigeon, ↑stoolie, ↑sneak, ↑sneaker, ↑canary …   Useful english dictionary

  • stool pigeon — (USA)    A stool pigeon is a police informer.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    A person who acts as an informer, especially one who gives information to the police or the authorities, is called a stool pigeon.     I don t trust Jack. I… …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • stool pigeon —    a police informer    Pigeons were tied to stools to lure other pigeons for capture:     Perhaps the incident would have passed without further consequences, for the stool pigeon was no more popular among the guards, most of whom thought he had …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

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    adj [team] de vedettes ; all star cast Cin brillante distribution f
    Aug 18th 2020, 23:27



    all-star adj [team] de vedettes ; all-star cast Cin brillante distribution f.

    Big English-French dictionary. 2003.

    Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:

    • All-star — (also, allstar or all star)Fact|date=September 2007 is a term with meanings in both the worlds of sports and entertainment. EntertainmentIn the entertainment sense (all star cast), it is used to describe the cast of a movie in which most of the… …   Wikipedia

    • all-star — all′ star adj. 1) spo consisting of athletes chosen as the best at their positions from all teams in a league or region: an all star team[/ex] 2) consisting entirely of star performers: an all star cast[/ex] 3) spo a player selected for an all… …   From formal English to slang

    • all-star — ☆ all star [ôl′stär΄ ] adj. 1. made up entirely of outstanding or star performers 2. of or characteristic of all stars or an all star event n. a member of an all star team or group …   English World dictionary

    • All-Star — est le nom d un label lancé par DC Comics en 2005. Le label doit servir à DC de réponse au succès du label Ultimate de Marvel Comics, en offrant des histoires dégagées du poids de la continuité. Plus spécifiquement, le label All Star a pour… …   Wikipédia en Français

    • All-Star-... — 〈[ɔ:lsta:(r)] in Zus. mit Subst.〉 aus berühmten Künstlern (oft Musikern) bestehend, z. B. All Star Band, All Star Trio [engl.] …   Universal-Lexikon

    • All-Star-... — … 〈[ɔ:lsta:(r)] in Zus. mit Subst.〉 aus berühmten Künstlern (oft Musikern) bestehend; All Star ...Band; All Star ...Trio [Etym.: engl.] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

    • all-star — (adj.) 1893, originally of theatrical casts, from ALL (Cf. all) + STAR (Cf. star) (n.) in the celebrated person sense. From 1898 in reference to sports teams …   Etymology dictionary

    • all-star — adj [only before noun] including many famous actors, sports players etc ▪ an all star cast …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • All-Star — a professional baseball or ↑basketball player who is one of the best and most popular, and who has been chosen to play in an All Star team (=a team made up of the best players) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • all-star — all ,star adjective only before noun containing only very famous or very good performers or sports players: an all star cast/team …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • All Star — Der Begriff All Star stammt aus dem US Sport Bereich und bezeichnet einen Spieler, der aufgrund seiner herausragenden Leistungen in der laufenden Saison oder großer Bekanntheit, entweder durch viele Stimmen von den Fans oder von den… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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    Aug 18th 2020, 23:27


    A n

    1 lit, gen saut m, bond m ; Sport saut m ; to take a leap sauter, faire un saut ; in ou at one leap d'un bond ;

    2 fig (big step) bond m (en avant) ; a great leap forward in sth un grand bond en avant en qch ; to make the leap from journalist to novelist faire le saut du journalisme au roman ; it requires a leap of the imagination cela réclame un grand effort d'imagination ; 'a giant leap for mankind' 'un pas de géant pour l'humanité' ;

    3 (in price, demand) bond m (in dans).

    B vtr (prét, pp leapt, leaped)

    1 (jump over) franchir [qch] d'un bond [hedge, chasm] ;

    2 [person] to leap three metres sauter trois mètres ;

    3 [rider] faire sauter [horse] (over au dessus de).

    C vi (prét, pp leapt, leaped)

    1 [person, animal] bondir, sauter ; to leap out of the bath/to the phone/to one's feet bondir or sauter hors de son bain/sur le téléphone/sur ses pieds ; to leap across ou over sth franchir qch d'un bond ; to leap out of bed sauter du lit ; to leap to safety sauter pour sauver sa vie ; to leap up the stairs monter l'escalier quatre à quatre ; to leap to sb's defence fig bondir au secours de qn ;

    2 fig [heart] bondir (with de) ; her mind leaped back to her childhood son enfance lui est revenue brutalement à l'esprit ; the narrative leaps forward to 1950 le récit saute à 1950 ; the words leaped off the page at him les mots lui ont sauté aux yeux ;

    3 [price, profit, charge, stock market] grimper (by de).


    look before you leap Prov il faut réfléchir avant d'agir ; to come on in leaps and bounds faire des progrès à pas de géant.

    Phrasal verbs

    leap around, leap about sautiller.

    leap at fig :

    leap at [sth] bondir sur [chance, offer].

    leap in fig (with answer, retort) se lancer.

    leap out lit surgir d'un bond (from behind de derrière) ;

    leap out at [sb]

    1 surgir en bondissant sur [passer-by] ;

    2 fig (be obvious) sauter aux yeux de [reader, onlooker].

    leap up

    1 (jump to one's feet) bondir sur ses pieds ; to leap up at sb [dog] bondir sur qn ;

    2 (rise) [price, rate] grimper.

    Big English-French dictionary. 2003.

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