суббота, 8 августа 2020 г.

Daily digest 23:27:25

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tranquilizer US n tranquillisant m ; to be on tranquillizers être sous...
Aug 8th 2020, 23:27

  • charter — char·ter 1 n [Old French chartre letter, formal document, from Late Latin chartula, from Latin, diminutive of charta sheet of papyrus] 1 a: a grant or guarantee of rights, powers, or privileges from an authority or agency of a state or country a… …   Law dictionary

  • Charter 08 — Traditional Chinese 零八憲章 Simplified Chinese …   Wikipedia

  • charter — [ ʃartɛr ] n. m. • v. 1950; mot angl., de to charter « affréter » ♦ Anglic. Avion affrété. Le terme français est avion nolisé. Compagnie de charters, louant des avions pour un vol (le prix des places étant plus bas, du fait de l occupation… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Charter — Char ter, n. [OF. chartre, F. chartre, charte, fr. L. chartula a little paper, dim. of charta. See {Chart}, {Card}.] 1. A written evidence in due form of things done or granted, contracts made, etc., between man and man; a deed, or conveyance.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • charter — CHÁRTER, chartere, s.n. 1. Tip de contract de transport naval sau aerian deosebit de cursele regulate, organizat în funcţie de necesităţi. 2. Avion sau navă care circulă conform unui charter (1). [pr.: ceártăr] – Din engl. charter. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • Charter 97 — is a declaration calling for democracy in Belarus and a human rights group taking its inspiration from the declaration. The document whose title deliberately echoes the Czechoslovak human rights declaration Charter 77 twenty years earlier was… …   Wikipedia

  • chárter — 1. '[Vuelo] fletado al margen de los vuelos regulares' y '[autobús] contratado al margen de los servicios regulares'. Es voz tomada del inglés charter, que en español debe escribirse con tilde por ser palabra llana acabada en r (→ tilde2, 1.1.2) …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • Charter — Char ter, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Chartered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Chartering}.] 1. To establish by charter. [1913 Webster] 2. To hire or let by charter, as a ship. See {Charter party}, under {Charter}, n. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Charter — Charter: Das Fremdwort für »Urkunde; Freibrief; Frachtvertrag« wurde im 19. Jh. aus gleichbed. engl. charter entlehnt. Dies geht über afrz. chartre auf lat. chartula »kleine Schrift, Briefchen« zurück, eine Verkleinerungsform von charta (vgl. den …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • charter — [chärt′ər] n. [ME chartre < OFr < L chartula, dim. of charta: see CARD1] 1. a franchise or written grant of specified rights made by a government or ruler to a person, corporation, etc. 2. a) a document setting forth the aims and principles …   English World dictionary

  • charter — |chártèr| s. m. Ver chárter. • Plural: charters.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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    tranquilizer US n tranquillisant m ; to be on tranquillizers être sous...
    Aug 8th 2020, 23:27



    tranquillizer , tranquilizer US n tranquillisant m ; to be on tranquillizers être sous tranquillisants.

    Big English-French dictionary. 2003.

    Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:

    • tranquillizer — (also tranquilliser; US also tranquilizer) ► NOUN ▪ a medicinal drug taken to reduce tension or anxiety …   English terms dictionary

    • tranquillizer — n. 1) to take a tranquillizer 2) to prescribe a tranquillizer for * * * [ træŋkwɪlaɪzə] to prescribe a tranquillizer for to take a tranquillizer …   Combinatory dictionary

    • tranquillizer — UK [ˈtræŋkwɪlaɪzə(r)] / US [ˈtræŋkwəˌlaɪzər] noun [countable] Word forms tranquillizer : singular tranquillizer plural tranquillizers a drug that makes people calmer when they are very worried or nervous be on tranquillizers (= take them… …   English dictionary

    • Tranquillizer — Tranquilizer Tran quil*i zer, Tranquillizer Tran quil*li zer , n. One who, or that which, tranquilizes. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • tranquillizer — noun Tranquillizer/tranquilizer is used before these nouns: ↑gun …   Collocations dictionary

    • tranquillizer — [[t]træ̱ŋkwɪlaɪzə(r)[/t]] tranquillizers N COUNT (The spellings tranquilizer in American English, and tranquilliser in British English are also used.) A tranquillizer is a drug that makes people feel calmer or less anxious. Tranquillizers are… …   English dictionary

    • tranquillizer — tranquillity, tranquillize, tranquillizer are spelt with two ls in BrE, but usually with one l in AmE. The adverb is tranquilly in both varieties …   Modern English usage

    • tranquillizer — noun see tranquilizer …   New Collegiate Dictionary

    • tranquillizer — noun tranquilizer …   Wiktionary

    • tranquillizer — n. a drug that produces a calming effect, relieving anxiety and tension. antipsychotic drugs (formerly known as major tranquillizers) have this effect and are used to treat severe mental disorders (psychoses), including schizophrenia and mania.… …   Medical dictionary

    • tranquillizer — tran|quil|lizer tranquilliser BrE tranquilizer AmE [ˈtræŋkwılaızə US ər] n a drug used for making someone feel less anxious …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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