среда, 19 августа 2020 г.

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Сальник коленвала задний Mercedes Benz TRUCK ACTROS I 1996-2002
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six hours' sleep for a man, seven for a woman, and eight ...
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английская и испанская бизнес-терминология в ...
Download Dauerhaftigkeit Von Stahlbetonwerken ... - Ddns.net
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Фантастическая повесть Кира Булычёва «Тайна Третьей планеты» познакомит маленьких читателей с Алисой Селезнёвой
Она любит мужа
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This is a reproduction of the original artefact
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Книга "Begleiterin f
Translation — heat pipe — from english
Karbonat - Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias
Schlackermaschü - plattdeutsch.deacademic.com
kita - hrvatski.enacademic.com
Barmstedt - geonames.enacademic.com
Folter in Chile - deacademic.com
Rimesse - Danske encyklopædi
Ideographie - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
escalator - Universalium
Transformationsgesellschaften - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
List of Governors of the Gold Coast - enacademic.com
Сальник коленвала задний Mercedes Benz TRUCK ACTROS I 1996-2002
Aug 20th 2020, 03:57, by Feed Informer
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Analogindex via https://ift.tt/32b2q4P
Aug 20th 2020, 03:48, by Feed Informer

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изнеможденность - Analogindex
https://ift.tt/34fZFSD 1 изнеможденность — ослабелость, утомленность, усталость, обессиленность, обессиливание Словарь русских синонимов. изнеможденность сущ., кол во синонимов: 21 • бессильность (29) • … Словарь синонимов 2 обессиленность —......

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Analogindex via https://ift.tt/34ghTDC
Aug 20th 2020, 03:48, by Feed Informer

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ПОДЖАРЫЙ ² — academic2.ru - Analogindex
https://ift.tt/2EotsgT поджарый — См … Словарь синонимов ПОДЖАРЫЙ — ПОДЖАРЫЙ, ая, ое; ар (разг.). Сухощавый и мускулистый, сухопарый. Поджарая фигура. Поджарая борзая. | сущ. поджарость, и, жен. Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова.......

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Analogindex via https://ift.tt/3kV2qyJ
Aug 20th 2020, 03:48, by Feed Informer

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umiliare — с итальянского на русский - Analogindex
https://ift.tt/2YhA2x7 umiliare — [dal lat. tardo humiliare, der. di humĭlis umile ] (io umìlio, ecc.). ■ v. tr. 1. [causare avvilimento e vergogna da parte di qualcuno ledendone e offendendone la dignità, anche assol.: non credevo di umiliarlo......

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Analogindex via https://ift.tt/3aEdOtU
Aug 20th 2020, 03:48, by Feed Informer

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https://ift.tt/2QrYtnq › бадьян - Analogindex
https://ift.tt/31edU8B Бадьян — анисовый … Википедия бадьян — Бадьян (звездчатый анис) не имеет ничего общего с анисом, но очень напоминает его по вкусу и запаху. Китайцы добавляют бадьян в блюда из птицы и свинины. Он является главной составной......

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Analogindex via https://ift.tt/3aIC1za
Aug 20th 2020, 03:48, by Feed Informer

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Тощий ² — https://ift.tt/3dkLVrk https://t.co/P88DAf8Jwm - Analogindex
https://ift.tt/2QbgFB8 @formaodezhdaru Тощий ² — academic2.ru: formaodezhda.wordpress.com/2020/08/20/%d1… Тощий Содержание «Тощий» в толковых словарях и энциклопедиях: тощий тощий, тощая, тощее, тощие, тощего, тощей, тощего, тощих, тощему, тощей,......

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Analogindex via https://ift.tt/3heMKnG
Aug 20th 2020, 03:48, by Feed Informer

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Analogindex via https://ift.tt/2EcbgaL
Aug 20th 2020, 03:48, by Feed Informer

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out-of-order - Analogindex
https://ift.tt/34hWU3o out of order — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In the wrong order; not coming after one another in the right way. * /Peter wrote the words of the sentence out of order./ * /Don t get out of order, children. Stay in your places in......

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Forma-Odezhda.ru https://twitter.com/formaodezhdaru/status/1296276937560731652 https://t.co/uI2z2I0OqP...
Aug 20th 2020, 03:46, by Feed Informer

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Forma-Odezhda.ru https://twitter.com/formaodezhdaru/status/1296272919795040256 Поджарый ²...
Aug 20th 2020, 03:46, by Feed Informer

Поджарый ² — https://t.co/MrtyR4kYOm: https://t.co

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Forma-Odezhda.ru https://twitter.com/formaodezhdaru/status/1296272688818913281 ACT-R —...
Aug 20th 2020, 03:46, by Feed Informer

ACT-R — (pronounced act ARE : Adaptive Control of Thought Rational) is a cognitive architecture mainly developed by John Robert Anderson at Carnegie Mellon University. Like any cognitive architecture, ACT R aims to define the basic and irreducible… … ... https://t.co/qMx0

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ACT-R — (pronounced act ARE : Adaptive Control of Thought Rational) is a cognitive architecture mainly developed by John Robert Anderson at Carnegie Mellon University. Like any cognitive architecture, ACT R aims to define the basic and irreducible… … ...…

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Forma-odezhda.ru https://ift.tt/3aGTecp via Pocket
Aug 20th 2020, 03:46, by Feed Informer

Forma-odezhda.ru - VK
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service. : Chocobid https://ift.tt/31c71V7 service. Article deleted academic2. via Pocket
Aug 20th 2020, 03:46, by Feed Informer

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service. Article deleted academic2.

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От механических воздействий https://ift.tt/31bbsj1 Article deleted...
Aug 20th 2020, 03:46, by Feed Informer

От механических воздействий
Article deleted Классификация (маркировка) СИЗ по защитным свойствам Forma-odezhda.

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От механических воздействий

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six hours' sleep for a man, seven for a woman, and eight ...
Aug 20th 2020, 03:33, by Feed Informer

1623 J. WODROEPHE Spared Hours of Soldier 310 The Student sleepes six Howres, the Traueller seuen; the Workeman eight, and all Laizie Bodies sleepe nine houres and more. 1864 J. H. FRISWELL Gentle Life 259 John Wesley..considered that five hours'

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Drumstick - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
Aug 20th 2020, 03:33, by Feed Informer

[ drʌmstɪk, englisch] der, s/ s, Genetik: trommelschlegelförmiges Anhängsel an den Zellkernen der neutrophilen Granulozyten (weiße Blutkörperchen, Blut) ...

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английская и испанская бизнес-терминология в ...
Aug 20th 2020, 03:33, by Feed Informer

Sep 25, 2019 - Кроме того, Ф.Ю. Сангинова. 13 http://economics_ru_es.esacademic.com. 14 https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/linguist-dictionary-russko/id964523885?mt=8 ...

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Aug 20th 2020, 03:33, by Feed Informer

(Human Robot Interaction) взаимодействие человека с роботом см. тж.Media

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Download Dauerhaftigkeit Von Stahlbetonwerken ... - Ddns.net
Aug 20th 2020, 03:33, by Feed Informer

23 hours ago - Die Rissbildung ² - polygraphy_de_ru.enacademic.com. READ DOWNLOAD LESEN HERUNTERLADEN. Stahlbeton- und Spannbetontragwerke unter ...

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Mamillarlinie - Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias
Aug 20th 2020, 03:33, by Feed Informer

Mamilla̱r|linie vgl. Linea mamillaris. We are using cookies for the best presentation of our site. Continuing to use this site, you agree with this.

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uk.tgstat.com/channel/@enaca…: https://t.co/MWDlq6SWY7
Aug 20th 2020, 03:33, by Feed Informer


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Блоги о... | T.MEEnacademic
Aug 20th 2020, 03:15, by Feed Informer
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Aug 20th 2020, 03:11, by Feed Informer
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Блоги о... | TOUCH.FACEBOOK.COMtouch.facebook.com
Aug 20th 2020, 03:08, by Feed Informer
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Качественные женские махровые носки средней длины
Aug 20th 2020, 02:30, by Feed Informer

Качественные женские махровые носки средней длины. В состав нити входят полиамид и эластан, которые делают посадку носков идеальной, что очень важно… 115 ₽
External link: Производитель RuSocks - academic2.ru store.academic2.ru

Article: Производитель RuSocks - academic2.ru (Chocobid)

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Фантастическая повесть Кира Булычёва «Тайна Третьей планеты» познакомит маленьких читателей с Алисой Селезнёвой
Aug 20th 2020, 02:29, by Feed Informer

Фантастическая повесть Кира Булычёва «Тайна Третьей планеты» познакомит маленьких читателей с Алисой Селезнёвой – девочкой из будущего. Алиса никогда… Девочка с Земли Детские приключения
External link: Автор Кир Булычев - academic2.ru store.academic2.ru

Article: Автор Кир Булычев - academic2.ru (Chocobid)

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Она любит мужа
Aug 20th 2020, 02:29, by Feed Informer

Она любит мужа – но изменяет ему, она обожает детей – но уезжает от них в другую страну, она предельно честна – но в последнее время врет, врет и… Современная русская литература
External link: Автор Ирина Крицкая store.academic2.ru

Article: Автор Ирина Крицкая (Chocobid)

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External link
Aug 20th 2020, 02:29, by Feed Informer

External link: Drone Fidelity 9781944682842 store.academic2.ru Article: Drone Fidelity 9781944682842 (БроЗаДОБРО) store.academic2.ru/100811992/Dron
External link: academic2.ru tgstat.com

Article: academic2.ru (Chocobid)

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Aug 20th 2020, 02:29, by Feed Informer
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Блоги о... | T.MEEnacademic
Aug 20th 2020, 02:15, by Feed Informer



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Блоги о... | T.MEEnacademic
Aug 20th 2020, 02:15, by Feed Informer



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Aug 20th 2020, 02:15, by Feed Informer



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Блоги о... | FORMAODEZHDA.WORDPRESS.COMout-of-orderout of...
Aug 20th 2020, 02:11, by Feed Informer
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This is a reproduction of the original artefact
Aug 20th 2020, 01:41, by Feed Informer

This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
External link: A Manual for the Identification of the Larvae of the Caddisfly Genera... store.academic2.ru

Article: A Manual for the Identification of the Larvae of the Caddisfly Genera... (Chocobid)

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Блоги о... |...
Aug 20th 2020, 01:11, by Feed Informer
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Aug 20th 2020, 01:02, by Feed Informer
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Aug 20th 2020, 01:01, by Feed Informer
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Книга "Begleiterin f
Aug 20th 2020, 00:59, by Feed Informer

Книга "Begleiterin für tausend Nächte (Zweisprachige Ausgabe)".ZWEISPRACHIGE AUSGABEIn diesem Taschenbuch finden Sie Begleiterin für tausend Nächte… Печать по требованию 2016 1032 ₽ бумажная книга
External link: Автор Tina Folsom store.academic2.ru

Article: Автор Tina Folsom (Chocobid)

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Aug 20th 2020, 00:46, by Feed Informer

Syros-Ermoupoli (griechisch Σύρος-Ερμούπολη (f. sg)) ist eine zum 1. Januar 2011 geschaffene Gemeinde in der griechischen Region Südliche Ägäis.Sie umfasst die Kykladen-Inseln Syros und Gyaros sowie einige kleine Felseneilande und bildet gleichzeitig den Regionalbezirk Syros.Die 1997 gebildeten Gemeinden Ano Syros, Ermoupoli und Posidonia existieren als Gemeindebezirke fort.

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Translation — heat pipe — from english
Aug 20th 2020, 00:46, by Feed Informer

Translation — heat pipe — from english — — 1. 1. Тепловая труба. ТТ. D. Wärmerohre. E.Heat pipe. Испарительно-конденсационное герметично устройство с использованием капиллярных сил служащее для передачи тепла и работающее по замкнутому циклуMedia

via enacademic.com

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Karbonat - Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias
Aug 20th 2020, 00:46, by Feed Informer

Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach: karbonat — karbònāt m DEFINICIJA kem. sol karbonatne (ugljične) kiseline ETIMOLOGIJA njem. Karbonat ← v. karbon + at … Hrvatski jezični portal. Karbonāt — Karbonāt, Abart des Diamant …

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Schlackermaschü - plattdeutsch.deacademic.com
Aug 20th 2020, 00:46, by Feed Informer

Hamburg • Pudding, weiche etwas wabbelige Speise, geschlagene Sahne

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kita - hrvatski.enacademic.com
Aug 20th 2020, 00:46, by Feed Informer

kȉta ž DEFINICIJA 1. cvijeće vezano u snopić; buketić, kitica 2. ukras od niti vezanih na gornjem kraju, a slobodnih na donjem; kićanka 3. pren. retor. više istorodnih stvari koje čine cjelinu 4. žarg. a. arh. zgodna djevojka b

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Barmstedt - geonames.enacademic.com
Aug 20th 2020, 00:45, by Feed Informer

Original name in latin Barmstedt Name in other language Barmstedt State code DE Continent/City Europe/Berlin longitude 53.79209 latitude 9.76739 altitude 15 Population 9521 Date 2012 07 04

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Folter in Chile - deacademic.com
Aug 20th 2020, 00:45, by Feed Informer

Die Valech-Kommission (nach ihrem Vorsitzenden Sergio Valech, offiziell: Comisión Nacional de Prisión Política y Tortura) ist eine Wahrheitskommission, die im Jahr 2001, zehn Jahre nach der Transition zur Demokratie in Chile von Präsident Ricardo Lagos zur Untersuchung der politischen Festnahmen und Folter in der Diktatur Augusto Pinochets (1973-1990) einberufen wurde. 2005 stellte die ...

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Rimesse - Danske encyklopædi
Aug 20th 2020, 00:45, by Feed Informer

Fremsendelse af penge eller værdipapirer.

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Ideographie - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
Aug 20th 2020, 00:45, by Feed Informer

Ideo|gra|phie 〈f. 19; unz.; Sprachw.〉 = Ideografie * * * Ideo|gra|phie usw.: ↑ Ideografie usw. * * * Ideographie die, /... phi |en, Begriffsschrift, Pasigraphie, ...

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escalator - Universalium
Aug 20th 2020, 00:45, by Feed Informer

es keuh lay teuhr/, n. 1. Also called moving staircase, moving stairway. a continuously moving stairway on an endless loop for carrying passengers up or down.

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Transformationsgesellschaften - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
Aug 20th 2020, 00:45, by Feed Informer

Transformationsgesellschaften, politik , sozial und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Begriff, der in analytischer und deskriptiver Weise darauf zielt, Prozesse und ...

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List of Governors of the Gold Coast - enacademic.com
Aug 20th 2020, 00:45, by Feed Informer

This is a list of colonial administrators in the Gold Coast (modern Ghana) from the start of English presence in 1621 until Ghana s independence from the United Kingdom in 1957. Contents 1 Governors of the Gold Coast (1621–1751) 2 Governors of…

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