пятница, 14 августа 2020 г.

Daily digest 04:17:06

Автор Толстой А.
Hobee\'s Quest. Goes Abroad 9781434336699
https://store.academic2.ru › Afghanistan
Автор Толстой А.
Aug 15th 2020, 01:31

В сборник вошли любимые сказки для малышей: "Теремок", "Лисичка со скалочкой", "Маша и медведь", "Петушок - золотой гребешок", "Лисичка-сестричка и… СборникиКлассика для детей 2019 366 ₽ бумажная книга

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Hobee\'s Quest. Goes Abroad 9781434336699
Aug 15th 2020, 01:31

Hobee's Quest. Goes Abroad 9781434336699

Second in a series of Hobee's Quest Books that are Non-Violent, Non-Magic, and Non-Religious, are Hobee and his side kick Bobit. Join them as they continue their Quest to look for others like Hobee as they help others on their way. Hobee sets sail aboard a ship along with an old sea rat named O'Rurke. They meet others and end up helping the other animals when the ship starts to take on water. The ship has to dock and make repairs on a small island. Hobee and Bobit start to explore the island and its inhabitants. Hobee soon finds out that the inhabitants all have a problem with greed and don't like to share with others. Hobee and Bobit try to help the islanders with their greed as they find other clues that were left by the Marching Rodent Explorers. They get involved in helping others; and as a result, they end up missing their ship. That leads Hobee to look up the Teekers and ask the Head Tool Teeker D.J. for help.


Формат: 152x220, 260 стр.

ISBN: 9781434336699

Универсальный код товара: 9781434336699


Вес: (г) 417
Ширина упаковки: (мм) 152
Высота упаковки: (мм) 14
Глубина упаковки: (мм) 229
Обложка: Мягкая обложка
Размеры: 22.900/15.200/1.400
Вес: 0.417
Возраст: 8

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https://store.academic2.ru › Afghanistan
Aug 14th 2020, 23:22

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