пятница, 24 июля 2020 г.

Daily Digest: New post in Channel @enacademiccom enacademic.com (26 items)

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St. Patrick's High School (Halifax)

We are using cookies for the best presentation of our site. Continuing to use this site, you agreeenacademic.com
St. Patrick's High School (Halifax)

We are using cookies for the best presentation of our site. Continuing to use this site, you agree with this. OK
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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mean of platts singapore from english

Look at other dictionaries: Mean of Platts Singapore — or MOPS is a measure of fuel oil pricing in Singapore. It refers to the mean price of oil traded through Singapore as per the data from Platts, a commodity information and trenacademic.com
mean of platts singapore from english

Look at other dictionaries: Mean of Platts Singapore — or MOPS is a measure of fuel oil pricing in Singapore. It refers to the mean price of oil traded through Singapore as per the data from Platts, a commodity information and trading company.
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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Secondo norma, standardizzato, unificato Норenacademic.com

Secondo norma, standardizzato, unificato Нормированный adj
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate Co. Ltd. v ...

"Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate Co. Ltd. v. Cunninghame", [1906] 2 Ch. 34 (C.A.) is a landmark English decision in corporate law.The Court of Appeal affirmed the directors control over a corporation and held that the directors were not agents of the shareholders and so were not bound to implement shareholder resolutions.. Background. Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicaenacademic.com
Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate Co. Ltd. v ...

"Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate Co. Ltd. v. Cunninghame", [1906] 2 Ch. 34 (C.A.) is a landmark English decision in corporate law.The Court of Appeal affirmed the directors control over a corporation and held that the directors were not agents of the shareholders and so were not bound to implement shareholder resolutions.. Background. Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate Co. was ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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надбуквенные знаки

буквэ шъхьenacademic.com
надбуквенные знаки

буквэ шъхьагъ тамыгъэхэр
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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rigging position - Aviation dictionary

15 nov. 2019 - The position of the airplane when both its longitudinal and lateral axes are in horizontal plane. It is a term essentially for aircraft engineers and meanenacademic.com
rigging position - Aviation dictionary

15 nov. 2019 - The position of the airplane when both its longitudinal and lateral axes are in horizontal plane. It is a term essentially for aircraft engineers and means that the ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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macchina per la piegatura e cordonatura

1. Macchina f per la piegatura e cordonatura Биговально высекальный станок m 2. Macchina f per la piegatura e cordonatura Рилевочно резаenacademic.com
macchina per la piegatura e cordonatura

1. Macchina f per la piegatura e cordonatura Биговально высекальный станок m 2. Macchina f per la piegatura e cordonatura Рилевочно резальная машина f
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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oncorhynchus - English syllables

Look at other dictionaries: Oncorhynchus — Temporal range: Late Miocene Recent Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka Female (above) and maleenacademic.com
oncorhynchus - English syllables

Look at other dictionaries: Oncorhynchus — Temporal range: Late Miocene Recent Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka Female (above) and male in mating ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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outsource - Collocations dictionary

17 oct. 2019 - Look at other dictionaries: outsource — out‧source [ˈaʊtsɔːs ǁ sɔːrs] verb [transitive] HUMAN RESOURCES if a company, organization etc outsenacademic.com
outsource - Collocations dictionary

17 oct. 2019 - Look at other dictionaries: outsource — out‧source [ˈaʊtsɔːs ǁ sɔːrs] verb [transitive] HUMAN RESOURCES if a company, organization etc outsources its ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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https://idioms_new.enacademic.com › ...

sow (your) wild oats if a young man sows his wild oats, he has a period of his life when he does a lot of exciting things and has a lot of sexual enacademic.com
https://idioms_new.enacademic.com › ...

sow (your) wild oats if a young man sows his wild oats, he has a period of his life when he does a lot of exciting things and has a lot of sexual relationships.
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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Download Recognition - Frederick Waymouth Gibbs on ...

Sep 11, 2019 - recognition Books 1 enacademic.com EN. Besides the Royal party, which included Frederick William IV., King of Prussia, through the west enacademic.com
Download Recognition - Frederick Waymouth Gibbs on ...

Sep 11, 2019 - recognition Books 1 enacademic.com EN. Besides the Royal party, which included Frederick William IV., King of Prussia, through the west of England ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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Download Der Mitmensch - Richard Dehmel on rawasobato11 ...

vor 10 Stunden - Richard Dehmel - enacademic.com. Wenn man Dehmels gesamte Produktion überblickt, namentlich seine früheren Seine Tragikomödie Der Mitmenacademic.com
Download Der Mitmensch - Richard Dehmel on rawasobato11 ...

vor 10 Stunden - Richard Dehmel - enacademic.com. Wenn man Dehmels gesamte Produktion überblickt, namentlich seine früheren Seine Tragikomödie Der Mitmensch 1895 ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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10 hours ago - back) (n.) + agent noun from STAB (Cf. stab) (v.). The verb backstab in the figurative sense is from ... via enacademic.com · Academic Dienacademic.com
enacademic.com ² Webview 44410 Telegram

10 hours ago - back) (n.) + agent noun from STAB (Cf. stab) (v.). The verb backstab in the figurative sense is from ... via enacademic.com · Academic Dictionaries ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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skivvy - English-Italian dictionary

[ skɪvɪ] nome BE colloq. serva f., sguattera f. (anche fig.) * * * skivvy /ˈskɪvɪ/ n. 1 (slang) serva; sguattera 2 (fam. USA) camiciola; maglietta intima (enacademic.com
skivvy - English-Italian dictionary

[ skɪvɪ] nome BE colloq. serva f., sguattera f. (anche fig.) * * * skivvy /ˈskɪvɪ/ n. 1 (slang) serva; sguattera 2 (fam. USA) camiciola; maglietta intima (da uomo) 3 ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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Settler Colonialism and Multiplying Genocide Prevention ...

Nov 20, 2019 - "The Deleuze Dictionary: Molar," Academic. Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias, accessed December 5, 2018, https://ift.tt/2St2VDhenacademic.com
Settler Colonialism and Multiplying Genocide Prevention ...

Nov 20, 2019 - "The Deleuze Dictionary: Molar," Academic. Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias, accessed December 5, 2018, http://deleuze.enacademic.com/110/molar. 41 See ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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MSpS; = Msps (megasamples per second) мегавыборок в секунду, Мвыборок/c 1 миллион преобразованийenacademic.com

MSpS; = Msps (megasamples per second) мегавыборок в секунду, Мвыборок/c 1 миллион преобразований в секунду ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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Aaron Fish - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Aaron Fish was born in the 1930s in Montreal, Quebec. He was the Chairman and CEO of Unican Security Systems Ltd. from its creation in 1965 to its sale in December 2000. [Canadian Shareowner] Aaron Fish has seven children and eight grandchildren.Aaron Fish worked for his father in his early years as a locksmith. By the time he was 17 and graduated high school, he was operating asenacademic.com
Aaron Fish - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Aaron Fish was born in the 1930s in Montreal, Quebec. He was the Chairman and CEO of Unican Security Systems Ltd. from its creation in 1965 to its sale in December 2000. [Canadian Shareowner] Aaron Fish has seven children and eight grandchildren.Aaron Fish worked for his father in his early years as a locksmith. By the time he was 17 and graduated high school, he was operating as a key and ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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от горшка два вершка ²

Jul 25, 2019 - от горшка два (три) вершка, тж. два (три) вершка от горшка прост., шутл., пренебр. 1) (очень низкого роста, маленький) cf. a pint sized creature;enacademic.com
от горшка два вершка ²

Jul 25, 2019 - от горшка два (три) вершка, тж. два (три) вершка от горшка прост., шутл., пренебр. 1) (очень низкого роста, маленький) cf. a pint sized creature; knee high ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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enacademic.com ² Webview 44529 Telegram

20 mins ago - A papyrus can also be a document or drawing produced on papyrus. The plural form of the word is papyri.… via enacademic.com · Academic Dictioenacademic.com
enacademic.com ² Webview 44529 Telegram

20 mins ago - A papyrus can also be a document or drawing produced on papyrus. The plural form of the word is papyri.… via enacademic.com · Academic Dictionaries and ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:47AM

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vor 11 Stunden - 17 oct. 2019 - adj. 1 determined to be successful VERBS be, seem ADVERB extremely, fairly, very, etc. highly. via enacademic.com · Academic Dienacademic.com
enacademic.com ² Webview 44390 Telegram

vor 11 Stunden - 17 oct. 2019 - adj. 1 determined to be successful VERBS be, seem ADVERB extremely, fairly, very, etc. highly. via enacademic.com · Academic Dictionaries ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:48AM

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inset hinges - Aviation dictionary

A form of aerodynamic balance and a method of reducing hinge movement. The hinge line is set inside the control surface by 20 to 25% of the chord leenacademic.com
inset hinges - Aviation dictionary

A form of aerodynamic balance and a method of reducing hinge movement. The hinge line is set inside the control surface by 20 to 25% of the chord length, thus ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:48AM

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ANSA - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Look at other dictionaries: Ansa — or ANSA can refer to any of the following:* Ansa (queen), 8th century, wife of Desiderius, king of the Lombards * Ansa (Hinduism) or IAST|Aṃśa in Hinduism, a solar deity and one of the Adityas. * ansa as part of Arabic words means constant As the … Wikipedia. ansă — ÁNSĂ, anse, s.f. 1. Toartă curbată în formă de arc la un vas, la enacademic.com
ANSA - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Look at other dictionaries: Ansa — or ANSA can refer to any of the following:* Ansa (queen), 8th century, wife of Desiderius, king of the Lombards * Ansa (Hinduism) or IAST|Aṃśa in Hinduism, a solar deity and one of the Adityas. * ansa as part of Arabic words means constant As the … Wikipedia. ansă — ÁNSĂ, anse, s.f. 1. Toartă curbată în formă de arc la un vas, la un coş etc. 2.
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July 24, 2020 at 11:48AM

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Download HMS Alert (K647) - mymeriva.com MintDNS 2009

Apr 18, 2020 - 209 points and 67 comments Enacademic.com EN. RU; DE; FR; ES; Remember this site Battle of Pusan Perimeter order of battle: lt;p> This is the order of enacademic.com
Download HMS Alert (K647) - mymeriva.com MintDNS 2009

Apr 18, 2020 - 209 points and 67 comments Enacademic.com EN. RU; DE; FR; ES; Remember this site Battle of Pusan Perimeter order of battle: lt;p> This is the order of battle for ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:48AM

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https://dizionario_italiano.enacademic.com › ...

at·tri·bu·ì·re v.tr. FO 1a. assegnare, conferire: attribuire un premio, una ricompensa Sinonimi: accordare, aggiudicare, concedere, conferire, dare. Contraenacademic.com
https://dizionario_italiano.enacademic.com › ...

at·tri·bu·ì·re v.tr. FO 1a. assegnare, conferire: attribuire un premio, una ricompensa Sinonimi: accordare, aggiudicare, concedere, conferire, dare. Contrari: levare ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:48AM

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Download Michael Conrad - Kurd Schulz on punshishira17 ...

15 hours ago - Michael Conrad - enacademic.com. Start High School Class Of 1968, Toledo PERSONS NATURALIZED IN PENNSYLVANIA 1740-17enacademic.com
Download Michael Conrad - Kurd Schulz on punshishira17 ...

15 hours ago - Michael Conrad - enacademic.com. Start High School Class Of 1968, Toledo PERSONS NATURALIZED IN PENNSYLVANIA 1740-1759. Conrad ...
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July 24, 2020 at 11:48AM

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