среда, 8 июля 2020 г.

Daily digest 19:32:47

Telegram deltafeed 4
Telegram deltafeed 4 
Jul 8th 2020, 19:00

<br/>Генеральские погоны являются знаком отличия в армии. В Российской Фе...дерации в качестве обозначения ранга, к которому принадлежит генерал, применяются специальные наплечники, то есть погоны . Поскольку генерал принадлежит к высшему офицерскому составу, то на его погонах имеются свои особенности расположения звезд, а также расстояния между ними. Как появились на свет погоны Еще в период, когда правителем России был Петр I, такой элемент униформы солдат и военных, как … [ 1,137 more word ] <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fformaodezhda.wordpress.com%2F2020%2F07%2F08%2F%25d0%25b3%25d0%25b5%25d0%25bd%25d0%25b5%25d1%2580%25d0%25b0%25d0%25bb%25d1%258c%25d1%2581%25d0%25ba%25d0%25b8%25d0%25b5-%25d0%25bf%25d0%25be%25d0%25b3%25d0%25be%25d0%25bd%25d1%258b%2F&h=AT3FWDE43OrJm6Q12GVn2YLCPGrlfXKFsYNk6v0GYPqVRvzxiUHEzQZNW0ChLtpnxFukEl0Gb1zuNgIO7-eduN58V4-OFQAH3sQPAuuiwTjtQsFfbYVl-6tKzjU5EKFIA8VJ1yVW8O-nJWn3qd9e_Yo" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://formaodezhda.wordpress.com/…/%…/</a> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/formaodezhdaru/posts/576336799911879" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">See More</a><br /> <br /> via Vk formaodezhda digest <a href="https://ift.tt/2Zbpi4b" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2Zbpi4b</a><br/><br/>

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Jul 8th 2020, 19:00

<br/> <br /> <br /> via Vk formaodezhda digest <a href="https://ift.tt/2ZN0gaw" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2ZN0gaw</a><br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://ift.tt/2ZN0gaw"><cite><b>Словари и энциклопедии на Академике</b></cite></br><b>Перевод — ce — со всех языков — на все языки</b></br>Перевод — ce — со всех языков — на все языки — 1</br></blockquote>

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Jul 8th 2020, 19:00

<br/><a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/Forma-Odezhda.ru" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Forma-Odezhda.ru</a> (Twitter)

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Jul 8th 2020, 19:00

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Jul 8th 2020, 19:00

<br/><a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/Forma-Odezhda.ru" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Forma-Odezhda.ru</a> (Twitter)

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Jul 8th 2020, 19:00

<br/><a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/forma-odezhda.ru" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><strong>forma-odezhda.ru</strong></a><br /> <a href="https://forma-odezhda.ru/obuv-1/botinki-1/botinki-tropik-bezh-m-3521-37/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Ботинки Тропик беж. м 3521, производитель Бутекс Купить ...</a><br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://forma-odezhda.ru/obuv-1/botinki-1/botinki-tropik-bezh-m-3521-37/"><cite><b>forma-odezhda.ru</b></cite></br><b>Ботинки Тропик беж. м 3521</b></br>Облегченные ботинки с высокими берцами. Легкие и неприхотливый. Протектор подошвы кроссовочного типа прекрасно подойдет как для города, так и для полевых условий. Рекомендовано использовать как городские тактические ботинки. Для патрульно-постовой службы, спецподразделений, сотрудников МЧС и ЧОП. Для курсантов Юнармии в комплекте красные шнурки Материал верха - комбинированный натуральная хромовая кожа велюр высокопрочная натуральная льняная ткань Подкладка - натуральная устойчивая к истиранию и быстро сохнущая Подошва - высококачественный термоэластопласт повышенной износостойкости Метод крепления подошвы - клеепрошивной Клапан Язык - глухой, предохраняет ногу от воздействия окружающей среды пыль, вода, грязь скоростная шнуровка Подносок - Усиленный из термопластического материала ТМ Задник и подносок - жесткие из термопластичного материала  Производитель оставляет за собой право вносить изменения в конструкцию, материалы и комплектацию изделий без предварительного уведомления потребителя</br><img src="https://tg.i-c-a.su/media/enacademic/567200/preview/thumb.jpeg" style="max-width:100%"/></blockquote>

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Jul 8th 2020, 19:00

<br/><strong>rigging position - Aviation dictionary</strong><br /> <a href="https://aviation_dictionary.enacademic.com/5767/rigging_position" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://aviation_dictionary.enacademic.com/5767/rigging_position</a><br /> <code>The position of the airplane when both its longitudinal and lateral axes are in horizontal plane. It is a term essentially for aircraft engineers and means that the ...</code><br /> <br /> via <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/enacademic.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">enacademic.com</a><br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://aviation_dictionary.enacademic.com/5767/rigging_position"><cite><b>Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias</b></cite></br><b>rigging position</b></br>The position of the airplane when both its longitudinal and lateral axes are in horizontal plane. It is a term essentially for aircraft engineers and means that the aircraft is jacked clear of the ground and is laterally and longitudinally in the</br><img src="https://tg.i-c-a.su/media/enacademiccom/37810/preview/thumb.jpeg" style="max-width:100%"/></blockquote>

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Jul 8th 2020, 19:00

<br/><a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/academic2.ru" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><strong>academic2.ru</strong></a> <strong>full</strong><br /> <a href="https://telegram.space/s/academic2ru/107047" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://telegram.space/s/academic2ru/107047</a><br /> <br /> врунья ² - <a href="http://academic2.ru/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">academic2.ru</a><br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/3gzZy7r" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/3gzZy7r</a><br /> <code>4 oct. 2019 - лжица, брехунья, лгунья, лживица, вруха, врахотка, враха, врачка, долыгальщица, клеветница, врушка, вруша, чистоплетка, вралиха, вракуша, вракунья, ...</code><br /> via <a href="http://academic2.ru/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">academic2.ru</a><br /> <br /> <br /> Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias<br /> врунья

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Jul 8th 2020, 19:00

<a href="https://tg.i-c-a.su/media/academic2ru/107166/400016300612_231435.jpg" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://tg.i-c-a.su/media/academic2ru/107166/preview/thumb.jpeg" style="max-width:100%"/></a><br/><br/>

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Jul 8th 2020, 19:00

<br/><a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/academic2.ru" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><strong>academic2.ru</strong></a> <strong>full</strong><br /> <a href="https://tx.me/s/academic2ru/107050" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://tx.me/s/academic2ru/107050</a><br /> <br /> врунья ² - <a href="http://academic2.ru/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">academic2.ru</a><br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/3gzZy7r" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/3gzZy7r</a><br /> <code>4 oct. 2019 - лжица, брехунья, лгунья, лживица, вруха, врахотка, враха, врачка, долыгальщица, клеветница, врушка, вруша, чистоплетка, вралиха, вракуша, вракунья, ...</code><br /> via <a href="http://academic2.ru/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">academic2.ru</a><br /> <br /> <br /> Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias<br /> врунья

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:29

<br/>Liste der Flüsse in Österreich<br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/3e7lKEb" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/3e7lKEb</a><br /> <br /> <br /> via <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/deacademic.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">deacademic.com</a><br /> <a href="https://t.me/deacademiccom/35691" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://t.me/deacademiccom/35691</a><br /> <br /> Liste der Flüsse in Österreich<br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/3e7lKEb" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/3e7lKEb</a><br /> <br /> <br /> via <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/deacademic.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">deacademic.com</a> (<a href="http://deacademic.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://deacademic.com/</a>)<br /> <br /> Liste der Flüsse in Österreich - Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias (<a href="https://ift.tt/3e7lKEb" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/3e7lKEb</a>)<br /> Österreichische Flusseinzugsgebiete: ██ Rhein ██ Elbe ██ Donau Eine Liste der wichtigsten Flüsse in Österreich (<br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://ift.tt/3e7lKEb"><cite><b>Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias</b></cite></br><b>Liste der Flüsse in Österreich</b></br>Österreichische Flusseinzugsgebiete: ██ Rhein ██ Elbe ██ Donau Eine Liste der wichtigsten Flüsse in Österreich (</br><img src="https://tg.i-c-a.su/media/enacademic/567087/preview/thumb.jpeg" style="max-width:100%"/></blockquote>

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:28

<br/><a href="https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG</a><br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG</a><br /> &#1060;&#1056;&#1040;&#1059;<br /> <br /> <br /> —...<br /> <a href="https://www.hottg.com/formaodezhdaru/p106773.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.hottg.com/formaodezhdaru/p106773.html</a><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> &#1060;&#1056;&#1040;&#1059;<br /> <br /> <br /> —...<br /> <a href="https://t.me/academic2ru/107103" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://t.me/academic2ru/107103</a><br /> <br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG</a><br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG</a><br /> ФРАУ<br /> <br /> <br /> —...<br /> <a href="https://www.hottg.com/formaodezhdaru/p106773.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.hottg.com/formaodezhdaru/p106773.html</a><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ФРАУ<br /> <br /> <br /> — (нем.). Госпожа. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н., 1910. ФРАУ госпожа. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Павленков Ф., 1907. ФРАУ …<br /> <br /> Словарь иностранных слов русского языка<br /> <br /> <br /> ФРАУ<br /> <br /> <br /> — ФРАУ, нескл., жен. (нем. Frau). Слово, присоединяемое к фамилии или имени замужней женщины в Германии как вежливое обращение в знач. сударыня, госпожа. Фрау Миллер. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 …<br /> <br /> Толковый словарь Ушакова<br /> <br /> <br /> фрау<br /> <br /> <br /> — госпожа, немка, хозяйка, обращение, мадам, жена, женщина Словарь русских синонимов. фрау сущ., кол во синонимов: 8 • госпожа (27) • …<br /> <br /> Словарь синонимов<br /> <br /> <br /> Фрау<br /> <br /> <br /> — Эта статья предлагается к удалению. Пояснение …<br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG"><cite><b>Hottg</b></cite></br><b>ФРАУ</b></br>Enacademic

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:28

<br/>ФРАУ - Hottg (<a href="https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG</a>)<br /> Enacademic<br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG"><cite><b>Hottg</b></cite></br><b>ФРАУ</b></br>Enacademic

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:28

<br/>ФРАУ - Hottg (<a href="https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG</a>)<br /> Enacademic

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:28

<br/><a href="https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG</a><br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG</a><br /> &#1060;&#1056;&#1040;&#1059;<br /> <br /> <br /> —...<br /> <a href="https://www.hottg.com/formaodezhdaru/p106773.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.hottg.com/formaodezhdaru/p106773.html</a><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> &#1060;&#1056;&#1040;&#1059;<br /> <br /> <br /> —...<br /> <a href="https://t.me/academic2ru/107103" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://t.me/academic2ru/107103</a><br /> <br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG</a><br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2O8B5tG</a><br /> ФРАУ<br /> <br /> <br /> —...<br /> <a href="https://www.hottg.com/formaodezhdaru/p106773.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.hottg.com/formaodezhdaru/p106773.html</a><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ФРАУ<br /> <br /> <br /> — (нем.). Госпожа. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н., 1910. ФРАУ госпожа. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Павленков Ф., 1907. ФРАУ …<br /> <br /> Словарь иностранных слов русского языка<br /> <br /> <br /> ФРАУ<br /> <br /> <br /> — ФРАУ, нескл., жен. (нем. Frau). Слово, присоединяемое к фамилии или имени замужней женщины в Германии как вежливое обращение в знач. сударыня, госпожа. Фрау Миллер. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 …<br /> <br /> Толковый словарь Ушакова<br /> <br /> <br /> фрау<br /> <br /> <br /> — госпожа, немка, хозяйка, обращение, мадам, жена, женщина Словарь русских синонимов. фрау сущ., кол во синонимов: 8 • госпожа (27) • …<br /> <br /> Словарь синонимов<br /> <br /> <br /> Фрау<br /> <br /> <br /> — Эта статья предлагается к удалению. Пояснение …

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:28

<br/>Calw<br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU</a><br /> <br /> <br /> via <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/deacademic.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">deacademic.com</a><br /> <a href="https://t.me/deacademiccom/35690" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://t.me/deacademiccom/35690</a><br /> <br /> Calw<br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU</a><br /> <br /> <br /> via <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/deacademic.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">deacademic.com</a> (<a href="http://deacademic.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://deacademic.com/</a>)<br /> <br /> Calw - Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias (<a href="https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU</a>)<br /> Wappen Deutschlandkarte<br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU"><cite><b>Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias</b></cite></br><b>Calw</b></br>Wappen Deutschlandkarte</br><img src="https://tg.i-c-a.su/media/enacademic/567080/preview/thumb.jpeg" style="max-width:100%"/></blockquote>

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:28

<br/>Calw<br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU</a><br /> <br /> <br /> via <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/deacademic.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">deacademic.com</a><br /> <a href="https://t.me/deacademiccom/35690" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://t.me/deacademiccom/35690</a><br /> <br /> Calw<br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU</a><br /> <br /> <br /> via <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/deacademic.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">deacademic.com</a> (<a href="http://deacademic.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://deacademic.com/</a>)<br /> <br /> Calw - Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias (<a href="https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2VzHnqU</a>)<br /> Wappen Deutschlandkarte

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:28

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:28

<br/><strong>фин... ² - <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/academic2.ru" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">academic2.ru</a></strong><br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/3gFuJOL" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/3gFuJOL</a><br /> <code>Il y a 15 heures - фин... Первая часть сложных слов со финансовый, напр. финотдел, фининспектор. Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова. 1949 1992.</code><br /> <br /> via Academic summary<br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://ift.tt/3gFuJOL"><cite><b>Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias</b></cite></br><b>фин...

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:28

<br/><strong>плеяда ² - Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка</strong><br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2VH9G5w" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2VH9G5w</a><br /> <code>18 sept. 2019 - ы, ж. pléiade f. <гр. Pleias (pleiados). Семь дочерей мифического титана Атланта, превращенных после смерти в звезды и давших название группе семи ...</code><br /> <br /> via Academic summary<br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://ift.tt/2VH9G5w"><cite><b>Словари и энциклопедии на Академике</b></cite></br><b>плеяда

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:13, by analogindex

73 rows · Классификация маркировка средств индивидуальной защиты по защитным свойствам … via forma full 5

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:01

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:01

<br/>Saving page now... <a href="https://ift.tt/3gBswDR" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/3gBswDR</a> As it appears live July 8, 2020 4:19:51 PM UTC <a href="<a href="https://web.archive.org/static/images/logo_WM.png" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://web.archive.org/static/images/logo_WM.png</a>">Media</a><a href="<a href="https://web.archive.org/save/https:/www.androidheadlines.com/2020/07/bose-embark-toshiba-sale-deal#content" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://web.archive.org/save/https:/www.androidheadlines.com/2020/07/bose-embark-toshiba-sale-deal#content</a>">Skip to content</a><a href="<a href="https://web.archive.org/save/https://www.androidheadlines.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://web.archive.org/save/https://www.androidheadlines.com/</a>"></a>AdvertisementAdvertisementThis post contains sponsored contentIf you've ever wondered what breed your rescue pup might be, well Embark is here to help. The Embark DNA Test for dogs can help you decipher what breed(s) your dog is, and it'll also help you find out what genetic issues it could encounter down the road. Which can be very useful for new pet owners.The Bose SoundLink Micro has returned to an all-time Amazon low price of just $79. That is good for $20 off, but do keep in mind that Bose products rarely ever get discounted, normally only during the holidays. The Bose SoundLink Micro is a pretty small, Bluetooth speaker with a really great sound profile included. It also is available in a few different fun colors.Amazon has the Toshiba 43-inch 1080p Fire TV on sale today for just $199. That is a really good price for a decently sized smart TV that also runs Fire TV. Making it great to put into a second bedroom, or even on the back patio, so you can enjoy some TV while you're outside grilling and such.AdvertisementAmazon is taking $10 off of the Fire TV Stick  right now. Both the regular Fire TV Stick  and Fire TV Stick 4K are on sale for $29.99 and $39.99 respectively. That makes for a really great time to pick one up. The Fire TV Stick is great for making your TV into a smart TV. With support for most of the big apps like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO GO, SHOWTIME ANYWHERE and much more. And at just $40 for a 4K version, that is likely the cheapest 4K stick you'll be able to pick up right now.These are only some of the best deals that you can find right now. There are plenty of other deals on Amazon that you can <a href="<a href="https://web.archive.org/save/https://geni.us/qhehAi" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://web.archive.org/save/https://geni.us/qhehAi</a>">check out right here</a>. Additionally, any deals that expire today are going to expire at midnight PST. So make sure you pick them up before they expire.- <strong>$99</strong>If you've ever wondered what breed your rescue pup might be, well Embark is here to help. The Embark DNA Test for dogs can help you decipher what breed(s) your dog is, and it'll also help you find out what genetic issues it could encounter down the road. Which can be very useful for new pet owners.- <strong>$79</strong>The Bose SoundLink Micro has returned to an all-time Amazon low price of just $79. That is good for $20 off, but do keep in mind that Bose products rarely ever get discounted, normally only during the holidays. The Bose SoundLink Micro is a pretty small, Bluetooth speaker with a really great sound profile included. It also is available in a few different fun colors.- <strong>$199</strong>Amazon has the Toshiba 43-inch 1080p Fire TV on sale today for just $199. That is a really good price for a decently sized smart TV that also runs Fire TV. Making it great to put into a second bedroom, or even on the back patio, so you can enjoy some TV while you're outside grilling and such.- <strong>$29.99</strong>Amazon is taking $10 off of the Fire TV Stick  right now. Both the regular Fire TV Stick  and Fire TV Stick 4K are on sale for $29.99 and $39.99 respectively. That makes for a really great time to pick one up. The Fire TV Stick is great for making your TV into a smart TV. With support for most of the big apps like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO GO, SHOWTIME ANYWHERE and much more.- <strong>$149</strong>Right now, you can save $50 on a 23andMe Health + Ancestry DNA Test. It is now just $149, down from $199. This is a pretty unique way to see where your ancestors are from, and it could even help you find long-lost family members. It's a really cool test, and it'll help you find out where you are really from. Whether…

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:01

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:01

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:01

<br/>Marianne de Luquet - <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/Fracademic.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Fracademic.com</a><br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2W5VWCR" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2W5VWCR</a><br /> 14.07.2019 - Description. Le sujet est...<br /> <a href="https://t.me/fracademiccom/39422" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://t.me/fracademiccom/39422</a><br /> <br /> Marianne de Luquet - <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/Fracademic.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Fracademic.com</a> (<a href="http://fracademic.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://fracademic.com/</a>)<br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/2W5VWCR" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2W5VWCR</a><br /> 14.07.2019 - Description. Le sujet est Marianne, allégorie de la République française. Elle porte un bonnet phrygien et une cocarde. Regardant vers la gauche, elle a les ...<br /> <br /> via <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/fracademic.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">fracademic.com</a> (<a href="http://fracademic.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://fracademic.com/</a>)<br /> <br /> Marianne de Luquet - Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies sur 'Academic' (<a href="https://ift.tt/2W5VWCR" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2W5VWCR</a>)<br /> Marianne du 14 juillet Marianne du 14 juillet<br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://ift.tt/2W5VWCR"><cite><b>Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies sur 'Academic'</b></cite></br><b>Marianne de Luquet</b></br>Marianne du 14 juillet Marianne du 14 juillet</br><img src="https://tg.i-c-a.su/media/enacademic/566745/preview/thumb.jpeg" style="max-width:100%"/></blockquote>

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:01


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Jul 8th 2020, 18:01

<br/>Легкие утепленные брюки-самосбросы. Указанная производителем темпера...тура комфорта -5° C - согласно стандарту (EN 342). Основными достоинствами брюк являются ветро-водонепроницаемость, хорошая дышимость, прочность, малые вес и объем упаковки. Может использоваться как дополнительный утеплитель к HIG и MIG, так и отдельно Двухзамковая молния по бокам от низа до талии позволяет быстро снимать и надевать брюки Все внешние молнии водонепроницаемые Регулируемые утяжки снизу штанин Компрессионный чехол в комплекте Внешняя ткань – Windstopper ® Shelltrans от компании Gore. [ 2,641 more words ] <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fformaodezhda.wordpress.com%2F2020%2F07%2F08%2Fcarinthia-%25d0%25ba%25d1%2583%25d0%25bf%25d0%25b8%25d1%2582%25d1%258c-%25d1%2584%25d0%25be%25d1%2580%25d0%25bc%25d0%25b0-%25d0%25be%25d0%25b4%25d0%25b5%25d0%25b6%25d0%25b4%25d1%258b-7%2F&h=AT3sfbmqIAEmiEFt-ScKf-bkUf8jGdiH8FENrEhjyHMLcexur2NEhhglcVpTMkaQ-u6SvV2tJSSzmuJ4f8piKfndKj-1Jn_Oxf1bw3mzvhtIfFw4eozxY8QEyFZ4YiL44V9VIzlljubP48iSi4BdA0s" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://formaodezhda.wordpress.com/…/c…/</a> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/formaodezhdaru/posts/576290453249847" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">See More</a><br /> <br /> via Vk formaodezhda digest <a href="https://ift.tt/2VV4fkc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/2VV4fkc</a><br/><br/>

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Jul 8th 2020, 18:01

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

<br/>formaodezhdaru Just tweeted Куртки БАРС Купить: <a href="https://t.co/JamJxrgCzy" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://t.co/JamJxrgCzy</a><br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://t.co/JamJxrgCzy"><cite><b>Форма одежды</b></cite></br><b>Куртки БАРС Купить</b></br>Выбрать, заказать и купить Куртки БАРС можно в интернет-магазине Форма-одежда. Описание с фотографиями и отзывы покупателей — все для вашего удобства выбора. В Москву, Московскую область (Под…</br><img src="https://tg.i-c-a.su/media/enacademic/566531/preview/thumb.jpeg" style="max-width:100%"/></blockquote>

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

<br/><strong>formaodezhdaru</strong> <i>Just tweeted</i> ********************************************** Куртки БАРС Купить: <a href="https://t.co/JamJxrgCzy" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://t.co/JamJxrgCzy</a><br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://t.co/JamJxrgCzy"><cite><b>Форма одежды</b></cite></br><b>Куртки БАРС Купить</b></br>Выбрать, заказать и купить Куртки БАРС можно в интернет-магазине Форма-одежда. Описание с фотографиями и отзывы покупателей — все для вашего удобства выбора. В Москву, Московскую область (Под…</br><img src="https://tg.i-c-a.su/media/enacademic/566530/preview/thumb.jpeg" style="max-width:100%"/></blockquote>

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

<br/><strong>formaodezhdaru</strong> <i>Just tweeted</i> ********************************************** заступ ² — <a href="https://ift.tt/3dkLVrk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/3dkLVrk</a> <a href="https://t.co/XHc6x4lliB" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://t.co/XHc6x4lliB</a><br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://t.co/XHc6x4lliB"><cite><b>Форма одежды</b></cite></br><b>заступ ² — academic2.ru</b></br>Записи @formaodezhdaru</br><img src="https://tg.i-c-a.su/media/enacademic/566528/preview/thumb.jpeg" style="max-width:100%"/></blockquote>

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

<br/><strong>желчегонный ² - <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/academic2.ru" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">academic2.ru</a></strong><br /> <br /> <a href="https://gooo.im/Jvz9MS" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Подробнее</a><br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://gooo.im/Jvz9MS"><cite><b>Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias</b></cite></br><b>желчегонный

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

<br/><strong>желчегонный ² - Слитно. Раздельно. Через дефис ...</strong><br /> <br /> <a href="https://gooo.im/OMgH0B" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Подробнее</a><br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://gooo.im/OMgH0B"><cite><b>Словари и энциклопедии на Академике</b></cite></br><b>желчегонный

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:29

<br/><strong>болтун ² - <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/academic2.ru" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">academic2.ru</a></strong><br /> <br /> <a href="https://gooo.im/OySMtz" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Подробнее</a><br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://gooo.im/OySMtz"><cite><b>Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias</b></cite></br><b>болтун

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:28

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Jul 8th 2020, 17:28

<br/><strong>Blue Lake Christmas Mystery 9781509210756 Cynth ...</strong><br /> <a href="https://ift.tt/3iGFXUX" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://ift.tt/3iGFXUX</a><br /> <code>Il y a 7 heures - Blue Lake Christmas Mystery 9781509210756 Cynthia Harrison</code><br /> <br /> via <a href="http://feed.informer.com/digests/XU69HJTEHZ/store.academic2.ru" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">store.academic2.ru</a><br/><br/><blockquote cite="https://ift.tt/3iGFXUX"><cite><b>Serendeputy</b></cite></br><b>

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