пятница, 24 июля 2020 г.

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puncture - Encyclopédie Universelle -...
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Coat of Arms of Corsica - fracademic.com https://ift.tt/2CP1Xwy Coat of Arms of Corsica -...
List of Bank Identification Numbers https://ift.tt/2ZbNTWy This page contains an incomplete list...
&kappa;&lambda;ί&sigma;&iota;&sigmaf; - Greek morphological...
https://telegram.me &rsaquo; enacademiccom https://ift.tt/2ZnU1cW 05.06.2020 - While Dr...
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enacademic.com ² – Telegram - tlg.fyi https://ift.tt/39mNtjA 1 déc. 2019 - relativo all...
vibrant - Collocations dictionary https://ift.tt/3djFup1 22 oct. 2019 - Look at other...
hammer - English terms dictionary https://terms_en.enacademic.com/19386 NOUN 1) a tool consisting...
pungent - Etymology dictionary https://ift.tt/2KIfUwD 20 oct. 2019 - 1590s, sharp, poignant (of...
Quellennachweise - Van Wattlü un Indioners
Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt
Barockmusik: Die Oper
Es war die Nachtigall und nicht die Lerche
Methode von Ziegler und Nichols
Werbeerfolgskontrolle - Lexikon der Economics - DeAcademic
Hyposthenurie - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
trochoginglymus - Fachwörterbuch Medizin Englisch-Deutsch
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Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

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Dans un Limousin où les petites villes de contact connaissent une certaine activité commerciale, il n'y a ni armature ni hiérarchie urbaines. Une ville domine​ ...

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Encyclopédie Universelle - Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies sur 'Academic'

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

https://kreyol_words.fracademic.com › Literati
Anpil ekriti ki te fèt pou eksplike kèk bagay nan yon sosyete. Tout travay avèk zèv ekriven yon peyi tankou pwezi, romans e latriye. Travay yon moun ki ap pale ...

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Definisyon 2500 mo Kreyòl - Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies sur 'Academic'

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

https://encyclopedie_universelle.fracademic.com › hébétude
[ ebetyd ] n. f. • 1535; bas lat. hebetudo 1 ♢ Méd. État morbide marqué par une obnubilation des fonctions intellectuelles (émotion violente, abus de calmants ou​ ...

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Encyclopédie Universelle - Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies sur 'Academic'

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noms_de_lieux.fracademic.com &rsaquo; ... http://noms_de_lieux.fracademic.com/7969 Regardez...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires: JEU — QU'IL soit individuel ou collectif, le jeu est une activité qui semble échapper, presque par définition, aux normes de la ...

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Jéu - Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies sur 'Academic'
jéu, jéugue sureau herbacé Gascogne

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

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Charles BRUCK 1911 1995 En France, pendant un quart de siècle, après la Libération, la radio nationale a joué un rôle considérable en faveur de la musique ...

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

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état du centre des È. U., dans les Grandes Plaines, limité à l E. par le Missouri; 200 017 km²; 1 578 000 hab.; cap. Lincoln. Grande rég. agricole. Pétrole.

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Encyclopédie Universelle - Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies sur 'Academic'

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

https://encyclopedie_universelle.fracademic.com › placeau
placette [ plasɛt ] n. f. • 1356, repris XIXe; de place 1 ♢ Rare Petite place. « La placette de l église » (Giono). 2 ♢ Sylv. Petite parcelle de forêt réservée aux ...

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Encyclopédie Universelle - Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies sur 'Academic'

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french_academie.fracademic.com &rsaquo;...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

french_academie.fracademic.com › solemnisation
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires: solemnisation — noun the public performance of a sacrament or solemn ceremony with all appropriate ritual the celebration of ...

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solemnisation - Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies sur 'Academic'
Solemnisation, ou Solennisation. s. f. v. Action par laquelle on solemnise. La solemnisation d une feste. on a fait de grands preparatifs pour la solemnisation de cette feste

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

https://encyclopedie_universelle.fracademic.com › drift
[ drift ] n. m. • 1842; mot angl. ♢ Anglic. Géol. Dépôt laissé par le recul d un glacier​. ○ drift nom masculin (anglais drift, poussée) Transistor dans lequel la partie ...

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Encyclopédie Universelle - Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies sur 'Academic'

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puncture - Encyclopédie Universelle -...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

puncture - Encyclopédie Universelle - Fracademic.com
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires: Puncture — may mean:*A wound caused by such objects as nails or needles **A puncture wound to the lungs may cause ...

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puncture - Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies sur 'Academic'
● puncture nom féminin (latin punctura, piqûre) Piqûre effectuée dans un dessein diagnostique ou thérapeutique, en particulier dans le cadre de l acupuncture

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer
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https://ift.tt/3hwf04X &rsaquo; agaga https://ift.tt/3f1eAln adj. Néologisme à partir de...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

https://ift.tt/3hwf04X › agaga
adj. Néologisme à partir de gaga. Gâteux. Tout agaga comateux qu il avait l air Pléiade IV, 646.

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Dictionnaire Céline - Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies sur 'Academic'

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Coat of Arms of Corsica - fracademic.com https://ift.tt/2CP1Xwy Coat of Arms of Corsica -...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:50, by Feed Informer

Coat of Arms of Corsica - fracademic.com
Coat of Arms of Corsica - fracademic.com

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List of Bank Identification Numbers https://ift.tt/2ZbNTWy This page contains an incomplete list...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

List of Bank Identification Numbers
This page contains an incomplete list of bank identification numbers and to which bank or institution they are assigned. List of bank identification numbers The first 6 digits of a credit card number is known as the Bank Identification Number…

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List of Bank Identification Numbers - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
This page contains an incomplete list of bank identification numbers and to which bank or institution they are assigned. List of bank identification numbers The first 6 digits of a credit card number is known as the Bank Identification Number…

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&kappa;&lambda;ί&sigma;&iota;&sigmaf; - Greek morphological...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

κλίσις - Greek morphological index
κλίσῑς , κλίσις bending fem acc pl (epic doric ionic aeolic) κλίσις bending fem nom sg.

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κλίσις - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
κλίσῑς , κλίσις bending fem acc pl (epic doric ionic aeolic) κλίσις bending fem nom sg

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https://telegram.me &rsaquo; enacademiccom https://ift.tt/2ZnU1cW 05.06.2020 - While Dr...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

https://telegram.me › enacademiccom
05.06.2020 - While Dr Desai's India connection isn't easily available, Enacademic.com, a site having links to reference materials/dictionaries and encyclopedias, ...

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ensafe - Useful english dictionary http://useful_english.enacademic.com/684792 ensad, ensafe, er,...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

ensafe - Useful english dictionary
ensad, ensafe, er, ensaffron see en prefix1 2 and 1 b.

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ensafe - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
ensad, ensafe, er, ensaffron see en prefix1 2 and 1 b

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enacademic.com ² Webview 44529 Telegram https://ift.tt/2OU6Xmi Il y a 19 heures - A papyrus...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

enacademic.com ² Webview 44529 Telegram
Il y a 19 heures - A papyrus can also be a document or drawing produced on papyrus. The plural form of the word is papyri.… via enacademic.com · Academic Dictionaries and ...

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https://ift.tt/2Mo2res &rsaquo; ... https://ift.tt/3g0oBjU Look at other dictionaries: Litani...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

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Look at other dictionaries: Litani — der, 1) [ liːtaːniː], Fluss in Südamerika, Oberlauf des Maroni. 2) [li taːni], arabisch Nahr el Litani [ naxr ], im Altertum ...

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Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

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enacademic.com ² – Telegram - tlg.fyi https://ift.tt/39mNtjA 1 déc. 2019 - relativo all...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

enacademic.com ² – Telegram - tlg.fyi
1 déc. 2019 - relativo all apparato urinario e a quello genitale: affezioni urogenitali {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1875. ETIMO: comp. di 3uro e​ ... via enacademic.com · Academic ...

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vibrant - Collocations dictionary https://ift.tt/3djFup1 22 oct. 2019 - Look at other...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

vibrant - Collocations dictionary
22 oct. 2019 - Look at other dictionaries: vibrant — vibrant, ante [ vibrɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1747; de vibrer 1 ♢ Qui vibre (1o), est en vibration. Les cordes, lames, membranes vibrantes ...

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vibrant - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
adj. Vibrant is used with these nouns: ↑colour, ↑community, ↑culture, ↑economy, ↑mix, ↑neighbourhood, ↑personality, ↑red

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hammer - English terms dictionary https://terms_en.enacademic.com/19386 NOUN 1) a tool consisting...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

hammer - English terms dictionary
NOUN 1) a tool consisting of a heavy metal head mounted at the end of a handle, used for breaking things and driving in nails. 2) an auctioneer s mallet, tapped ...

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hammer - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
► NOUN 1) a tool consisting of a heavy metal head mounted at the end of a handle, used for breaking things and driving in nails. 2) an auctioneer s mallet, tapped to indicate a sale. 3) a part of a mechanism that hits another, e.g. one exploding…

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pungent - Etymology dictionary https://ift.tt/2KIfUwD 20 oct. 2019 - 1590s, sharp, poignant (of...
Jul 25th 2020, 03:39, by Feed Informer

pungent - Etymology dictionary
20 oct. 2019 - 1590s, sharp, poignant (of pain or grief), from L. pungentem (nom. pungens), prp. of pungere to prick, pierce, sting, related to pugnus fist (see PUGNACIOUS (Cf.

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pungent - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
1590s, sharp, poignant (of pain or grief), from L. pungentem (nom. pungens), prp. of pungere to prick, pierce, sting, related to pugnus fist (see PUGNACIOUS (Cf. pugnacious)). Meaning having powerful odor or taste first recorded 1660s. Literal…

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

&rsaquo; Clavicytherium
Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach: Clavicytherium — (en haut à droite) Gravure tirée de Syntagma musicum (Michael Praetorius, 1615 1619) ...

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Quellennachweise - Van Wattlü un Indioners
Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

22.08.2019 - Neptun (Mythologie). https://deacademic.com/dic.nsf/dewiki/1009 · https://www.aicchicago.org/about-powwows. Übersetzungshilfen. Wörterbuch Plattdeutsch/ ...

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Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt
Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

Dieses Zitat stammt aus Goethes Faust (Teil I, »Prolog im Himmel«). Mephisto wettet mit Gott um Fausts Seelenheil; er möchte allerdings die Erlaubnis, diesen Menschen sacht auf den schlechten Weg führen zu dürfen.Der Herr antwortet darauf: »Solang er auf der Erde lebt,/Solange sei dir's nicht verboten./Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt.«

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

https://ift.tt/2N90lzn &rsaquo; ...
Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach: ADH — is a three letter acronym that may refer to:Airports*Ada Municipal Airport (IATA airport code: ADH​) in ...

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

Man soll nicht zwei Hasen auf einmal jagen
За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь

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Barockmusik: Die Oper
Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

Ebenfalls von überregionaler Bedeutung war die Mitwirkung eines Kastraten in Stefano Landis 1632 aufgeführten geistlichen Oper »Alessio« in Rom. Ein kirchliches Dekret hatte das Auftreten von Frauen auf der Bühne untersagt, und so musste man sich mit Kastraten in den Frauenrollen behelfen. Dass die Kastraten zugleich auch einer barocken Sehnsucht nach Übersteigertem und Unnatürlichem ...

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

TIL Early Disney cartoons mocked the Warner Bros. cartoons use of the Acme Corp. by creating their own Ajax Corporation.

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

https://ift.tt/30niMZ0 &rsaquo; ...
Hẹrtz [nach dem dt. Physiker H.HertzR. Hertz, 1857 1894] s; , : Einheit der Schwingungszahl (Frequenz) elektromagnetischer Wellen pro Sekunde; Abk.: Hz​ ...

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

pecao - Diccionario Jaén-Español - Esacademic
Oct 10, 2019 - Mira otros diccionarios: pecao — cf. (afines) ▻ feo … Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez". Carlos Mario Aguirre — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Carlos Mario ...

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

TIL of the Tolstoy Cup. A football competition involving only two teams, the Department of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford and the Department of War Studies at King's College London.

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Es war die Nachtigall und nicht die Lerche
Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

Dieses Zitat stammt aus Shakespeares »Romeo und Julia« (III, 5). Seit dem englischen Dichter Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) galt die Nachtigall als Liebesvogel und die Lerche als Verkünderin des Morgens. Auf dem Hintergrund dieser Zuordnung sagt Julia beim Ruf eines Vogels zu Romeo, den sie nach gemeinsamer Nacht noch nicht gehen lassen will: It was the nightingale, and not the lark,/That ...

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Methode von Ziegler und Nichols
Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

Garbett - surnames.enacademic.com
Look at other dictionaries: Garbett — is a surname, and may refer to:* Cyril Garbett * James Garbett * Lee Garbett … Wikipedia. Garbett — Cyril Forster Garbett (* 6. Februar 1875 in Tongham, Surrey; † 31. Dezember 1955) in York, war von 1919 1932 Bischof von Southwark 1932 bis 1943 Bischof von Winchester und von 1942 bis 1955 Erzbischof von York und Metropolit von England.

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Werbeerfolgskontrolle - Lexikon der Economics - DeAcademic
Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

Werbewirkungskontrolle; Überprüfung der Effektivität und Effizienz der eingesetzten ⇡ Werbemittel und ⇡ Media. Diese können vor oder nach ihrem Einsatz ...

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

Krim - Hrvatski jezični portal
Krȋm m DEFINICIJA geogr. poluotok između Azovskog i Crnog mora u sastavu Ukrajine 27.000 km2, 2.550.000 stan., glavni grad Simferopolj, najveća luka ...

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

Size of the Turkic Khaganate

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Hyposthenurie - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic
Jul 25th 2020, 03:38, by Feed Informer

29.11.2019 - Hyposthen|urie [zu griechisch sthénos »Kraft« und oũron »Harn«] die, /... ri |en, Ausscheidung eines verdünnten Harns als Anzeichen beginnender ...

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trochoginglymus - Fachwörterbuch Medizin Englisch-Deutsch
Jul 25th 2020, 03:37, by Feed Informer

m, Rad Scharnier Gelenk n.

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:37, by Feed Informer

Cultura underground - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Jul 12, 2020 - Underground (subterráneo en español) es un término de origen inglés con el que se designa a ... «Beatnik». https://esacademic.com. &uarr; «La cultura hippie: ...

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:37, by Feed Informer

Gramineae - Universal-Lexikon - deacademic.com
Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach: Gramineae — n. 1. the grasses: chiefly herbaceous but some woody plants including cereals; bamboo; ...

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:37, by Feed Informer

Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now!ContextEmbedView In Channel<script async src="https://telegram.org/js/telegram-widget.js?10" data-telegram-post="enacademiccom/45034" data-width="100%"></script>Copy

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:37, by Feed Informer

Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now!ContextEmbedView In Channel<script async src="https://telegram.org/js/telegram-widget.js?10" data-telegram-post="deacademiccom/42195" data-width="100%"></script>Copy

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Jul 25th 2020, 03:37, by Feed Informer

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