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Jun 24th 2020, 17:20, by Feed Informer

  • superceded — v. take the place of, supplant, replace; cause to become obsolete; succeed in a position or role (also supersede) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Colorectal cancer — Classification and external resources Diagram of the lower gastrointestinal tract ICD 10 C …   Wikipedia

  • Nicolas Jenson — Nicolaus Jenson, portrait Nicolas Jenson (1420 in Sommevoire, France – 1480 in Venice, Italy) was a French engraver, pioneer printer and type designer who accomplished most of his work in Venice. Jenson acted as Master of the French Royal mint at …   Wikipedia

  • Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act — The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) is a United States federal law, enacted in 2004, that allows two classes of persons the qualified law enforcement officer and the qualified retired law enforcement officer to carry a concealed… …   Wikipedia

  • Tamwar Masood — Infobox EastEnders character 2 character name =Tamwar Masood actor name =Himesh Patel years = 2007 creator =Diederick Santer first = 1 October 2007 last = classification=Present; regular home = 41 Albert Square occupation = Student father =… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Macross Frontier terminology — The following is the elaborated list of fictitious terms and specific definitive technological terminology from the anime series Macross Frontier . Macross Frontier Fleet GovernmentThe 25th New Macross class Colonial Fleet or Macross Frontier… …   Wikipedia

  • Нотный редактор — (программа нотатор) компьютерная программа, предназначенная для набора нотного текста. Нотный редактор работает с нотами подобно тому, как текстовый редактор с текстом. Содержание 1 Функции 2 История 3 …   Википедия

  • Нотатор — Нотный редактор (программа нотатор) компьютерная программа, предназначенная для набора нотного текста. Нотный редактор работает с нотами подобно тому, как текстовый редактор с текстом. Содержание 1 Функции 2 История 3 Нотные редакторы …   Википедия

  • Программа-нотатор — Нотный редактор (программа нотатор) компьютерная программа, предназначенная для набора нотного текста. Нотный редактор работает с нотами подобно тому, как текстовый редактор с текстом. Содержание 1 Функции 2 История 3 Нотные редакторы …   Википедия

  • Rhabdocoela — Order of aquatic turbellaria (flatworms). Superceded as a classification …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • Messier catalog — Astron. a catalog of nonstellar objects compiled by Charles Messier in 1784 and later slightly extended, now known to contain nebulae, galaxies, and star clusters. * * * List of about 109 star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies compiled by the… …   Universalium

  • Palestine — /pal euh stuyn / for 1, 2; /pal euh steen / for 3, n. 1. Also called Holy Land. Biblical name, Canaan. an ancient country in SW Asia, on the E coast of the Mediterranean. 2. a former British mandate (1923 48) comprising part of this country,… …   Universalium

  • Port Louis — /looh is, looh ee/ a seaport in and the capital of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean, E of Madagascar. 136,000. * * * City (pop., 2000: 148,506), capital, and main port of Mauritius. It was founded с 1736 by the French as a port for ships rounding… …   Universalium

  • supercede — /sooh peuhr seed /, v.t., superceded, superceding. supersede. * * * …   Universalium

  • trireme — /truy reem/, n. Class. Hist. a galley with three rows or tiers of oars on each side, one above another, used chiefly as a warship. [1595 1605; L triremis having three banks of oars, equiv. to tri TRI + rem(us) oar + is adj. suffix] * * * Oar… …   Universalium

  • Pius X, Saint — orig. Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto born June 2, 1835, Riese, Venetia, Austrian Empire died Aug. 20, 1914, Rome, Italy; canonized May 29, 1954; feast day August 21 Pope (1903–14). Born in the Italian region of Venetia, he became bishop of Mantua in… …   Universalium

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