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via together https://ift.tt/2IMkVU6 Zankapfel - Das Wörterbuch der Idiome - deAcademic Die Redensart geht auf die griechische Sage vom Urteil des...

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http://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/poruchik … http://dlvr.it/RT0RB2 source https://twitter.com/formaodezhdaru/status/1245465845020520448

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Die Redensart »ein Mann, ein Wort« bedeutet, dass gilt, was gesagt ist, dass man sich auf die Aussage des Betreffenden verlassen kann: »Ich kann...

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Remember this site. All languages Abkhaz Adyghe Afrikaans Ainu Akan Albanian Alsatian Altaic Arabic Aragonese Armenian Aromanian Asturian Aymara...

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Eldorado do Sul RBS Radio Mast ( also known as Sans-Souci Mast or as Antena do Parque Técnico Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho) is the tallest man-made...

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Complexdoc 2 04/02/2020 (a.m.) https://ift.tt/2UXSMPu https://ift.tt/eA8V8J Diccionario de oftalmología glándulas de Zeis - https://t.co/pyMrmUrrxX...

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Job [ino] Get the app! iOS · Android Top stories from your feed Follow your interests Band 3...

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1. LAT Alaemon alaudipes (Desfontaine) 2. RUS большой удодовый [(пестрокрылый) пустынный] жаворонок m 3. ENG (greater) hoopoe [bifasciated] lark 4....

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1. LAT Meiglyptes jugularis (Blyth) [Hemicicroides jugularis (Blyth)] 2. RUS хохлатый волнистый дятел m 3. ENG black and buff woodpecker 4. DEU...

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w jucznyj прикм. juczny

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1. LAT Coenagrion ornatum Charp 2. RUS стрелка f украшенная 3. ENG 4. DEU Vogel Azurjungfer f 5. FRA agrion m omé

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1. LAT Diomedea cauta (Gould) 2. RUS белошапочный [пугливый] альбатрос m 3. ENG white capped [shy] albatross 4. DEU Weißkappenalbatros m, scheuer...

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Antoine Joseph Sax (1814 1894), better known as Adolphe, was bom in Dinant, Belgium. His father was a distinguished instrument maker and cabinetmaker.

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glándulas de Zeis - https://t.co/pyMrmUrrxX Eng. Glands of Zeis Glándulas pequeñas incluidas en el espesor de los párpados que secretan lípidos y...

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How to Read Character https://ift.tt/2R3OkOi

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My home is my castle Academic dictionaries and https://ift.tt/3aBpwVv

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imprimer Encyclopédie Universelle https://ift.tt/2UTvUk7

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from Academic summary https://ift.tt/2JJdFJj

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glándulas de Zeis – https://t.co/pyMrmUrrxX Eng. Glands of Zeis Glándulas pequeñas incluidas en el espesor de los párpados que secretan lípidos y...

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Remember this site. All languages Abkhaz Adyghe Afrikaans Ainu Akan Albanian Alsatian Altaic Arabic Aragonese Armenian Aromanian Asturian Aymara...

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image/svg+xml Zigeuner (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilisateur:Zigeuner) fr Flag of Canton of Valais (Wallis) Zigeuner...

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1. Association pour l Emploi Dans l Industrie et le Commerce. 2. Associations paritaires gérées par les organisations patronales et ouvrières....

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Lifehackerru, Analogindex Get the app! iOS · Android Top stories from your feed Follow your interests ...

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Eng. Glands of Zeis Glándulas pequeñas incluidas en el espesor de los párpados que secretan lípidos y que desembocan en los folículos pilosos de...

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