четверг, 2 апреля 2020 г.

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via fracademic.com https://ift.tt/2UsgPpr Tags: Noss - fracademic.com

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Evolution of cetaceans via Academic summary via Academic summary https://ift.tt/2U7Xzxr The approximately 80 modern species in the order Cetacea....

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https://ift.tt/2UV4M4f https://t.co/axUFaqvitE Tags: IFTTT Twitter

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https://ift.tt/2UV4M4f https://t.co/axUFaqvitE Tags: IFTTT Twitter

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Информация взята с ресурса Атрибуты государственной власти . via Pocket https://ift.tt/2WxTiWQ ФОРМЕННАЯ ОДЕЖДА И ЗНАКИ РАЗЛИЧИЯ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫХ...

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Übersetzungen — pm — — — 1. Direct link … Do a right-click on the link above and select "Copy Link" and select "Copy Link"

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Übersetzungen — in toustaanteorie — von russisch — auf englisch — 1

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glotzen: Das seit mhd. Zeit gebräuchliche Verb (mhd. glotzen), das im germ. Sprachbereich mit engl. to gloat »hämisch blicken, anstarren« und...

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Hrvatski jezični portal. trátina — e ž (á) star. trata, travnata površina: stal je na tratini pred hišo / tratina sredi gozda / kopati kose tratine...

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Die Redensart »ein Mann, ein Wort« bedeutet, dass gilt, was gesagt ist, dass man sich auf die Aussage des Betreffenden verlassen kann: »Ich kann...

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Sinónimos: □ brillar, relucir, relumbrar, resplandecer, alumbrar, iluminar Antónimos: □ apagarse Sinónimos: □ destacar, descollar, sobresalir,...

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KSL Купить - Форма одежды: https://t.co/uPXhnWFXPp — Forma-Odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) April 2, 2020 KSL Купить - Форма одежды:...

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https://t.co/Kuvba2GwfU: https://t.co/axUFaqvitE — Forma-Odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) April 2, 2020 https://ift.tt/2UV4M4f https://t.co/axUFaqvitE...

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Военная форма солдат и офицеров : https://t.co/mlHYBAOrX5 — Forma-Odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) April 2, 2020 Военная форма солдат и офицеров :...

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Книжка спасателя : https://t.co/38hK4PaP9C — Forma-Odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) April 2, 2020 Книжка спасателя : https://t.co/38hK4PaP9C...

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Форма гражданских служащих МО РФ (Приказ N …: https://t.co/tVpMKFtm35 — Forma-Odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) April 2, 2020 Форма гражданских служащих...

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1. LAT Montifringilla (Brehm) 2. RUS снежный вьюрок m, снежный воробей m 3. ENG 4. DEU 5. FRA niverollef

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1. LAT Ptilinopus insolitus (Schlegel) [Jotreron insolita (Schlegel)] 2. RUS шишколобый пёстрый голубь m 3. ENG knob billed fruit, dove 4. DEU...

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1. LAT Phalacrocorax urile (Gmelin) 2. RUS краснолицый баклан m 3. ENG red faced cormorant 4. DEU Rotgesichtsscharbe f 5. FRA cormoran m à face rouge

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1. LAT Dendrocygna arcuata (Horsfield) 2. RUS странствующая свистящая утка f 3. ENG whistling tree duck, wandering whistling duck 4. DEU...

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Fixed or variable vanes, also known as stators, located in front of the first stage of the compressor of a gas turbine engine. These guide vanes...

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These are games where the rules are intentionally concealed from new players, either because their discovery is part of the game itself, or because...

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PCD Nominee Corporation (PCNC) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Philippine Central Depository, a corporation established to improve operations...

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Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd [2009] UKHL 38 is an English contract law case concerning interpretation of contracts. It creates a so called...

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General. Like the normal depth-first search, depth-limited search is an uninformed search. It works exactly like depth-first search, but avoids its...

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Запомнить сайт. Все языки Абхазский Адыгейский Азербайджанский Аймара Айнский язык Акан Албанский Алтайский Английский Арабский Арагонский...

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Procédure pénale: acte d appel émanant du ministère public par lequel il demande à la juridiction du second degré d aggraver une peine qu il estime...

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метресса ² – Русский орфографический словарь https://ift.tt/346znQs

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ram recovery – Aviation dictionary https://ift.tt/2X2SZU9

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vertical separation – Aviation dictionary https://ift.tt/3bEFrlU

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Перевод — ou — со всех языков — на все языки https://ift.tt/2R27Dan

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List of diplomatic missions of North Korea https://ift.tt/344F55o

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метресса https://ift.tt/2WFmpYu

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Welthauptstadt Germania https://ift.tt/2R5M2hl

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birds_la_ru.enacademic.com https://birds_la_ru.enacademic.com/16165/Hirundapus_caudacutus

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